
Computing Reciprocals of Fixed-Point Numbers by the Newton-Raphson Method — Division by Multiplication

August 11, 20115 comments Coded in ASM for the TI C64x
* =========================================================================== *
*                                                                             *
*  Compute reciprocals of a Q.15 vector by Newton-Raphson method              *
*      y[i] = ym[i] * 2^ye[i] = 1 / x[i], -1 <= x[i] < 1 and x[i] != 0        *
*      where ym is the mantissa vector and ye is the exponent vector          *
*                                                                             *
*  C prototype:                                                               *
*       void DSP_vrecip16n(short* x,    // Input, Q.15 vector                 *
*                          short* ym,   // Output, Q.15 vector                *
*                          short* ye,   // Output, int16 vector               *
*                          int    N);   // Input, vector length               *
*                                                                             *
*  Restriction:                                                               *
*       (N % 4) == 0 and N >= 24                                              *
*                                                                             *
*  Performance:                                                               *
*       55+2.5*N (software pipelining enabled by -O2, CCS5.1)                 *
*                                                                             *
*  Relative error:                                                            *
*       (-2^-16, 2^-16)                                                       *
*                                                                             *
*  Algorithm:                                                                 *
*       Input: V, abs(x[i]) normalized to [.5, 1)                             *
*       Initialization: U0 = (V-.75)^2 + 1.4256-V, ~1/(2*V), 5.9233 bits      *
*       Iteration 1:    U1 = U0*(1-V*U0),          ~1/(4*V), 11.481 bits      *
*       Iteration 2:    U2 = 8*U1*(.5-V*U1),       ~1/(2*V), 22.585 bits      *
*       Output in the format of Fl16 = Q.15(mant)|Int16(expt)                 *
*                                                                             *
* =========================================================================== *
        .sect ".text: _DSP_vrecip16n"
        .global _DSP_vrecip16n

_DSP_vrecip16n: .cproc  A_X, B_YM, A_YE, B_n   
        .rega   A_x0, A_x1, A_rr, A_nx0, A_nx1, A_nx10, A_ny10, A_v10, A_vc10  
        .rega   A_vs1:A_vs0, A_vs10, A_u10, A_vu0, A_vu1, A_vu10, A_u0, A_u1  
        .rega   A_y0, A_y1, A_y32:A_y10, A_vp10, A_x32:A_x10 
        .rega   A_ss, A_cc, A_mm, A_ww, A_w, A_rnd
        .regb   B_x2, B_x3, B_rr, B_nx2, B_nx3, B_nx32, B_y32, B_v32, B_vc32 
        .regb   B_vs3:B_vs2, B_vs32, B_u32, B_vu2, B_vu3, B_vu32, B_u2, B_u3    
        .regb   B_y2, B_y3, B_ny32:B_ny10, B_vp32 
        .regb   B_ss, B_cc, B_mm, B_ww, B_w, B_rnd, B_nn, B_X 
        .reg    B_i, C10, C32, Cl10, Cl32

            ADD         4,              A_X,            B_X
            MVKL        0xB67BB67B,     B_mm                    ; Q15(1.4256)                  
            MVKH        0xB67BB67B,     B_mm                    ; Q15(1.4256)
            MV          B_mm,           A_mm
            MVKL        0x60006000,     A_cc
            MVKH        0x60006000,     A_cc
            MV          A_cc,           B_cc       
            MVKL        0xFFF1FFF1,     B_rr
            MVKH        0xFFF1FFF1,     B_rr
            MV          B_rr,           A_rr
            MVKL        0x80008000,     A_ww
            MVKH        0x80008000,     A_ww
            MV          A_ww,           B_ww
            SHL         A_ww,           15,             A_w     ; 0x40000000  
            SHL         B_ww,           15,             B_w     ; 0x40000000           
            ROTL        A_w,            17,             A_rnd   ; 0x00008000
            ROTL        B_w,            17,             B_rnd   ; 0x00008000
            MVK         15,             A_ss
            MVK         15,             B_ss

            SHR         B_n,            2,              B_i
            SUB         B_i,            2,              B_i
LOOP_vrecip: .trip 16 
            LDH         *A_X++,         A_x0
            LDH         *A_X++[3],      A_x1  
            LDH         *B_X++,         B_x2
            LDH         *B_X++[3],      B_x3
            NORM        A_x0,           A_nx0
            NORM        A_x1,           A_nx1
            NORM        B_x2,           B_nx2
            NORM        B_x3,           B_nx3
            PACK2       A_nx1,          A_nx0,          A_nx10
            PACK2       B_nx3,          B_nx2,          B_nx32
            ADD2        A_rr,           A_nx10,         A_ny10
            ADD2        B_rr,           B_nx32,         B_ny32

            SSHVL       A_x0,           A_nx0,          A_x0
            SSHVL       A_x1,           A_nx1,          A_x1
            SSHVL       B_x2,           B_nx2,          B_x2
            SSHVL       B_x3,           B_nx3,          B_x3
            PACKH2      A_x1,           A_x0,           A_v10
            PACKH2      B_x3,           B_x2,           B_v32
            ; Initial value, U0=(V-.75)^2 + 1.4256-V, ~1/(2*V), 5.9233 bits
            ABS2        A_v10,          A_vp10
            ABS2        B_v32,          B_vp32
            SUB2        A_vp10,         A_cc,           A_vc10
            SUB2        B_vp32,         B_cc,           B_vc32
            SUB2        A_mm,           A_vp10,         A_u10
            SUB2        B_mm,           B_vp32,         B_u32
            SMPY2       A_vc10,         A_vc10,         A_vs1:A_vs0
            SMPY2       B_vc32,         B_vc32,         B_vs3:B_vs2
            PACKH2      A_vs1,          A_vs0,          A_vs10
            PACKH2      B_vs3,          B_vs2,          B_vs32
            ADD2        A_vs10,         A_u10,          A_u10
            ADD2        B_vs32,         B_u32,          B_u32
            SHR2        A_v10,          A_ss,           C10
            SHR2        B_v32,          B_ss,           C32
            XOR         C10,            A_u10,          A_u10
            XOR         C32,            B_u32,          B_u32
            ; Iteration 1, U1=U0*(1-V*U0), ~1/(4*V), 11.481 bits
            SMPY2       A_v10,          A_u10,          A_vu1:A_vu0
            SMPY2       B_v32,          B_u32,          B_vu3:B_vu2
            PACKH2      A_vu1,          A_vu0,          A_vu10
            PACKH2      B_vu3,          B_vu2,          B_vu32
            SUB2        A_ww,           A_vu10,         A_vu10
            SUB2        B_ww,           B_vu32,         B_vu32
            SMPY2       A_u10,          A_vu10,         A_u1:A_u0
            SMPY2       B_u32,          B_vu32,         B_u3:B_u2
            PACKH2      A_u1,           A_u0,           A_u10
            PACKH2      B_u3,           B_u2,           B_u32

            ; Iteration 2, U2=8*U1*(1/2-V*U1), ~1/(2*V), 22.585 bits
            SMPY2       A_v10,          A_u10,          A_vu1:A_vu0
            SMPY2       B_v32,          B_u32,          B_vu3:B_vu2
            SUB         A_w,            A_vu0,          A_vu0
            SUB         A_w,            A_vu1,          A_vu1
            SUB         B_w,            B_vu2,          B_vu2
            SUB         B_w,            B_vu3,          B_vu3
            MPYHIR      A_u0,           A_vu0,          A_u0
            MPYHIR      A_u1,           A_vu1,          A_u1
            MPYHIR      B_u2,           B_vu2,          B_u2
            MPYHIR      B_u3,           B_vu3,          B_u3
            SSHL        A_u0,           3,              A_u0
            SSHL        A_u1,           3,              A_u1
            SSHL        B_u2,           3,              B_u2
            SSHL        B_u3,           3,              B_u3          

            ; Fl16 = Q15(mant)|int16(expt)
            SADD        A_u0,           A_rnd,          A_y0
            SADD        A_u1,           A_rnd,          A_y1
            SADD        B_u2,           B_rnd,          B_y2
            SADD        B_u3,           B_rnd,          B_y3
            PACKH2      A_y1,           A_y0,           A_y10
            PACKH2      B_y3,           B_y2,           B_y32
            MV          B_y32,          A_y32
            MV          A_ny10,         B_ny10

            STDW        A_y32:A_y10,    *B_YM++
            STDW        B_ny32:B_ny10,  *A_YE++

            BDEC        LOOP_vrecip,    B_i

Computing Square Root of A Vector of Fixed-Point Numbers

August 9, 2011 Coded in ASM for the TI C64x
* =========================================================================== *
*                                                                             *
*  Compute square root of a Q.15 vector by 4th order polynomial fitting       *
*      y[i] = sqrt(x[i]), 0 <= x[i] < 1;                                      *
*                                                                             * 
*  C prototype:                                                               *
*      void DSP_vsqrt_q15(short* x, short* y, int N);                         *
*                                                                             * 
*  Performance:                                                               *
*      O(4*N) or 4 cycles per number (software pipelining enabled by -O2)     * 
*                                                                             * 
*  Error:                                                                     *
*      (-2^-15, 2^-15)                                                        *
*                                                                             *
* =========================================================================== *  

; chebfun, min max error        
; 0xFFF1024A = Q31(-0.0005)      
; 0x0046E0AB = Q31(0.0022)       
; 0xFE764EE1 = Q31(-0.0120)      
; 0x1277E288 = Q31(0.1443)       
; 0x6ED9EBA1 = Q31(0.8660)       

; polyfit, min sqr error   
; 0xFFF1203D = Q31(-0.0005)
; 0x004581E7 = Q31(0.0021) 
; 0xFE7645AF = Q31(-0.0120)
; 0x1278CF97 = Q31(0.1443) 
; 0x6ED9E687 = Q31(0.8660) 

SQRT_C4 .set 0xFFF1203D  
SQRT_C3 .set 0x004581E7  
SQRT_C2 .set 0xFE7645AF  
SQRT_C1 .set 0x1278CF97  
SQRT_C0 .set 0x6ED9E687  
SQRT_S  .set 0x5A82799A ;  Q31(0.7071)

        .sect ".text: _DSP_vsqrt_q15"
        .global _DSP_vsqrt_q15

_DSP_vsqrt_q15: .cproc  A_X, B_Y, A_n

        .rega A_C4, A_C3, A_C2, A_C1, A_C0, A_xx0, A_rnd, A_y0
        .rega A_y0c4, A_y0c3, A_y0c2, A_y0c1, A_x0c3, A_x0c2, A_x0c1, A_x0c0
        .rega A_S, A_e0, A_x0x, A_xm, A_y0l, A_y0h, A_y0s
        .regb B_C4, B_C3, B_C2, B_C1, B_C0, B_xx1, B_rnd, B_y1, B_y10
        .regb B_y1c4, B_y1c3, B_y1c2, B_y1c1, B_x1c3, B_x1c2, B_x1c1, B_x1c0
        .regb B_S, B_e1, B_x1x, B_xm, B_y1l, B_y1h, B_y1s, B_X
        .reg  B_i, C0, C1
            ADD         2,              A_X,            B_X
            MVK         0x1,            A_rnd
            SHL         A_rnd,          15,             A_rnd
            MV          A_rnd,          B_rnd
            MVKL        SQRT_C4,        A_C4
            MVKH        SQRT_C4,        A_C4
            MVKL        SQRT_C3,        B_C3
            MVKH        SQRT_C3,        B_C3

            MV          A_C4,           B_C4
            MV          B_C3,           A_C3
            MVKL        SQRT_C2,        A_C2
            MVKH        SQRT_C2,        A_C2
            MVKL        SQRT_C1,        B_C1
            MVKH        SQRT_C1,        B_C1

            MV          A_C2,           B_C2
            MV          B_C1,           A_C1
            MVKL        SQRT_C0,        A_C0
            MVKH        SQRT_C0,        A_C0
            MVKL        SQRT_S,         B_S
            MVKH        SQRT_S,         B_S
            MV          B_S,            A_S
            MV          A_C0,           B_C0

            MVKL        0x6000,         A_xm
            SHL         A_xm,           16,             A_xm
            MV          A_xm,           B_xm

            SHR         A_n,            1,              B_i
            SUB         B_i,            2,              B_i
LOOP_vsqrt: .trip 8
            LDH.D1T1    *A_X++[2],      A_xx0
            LDH.D2T2    *B_X++[2],      B_xx1
            NORM.L1     A_xx0,          A_e0
            NORM.L2     B_xx1,          B_e1          
            SSHVL.M1    A_xx0,          A_e0,           A_x0x
            SSHVL.M2    B_xx1,          B_e1,           B_x1x

            SUB.D1      A_e0,           16,             A_e0
            SUB.D2      B_e1,           16,             B_e1
            AND.D1      0x1,            A_e0,           C0
            AND.D2      0x1,            B_e1,           C1
            SHR.S1      A_e0,           1,              A_e0
            SHR.S2      B_e1,           1,              B_e1

            SUB.D1      A_x0x,          A_xm,           A_x0x
            SUB.D2      B_x1x,          B_xm,           B_x1x
            SHL.S1      A_x0x,          2,              A_x0x
            SHL.S2      B_x1x,          2,              B_x1x

            MPYHIR.M1   A_x0x,          A_C4,           A_y0c4
            MPYHIR.M2   B_x1x,          B_C4,           B_y1c4
            SADD.L1     A_y0c4,         A_C3,           A_x0c3
            SADD.L2     B_y1c4,         B_C3,           B_x1c3
            MPYHIR.M1   A_x0x,          A_x0c3,         A_y0c3
            MPYHIR.M2   B_x1x,          B_x1c3,         B_y1c3
            SADD.L1     A_y0c3,         A_C2,           A_x0c2
            SADD.L2     B_y1c3,         B_C2,           B_x1c2

            MPYHIR.M1   A_x0x,          A_x0c2,         A_y0c2
            MPYHIR.M2   B_x1x,          B_x1c2,         B_y1c2
            SADD.L1     A_y0c2,         A_C1,           A_x0c1
            SADD.L2     B_y1c2,         B_C1,           B_x1c1

            MPYHIR.M1   A_x0x,          A_x0c1,         A_y0c1
            MPYHIR.M2   B_x1x,          B_x1c1,         B_y1c1
            SADD.L1     A_y0c1,         A_C0,           A_x0c0
            SADD.L2     B_y1c1,         B_C0,           B_x1c0

            ; A_S = B_S = 0x5A82799A ~= 0x5A820000 + 0x00008000
     [C0]   MPYHIR.M1   A_S,            A_x0c0,         A_y0h
     [C1]   MPYHIR.M2   B_S,            B_x1c0,         B_y1h
     [C0]   SHR         A_x0c0,         16,             A_y0l
     [C1]   SHR         B_x1c0,         16,             B_y1l 
     [C0]   SADD.L1     A_y0h,          A_y0l,          A_x0c0
     [C1]   SADD.L2     B_y1h,          B_y1l,          B_x1c0

            SHR.S1      A_x0c0,         A_e0,           A_y0s
            SHR.S2      B_x1c0,         B_e1,           B_y1s

            SADD.L1     A_y0s,          A_rnd,          A_y0
            SADD.L2     B_y1s,          B_rnd,          B_y1
            PACKH2.S2X  B_y1,           A_y0,           B_y10                       

            STW.D2T2    B_y10,          *B_Y++

            BDEC        LOOP_vsqrt,     B_i

vectors_intr.asm - External Interruption Configuration

David Valencia February 2, 2011 Coded in ASM for the TI C67x
*Vectors_intr.asm Vector file for interrupt INT11 
   .global _vectors     ;global symbols 
   .global _c_int00 
   .global _vector1 
   .global _vector2 
   .global _vector3 
   .global _c_int04     ; símbolo para EXT_INT4 
   .global _vector5 
   .global _vector6 
   .global _vector7 
   .global _vector8 
   .global _vector9    
   .global _vector10  
   .global _c_int11        ;for INT11 
   .global _vector12   
   .global _vector13    
   .global _vector14 
   .global _vector15 
   .ref _c_int00        ;entry address 
VEC_ENTRY .macro addr      ;macro for ISR 
    STW   B0,*--B15 
    MVKL  addr,B0 
    MVKH  addr,B0 
    B     B0 
    LDW   *B15++,B0 
    NOP   2 
  B    NRP 
  NOP  5 
  B    IRP 
  NOP  5 
 .sect ".vecs"        ;aligned IST section 
 .align 1024 
_vector0:   VEC_ENTRY _c_int00     ;RESET 
_vector1:   VEC_ENTRY _vec_nmi   ;NMI 
_vector2:   VEC_ENTRY _vec_dummy    ;RSVD 
_vector3:   VEC_ENTRY _vec_dummy 
_vector4:   VEC_ENTRY _c_int04    ;INT04 Externa 
_vector5:   VEC_ENTRY _vec_dummy 
_vector6:   VEC_ENTRY _vec_dummy 
_vector7:   VEC_ENTRY _vec_dummy 
_vector8:   VEC_ENTRY _vec_dummy 
_vector9:   VEC_ENTRY _vec_dummy 
_vector10:  VEC_ENTRY _vec_dummy 
_vector11:  VEC_ENTRY _c_int11      ;ISR address 
_vector12:  VEC_ENTRY _vec_dummy 
_vector13:  VEC_ENTRY _vec_dummy 
_vector14:  VEC_ENTRY _vec_dummy 
_vector15:  VEC_ENTRY _vec_dummy

Fixed-point IIR Filter Code Generator for ARM

Jordan November 30, 2010 Coded in ASM for the ARM
 * fixedp lowpass_iir(fixedp *w, fixedp x);
 * Fixed point IIR filtering routine for ARM. Computes output y for
 * input x. The output will have the same fracbits as the input.
 *  w: caller-allocated array for state storage. Should be length 2*L.
 *  x: sample to filter
 * Required data:
 *   LENGTH: number of sections
 *   .sos: sos matrix
 *   SOS_FRACBITS: sos fracbits
 *   .gain: scale values array
 *   G_FRACBITS: scale values fracbits
 * Register usage:
 *   r0: address of internal state array (w)
 *   r1: x
 *   r2: address of SOS array
 *   r3: address of gain array
 *   r4: w0
 *   r5: w1
 *   r6: y
 *   r7: long multiply lo word
 *   r8: long multiply hi word
 *   r9:  B1
 *   r10: B2
 *   r11: A1
 *   r12: A2
 *   r14: loop counter

.set LENGTH,  3
.set SOS_FRACBITS,  30
.set G_FRACBITS,  31

.section .rodata
.align 4

    .word 0x49be7eaf, 0x40000000, 0xc4c9d93a, 0x251f228c
    .word 0x1d81c8a5, 0x40000000, 0xdaa0b600, 0x37cef3c1
    .word 0x40000000, 0x00000000, 0xd87b730c, 0x00000000


    .word 0x06b1dbb5, 0x42fe27a0, 0x613d5d5a


.global	lowpass_iir
.func   lowpass_iir
	push {r4-r11, lr}

	mov  r14, #0								/* i = 0 */
	ldr  r2, =.sos								/* load address of SOS matrix */
	ldr  r3, =.gain								/* load address of gain coefficient array */

	cmp  r14, #LENGTH
	bge  .endloop

	/* load all the SOS coefficients we need into r8-r12 and increment the SOS pointer */
	ldmia r2!, {r9-r12}							/* B1, B2, A1, A2 */

	/* x = gain[i]*x */
	ldr    r6, [r3], #4							/* load current element of gain array into r6 and increment by 4 */
	smull  r7, r8, r1, r6						/* 64-bit multiply: r5:r4 = x*gain[i]; */
	mov    r1, r7, lsr#G_FRACBITS				/* shift lo word to the right by G_FRACBITS */
	orr    r1, r1, r8, lsl#(32 - G_FRACBITS)		/* shift hi word to the right by G_FRACBITS  and OR with lo word*/

	/* load w0 and w1 into r4, r5, but do NOT increment */
	ldm    r0, {r4-r5}

	/* y(r6) = x(r1) + w[W0](r4)*/
	add r6, r1, r4

	/* w0(r4) = .sos[B1](r9)*x(r1) - .sos[A1](r11)*y(r6) + w[W1](r5); */
	rsb    r11, r11, #0							/* .sos[A1] = -sos[A1] */
	smull  r7, r8, r9, r1						/* r8:r7 = sos[B1]*x */
	smlal  r7, r8, r11, r6						/* r8:r7 += -sos[A1]*y */
	mov    r4, r7, lsr#SOS_FRACBITS				/* shift lo word to the right by SOS_FRACBITS */
	orr    r4, r4, r8, lsl#(32 - SOS_FRACBITS)	/* shift hi word to the right by SOS_FRACBITS and OR with lo word*/
	add    r4, r4, r5							/* add w1 */

	/* w2 = sos[B2]*x(r1) - .sos[A2](r12)*y(r6); */
	rsb    r12, r12, #0							/* .sos[A2] = -sos[A2] */
	smull  r7, r8, r10, r1                      /* r8:r7 = sos[B2](r10)*x(r1) */
	smlal  r7, r8, r12, r6						/* r8:r7 += -sos[A2](r12)*y(r6) */
	mov    r5, r7, lsr#SOS_FRACBITS				/* shift lo word to the right by SOS_FRACBITS */
	orr    r5, r5, r8, lsl#(32 - SOS_FRACBITS)	/* shift hi word to the right by SOS_FRACBITS and OR with lo word*/

	/* need to store w0, w1 back to memory and increment */
	stmia r0!, {r4-r5}

	/* x = y */
	mov    r1, r6

	/* increment pointer and branch to top of loop */
	add r14, r14, #1
	cmp r14, #LENGTH
	blt   .loop

	/* set return val, restore stack, and return */
	mov r0, r6
	pop {r4-r11, lr}
	bx  lr


Fixed-point FIR Filter Code Generator for ARM Assembly

Jordan November 30, 2010 Coded in ASM for the ARM
/* **********************************************************************
 * Fixed Point Filtering Library
 * **********************************************************************
 * lowpass_fir.S
 * Jordan Rhee
 * rhee.jordan@gmail.com
 * http://ieee.ucsd.edu
 * Generated with IEEE UCSD Fixed Pointer Filter Code Generator
 * http://ieee.ucsd.edu/projects/qfilt.php
 * **********************************************************************/

 * fixedp lowpass_fir(fixedp *w, fixedp x);
 * Fixed point FIR filtering routine for ARM. Computes output y for
 * input x. The output will have the same fracbits as the input.
 *  w: caller-allocated array for state storage. Should be length LENGTH+1.
 *  x: sample to filter
 * Required data:
 *   LENGTH: number of coefficients
 *   .h: coefficient array
 *   H_FRACBITS: fracbits of coefficients
 *   r0: address of internal state array. w[LENGTH] contains
 *       index of head of circular buffer.
 *   r1: x
 *   r2: address of coefficient array (h)
 *   r3: j: index of current state value
 *   r4: i: index of current coefficient
 *   r5: h[i]: current filter coefficient
 *   r6: w[j]: current state value
 *   r7: long multiply lo word
 *   r8: long multiply hi word

.set LENGTH,  20
.set H_FRACBITS,  30

.section .rodata
.align 4


    .word 0xffc5ef57, 0xfeb3416c, 0xfdf673b8, 0xffc7fb45
    .word 0x02b1826b, 0x0123c987, 0xfb542f40, 0xfc248828
    .word 0x0ab1bf40, 0x1b3f7457, 0x1b3f7457, 0x0ab1bf40
    .word 0xfc248828, 0xfb542f40, 0x0123c987, 0x02b1826b
    .word 0xffc7fb45, 0xfdf673b8, 0xfeb3416c, 0xffc5ef57


.global	lowpass_fir
.func   lowpass_fir
	push {r4-r8}
	/* w(r0)[j(w[N])] = x */
	ldr  r3, [r0, #(4*LENGTH)]		/* load value of j */
	str  r1, [r0, r3, lsl #2]			/* store x into w[j] */

	/* y = 0; */
	mov r7, #0
	mov r8, #0

	/* load base address of coefficient array */
	ldr r2, =.h

	/* i = 0 */
	mov r4, #0
	cmp r4, #LENGTH
	bge .endloop

	/* y += h[i] * w[j] */
	ldr    r5, [r2, r4, lsl #2]					/* r5 = h[i] */
	ldr    r6, [r0, r3, lsl #2]					/* r6 = w[j] */
	smlal  r7, r8, r5, r6						/* r8:r7 += h[i] * w[j] */
	subs r3, r3, #1								/* j-- */
	movmi r3, #(LENGTH - 1)						/* if j == -1, then j = N-1 */

	add   r4, r4, #1							/* i++ */
	cmp r4, #LENGTH								/* is i less than N */
	blt .loop

	add r3, r3, #1								/* increment j and store back to memory */
	cmp r3, #LENGTH
	moveq r3, #0
	str r3, [r0, #(4*LENGTH)]					/* save new value of j */
	mov    r0, r7, lsr #H_FRACBITS				/* shift lo word to the right by H_FRACBITS */
	orr    r0, r0, r8, lsl #(32 - H_FRACBITS)	/* shift hi word to the right by H_FRACBITS and OR with lo word*/

	pop {r4-r8}
	bx  lr
