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Chirplet Synthesis

Independently of Goodwin and Kogon, Marques and Almeida introduced chirplet modeling of speech in 1989 [164]. This technique is based on the interesting mathematical fact that the Fourier transform of a Gaussian-windowed chirp remains a Gaussian pulse in the frequency domain10.6). Instead of measuring only amplitude and phase at each a spectral peak, the parameters of a complex Gaussian are fit to each peak. The (complex) parameters of each Gaussian peak in the spectral model determine a Gaussian amplitude-envelope and a linear chirp rate in the time domain. Thus, both cross-fading and frequency sweeping are handled automatically by the spectral model. A specific method for carrying this out is described in §10.6. More recent references on chirplet modeling include [197,90,91,89].

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Nonparametric Spectral Peak Modeling
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Inverse FFT Synthesis