Reply by Art Johnson October 11, 20022002-10-11
Yes, we have allocated an extra 4K from the Program Flash in several of our
applications. Details from our Linker Command File "linker.cmd" are shown below
(this is for the 807 chip, you will need to change this to work with the memory
map in the 805 chip): #*******************************************************************************
# Linker.cmd file for the DSP56F807 chip,
# using internal data memory only ( EX = 0, Boot Mode 0A )

MEMORY { # .pInterruptVector (RX) : ORIGIN = 0x0000, LENGTH = 0x0086
.pInterruptVector (RX) : ORIGIN = 0x0004, LENGTH = 0x0082
.pFlash (RX) : ORIGIN = 0x0086, LENGTH = 0xD77A
.pConstFlash (RX) : ORIGIN = 0xD800, LENGTH = 0x0800
.pLoaderFlash (RX) : ORIGIN = 0xE000, LENGTH = 0x1000
.pIntRAM (RWX) : ORIGIN = 0xF000, LENGTH = 0x0800
.pIntRAM_Mirror (RWX) : ORIGIN = 0xF000, LENGTH = 0x0800
.pBootFlash (RX) : ORIGIN = 0xF800, LENGTH = 0x0800

.xAvailable (RW) : ORIGIN = 0x0000, LENGTH = 0x0020
.xOSRegisters (RW) : ORIGIN = 0x0020, LENGTH = 0x0010
.xCWRegisters (RW) : ORIGIN = 0x0030, LENGTH = 0x0010
.xIntRAM (RW) : ORIGIN = 0x0040, LENGTH = 0x0FC0
.xIntRAM_Mirror (RWX) : ORIGIN = 0x0040, LENGTH = 0x0FC0
.xStack (RW) : ORIGIN = 0x0F00, LENGTH = 0x0100
.xPeripherals (RW) : ORIGIN = 0x1000, LENGTH = 0x0800
.xReserved (R) : ORIGIN = 0x1800, LENGTH = 0x0800
.xSystemID (R) : ORIGIN = 0x2000, LENGTH = 0x0040
.xRecipe1 (R) : ORIGIN = 0x2000, LENGTH = 0x0800
.xRecipe2 (R) : ORIGIN = 0x2800, LENGTH = 0x0800
.xSystemLog (R) : ORIGIN = 0x3000, LENGTH = 0x0200
.xAssertCap (R) : ORIGIN = 0x3200, LENGTH = 0x0100
.xFlash (R) : ORIGIN = 0x3300, LENGTH = 0x0C00
.xJ1939Data (R) : ORIGIN = 0x3F00, LENGTH = 0x0100
.xExtUartA (RW) : ORIGIN = 0x4000, LENGTH = 0x0008
.xExtReservedA (RW) : ORIGIN = 0x4008, LENGTH = 0x0FF8
.xExtUartB (RW) : ORIGIN = 0x5000, LENGTH = 0x0008
.xExtReservedB (RW) : ORIGIN = 0x5008, LENGTH = 0x0FF8
.xExtFlash (RW) : ORIGIN = 0x6000, LENGTH = 0x1000
.xExtRTC (RW) : ORIGIN = 0x7000, LENGTH = 0x0010
.xExtReservedC (RW) : ORIGIN = 0x7010, LENGTH = 0x0FF0
.xExtRAM (RW) : ORIGIN = 0x8000, LENGTH = 0x7F80
.xExtRAM_Mirror (RWX) : ORIGIN = 0x8000, LENGTH = 0x7F80
.xCoreRegisters (RW) : ORIGIN = 0xFF80, LENGTH = 0x0080
#******************************************************************************* Add the following in the SECTIONS section:
.LoaderPFlashCode :
# Place all extra BootLoader code into Program Flash

bootloader_pflash_code_1.c (.text)
bootloader_pflash_code_2.c (.text)

} > .pLoaderFlash

Put the names of all code modules you want to be in Program Flash in the above
section. I have shown "dummy" names "bootloader_pflash_code_1.c" and

I hope this helps.


Art Johnson
Senior Systems Analyst
PMC Prime Mover Controls Inc.
3600 Gilmore Way
Burnaby, B.C., Canada
V5G 4R8
Phone: 604 433-4644
FAX: 604 433-5570

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:]
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 5:59 AM
Subject: [motoroladsp] Boot sector size in 56805 Actualy the boot sector is 2Kword size. If my boot loader program is more
than 2Kword, can I use normal PFlash ? This obviusly reduce the application
size, but Is boot sector different from normal PFlash sectors ?
Giuliano _____________________________________
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Reply by October 11, 20022002-10-11
Actualy the boot sector is 2Kword size. If my boot loader program is more
than 2Kword, can I use normal PFlash ? This obviusly reduce the application
size, but Is boot sector different from normal PFlash sectors ?