
Interleave Zeros

Jeff T July 10, 20111 comment Coded in Matlab
function out = interleave_zeros(a)

% Interleave vector with zeros.
% Only 1D matrices are supported.
% Usage: b = INTERLEAVE_ZEROS(a);
%        A is the vector that will have zeros inserted
%        B will contain the vector set A and the interleaved
%          zeros (twice the length)
% Author: sparafucile17 2/13/04

my_zeros = zeros(1, length(a));
out = matintrlv([a  my_zeros],2,length(a));

Zero Crossing Counter

Jeff T July 9, 20119 comments Coded in Matlab
function count = zero_crossings(x)
% Count the number of zero-crossings from the supplied time-domain
% input vector.  A simple method is applied here that can be easily
% ported to a real-time system that would minimize the number of
% if-else conditionals.
% Usage:     COUNT = zero_crossings(X);
%            X     is the input time-domain signal (one dimensional)
%            COUNT is the amount of zero-crossings in the input signal
% Author:    sparafucile17 06/27/04

% initial value
count = 0;

% error checks
if(length(x) == 1)
    error('ERROR: input signal must have more than one element');

if((size(x, 2) ~= 1) && (size(x, 1) ~= 1))
    error('ERROR: Input must be one-dimensional');
% force signal to be a vector oriented in the same direction
x = x(:);

num_samples = length(x);
for i=2:num_samples

    % Any time you multiply to adjacent values that have a sign difference
    % the result will always be negative.  When the signs are identical,
    % the product will always be positive.
    if((x(i) * x(i-1)) < 0)
        count = count + 1;

ML Estimation of Several Frequencies Using the Nonuniform FFT

Jesus Selva July 8, 2011 Coded in Matlab
function st = Demo

% Author: J. Selva.
% Date: July 2011.
% Version: 0.

st = [];

n = input('Options: 1 perform single estimation, 2 estimate RMS error: ');

switch n
  case 1
    st = TestSingleTrial;
  case 2

function st = TestSingleTrial

%Scenario with 5 frequencies. 

M = 2048;
SNRInSpecdB = 27; %Signal-to-noise ratio after correlation. 

Nf = 5;
df = 1/M; %Minimum separation among frequencies. 

MaxAmp = 1; %Maximum amplitude.
PFA = 10.^-5;
nVar = M*MaxAmp^2/10^(SNRInSpecdB/10);
nThres = NoiseThres(M,nVar,PFA);
MinAmp = 2*nThres/M;

[vf,va] = RandomFreqAndAmpVectors(Nf,df,MinAmp,MaxAmp);

y = DataRealization(vf,va,M,nVar);

p = Preprocessing(y,nVar,PFA);

disp('True frequencies: ')

disp('True amplitudes: ')

disp(['Post-correlation Signal-to-noise ratio: ',...
      num2str(SNRInSpecdB),' dB'])

s = input('To compute ML estimate, use (S)erial  or (M)anual method? ','s');

if strcmp(lower(s),'s')
  st = MethodSerial1(p);
  st = MethodManual1(p);

disp('ML frequency estimates: ')

disp('ML amplitude estimates: ')

function TestRMSError

%Estimates the RMS error and computes the Cramer-Rao bounds.

format compact
format short g

M = 2048;
SNRInSpecdB = 27;

Nf = 5;
df = 1/M;

MaxAmp = 1;
PFA = 10.^-5;
nVar = M*MaxAmp^2/10^(SNRInSpecdB/10);
nThres = NoiseThres(M,nVar,PFA);
MinAmp = 2*nThres/M;

[vf,va] = RandomFreqAndAmpVectors(Nf,df,MinAmp,MaxAmp);

crb = CRBBound(vf,va,M,nVar);

Ntr = 0;
S2 = zeros(Nf,1);
for k = 1:1e5

  y = DataRealization(vf,va,M,nVar);

  p = Preprocessing(y,nVar,PFA);

  st = MethodSerial1(p);
  if length(st.Freqs) == 5
    Ntr = Ntr + 1;
    S2 = S2 + (vf-st.Freqs).^2;
  if mod(k,100) == 0
    disp(['Number or trials: ', num2str(k)])
    disp(['             Frequencies:      ' num2str(vf.')])
    disp(['Deviation CRB bounds (dB):   ' num2str(20*log10(crb.'))])
    disp(['          RMS errors (dB):   ' num2str(10*log10(S2(:).'/Ntr))])
    disp(' ');

function [vf,va] = RandomFreqAndAmpVectors(Nf,MinFreqSep,MinAmp,MaxAmp)

%Constructs random vectors of frequencies and amplitudes. The module of the largest
%amplitude is MaxAmp. There are no amplitudes with module below MinAmp, and the minimum
%separation among frequencies is MinFreqSep.

vf = sort(rand(Nf,1));
vf = vf + MinFreqSep*(cumsum(ones(Nf,1))-1);
vf = vf/(1+(Nf-1)*MinFreqSep) - 0.5;

pr = rand(Nf,1);
ind = floor(rand(1)/Nf)+1;
pr(ind) = 1;

va = (MinAmp+(MaxAmp-MinAmp)*pr) .* exp(1i*2*pi*rand(Nf,1));

function y = DataRealization(vf,a,M,nVar)

m1 = FirstIndex(M);

y = exp(1i*2*pi*(m1:m1+M-1).'*vf(:).')*a(:)+randn(M,2)*[1 ; 1i]*sqrt(nVar/2);

function p = Preprocessing(y,nVar,PFA)

%Performs the preprocessing. Fundamentally this consists in computing the FFT inside 
%The input parameters are
% y: Data vector.
% nVar: Noise variance estimate. 
% PFA: Probability of seeing a frequency when there isn't any. Usually a very low value
%      like 1e-5.

p = [];
p.M = length(y);
p.nVar = nVar;
p.PFA = PFA;
p.nThres = NoiseThres(p.M,p.nVar,p.PFA); %Noise threshold.

icf = Correlation(y,p.nThres); %Struct with data for interpolating the correlation.

p.cfd = Cost(real(y(:)'*y(:)),icf); %Struct with data for computing the ML cost function ...
                                    %and its derivatives. 

p.freqThres = 1/(10*p.M); %If two frequencies differ in less than ...
                          %freqThres  in  the  iterative  search, then   one  of  them  is
                          %discarded. This prevents ill-conditioning.

p.freqStopThres = 1/(p.M*1e4); %Threshold for stopping the ML cost function minimization.

function st = MethodSerial1(p)

%Adds frequencies and computes ML estimates sequentially.

vfEst = [];
ModifiedEstimation = logical(1);

while ModifiedEstimation
  [vf1,va1] = Correlation(p.cfd.icf,'gridMainLocalMaxima',vfEst);

  ModifiedEstimation = ~isempty(vf1);

  if ModifiedEstimation
    vfEst(end+1) = vf1(1);
    [listv,listLv,listCL,ErrRatio] = LookForMinimum(p.cfd,vfEst,...
    vfEst = sort(listv(:,end));

st = Report(p,vfEst);

function st = MethodManual1(p,varargin)

%Allows the user to set the initial frequency estimates on a plot.

if nargin == 1
  vfEst = [];
  vfEst = varargin{1};

vfEst = vfEst(:);

yl = get(gca,'YLim');

while 1
  pr1 = input('A/a -> Add freq., D/d -> Delete freq, X/x -> exit: ','s');
  switch lower(pr1)
    case 'a'
      [f1,pr] = ginput(1);
      vfEst = sort([vfEst; f1]);
      [listv,listLv,listCL,ErrRatio] = LookForMinimum(p.cfd,vfEst,10.^-8,... 
      vfEst = sort(listv(:,end));



    case 'd'
      [f1,pr] = ginput(1);
      [pr,ind] = min(abs(f1-vfEst));
      vfEst(ind) = [];



    case 'x'
      st = Report(p,vfEst);

function thres = NoiseThres(M,nVar,PFA)

%Computes the noise threshold. The method will discard any correlation local maximum below
%this threshold.

thres = sqrt((M*nVar/2)*icdf('chi2',(1-PFA)^(1/M),2));

function m1 = FirstIndex(M)

m1 = -ceil(M/2);

function varargout = Correlation(varargin)

%Computes the correlation value and its derivatives by calling "Barycentric". It does
%other things like plotting. 

if ~isstruct(varargin{1})
  st = [];
  temp = {[],[],10.^-15,1.5};
  [temp{1:nargin}] = deal(varargin{:});
  [a,st.nThres,epsilon,OvFMin] = deal(temp{:});
  a = a(:).';
  st.M = length(a);
  st.K = 2^nextpow2(st.M*OvFMin);
  st.bary = Barycentric(0,SampleFourierCorrelation1DVer1(a,st.K),...

  st.IndActive = find(abs(st.bary.a) > st.nThres);
  st.IndActive = unique([st.IndActive-1,st.IndActive,st.IndActive+1]);
  if st.IndActive(1) == 0
    st.IndActive(1) = [];

  if st.IndActive(end) == st.K+1
    st.IndActive(end) = [];
  st.aTActive = st.bary.a(st.IndActive);
  st.vfActive = centreFreq((st.IndActive-1)/st.K);
  varargout = {st};

[st,msg] = deal(varargin{1:2});
switch msg
  case 'value'
    varargout = {Barycentric(st.bary,varargin{3:end})};
  case 'gridValueInRange'
    [ind1,ind2] = deal(varargin{3:4});
    varargout = {st.bary.a(mod(ind1:ind2,st.K)+1)};
  case 'ampEstimates'
    vf = varargin{3};
    if length(vf) == 0
      varargout = {[]};

    varargout = {RegGeoSum(st.M,vf,vf,0,0) \ Barycentric(st.bary,vf)};
  case 'gridValue'
    lInd = varargin{3};
    if nargin == 4
      vf = varargin{4};
      vf = [];
    if isempty(vf)
      varargout = {st.bary.a(mod(lInd,st.K)+1)};
      vf1 = centreFreq(lInd/st.K);
      VRaa = RegGeoSum(st.M,vf,vf,0,0);
      VRa1a = RegGeoSum(st.M,vf1,vf,0,0);
      pr = VRa1a*(VRaa\Barycentric(st.bary,vf));
      pr = reshape(pr,size(lInd));

      varargout = {st.bary.a(mod(lInd,st.K)+1)-pr};

  case 'gridFit'
    lInd = varargin{3};
    if nargin == 4
      vf = varargin{4};
      vf = [];
    if isempty(vf)
      varargout = {zeros(size(lInd))};
      vf1 = centreFreq(lInd/st.K);
      VRaa = RegGeoSum(st.M,vf,vf,0,0);
      VRa1a = RegGeoSum(st.M,vf1,vf,0,0);
      pr = VRa1a*(VRaa\Barycentric(st.bary,vf));
      pr = reshape(pr,size(lInd));

      varargout = {pr};
  case 'plotErrorIndB'

    if nargin == 2
      vf = [];
      vf = varargin{3};
    s = 20*log10(abs(Correlation(st,'gridValue',0:st.K-1,vf)));
    gf = centreFreq((0:st.K-1)/st.K);
    [gf,ord] = sort(gf);
    s = s(ord);
    Ms = max(s);
    xlabel('Frequency (f)')
    ylabel('Error spectrum (dB)')
    grid on
    varargout = {};
  case 'PlotPeriodogramFit'
    vfEst = varargin{3};
    if isempty(vfEst)
       s0 = 20*log10(abs(Correlation(st,'gridValue',0:st.K-1)));
       gf = centreFreq((0:st.K-1)/st.K);
       [gf,ord] = sort(gf);
       s0 = s0(ord);
       hold on
       nt = 20*log10(abs(st.nThres));
	   'LineWidth',2,'LineStyle','--','Color',[1 0 0])
       hold off
       text(-0.49,nt+2,'Noise threshold')
       xlabel('Frequency (f)')
       ylabel('Amplitude (dB)')
       title('Periodogram data, fit, and est. frequencies (stems)')
    vaEst = Correlation(st,'ampEstimates',vfEst);
    hold on 
    s0 = 20*log10(abs(Correlation(st,'gridValue',0:st.K-1)));
    gf = centreFreq((0:st.K-1)/st.K);
    [gf,ord] = sort(gf);
    s0 = s0(ord);
    hold on
    nt = 20*log10(abs(st.nThres));
	'LineWidth',2,'LineStyle','--','Color',[1 0 0])
    s1 = 20*log10(abs(Correlation(st,'gridFit',0:st.K-1,vfEst)));
    s1 = s1(ord);

    Ms = max(s0);
    xlabel('Frequency (f)')
    ylabel('Amplitude (dB)')
    title('Periodogram fit')
    hold off
    varargout = {};
  case 'PlotPeriodogramFitError'
    if nargin == 2
      vfEst = [];
      vfEst = varargin{3};
    vaEst = Correlation(st,'ampEstimates',vfEst);
    s0 = 20*log10(abs(Correlation(st,'gridValue',0:st.K-1,vfEst)));
    gf = centreFreq((0:st.K-1)/st.K);
    [gf,ord] = sort(gf);
    s0 = s0(ord);
    nt = 20*log10(abs(st.nThres));
    hold on 
	'LineWidth',2,'LineStyle','--','Color',[1 0 0])
    hold off
    Ms = max(s0);
    xlabel('Frequency (f)')
    ylabel('Amplitude (dB)')
    title('Periodogram error')
    varargout = {};
  case 'gridValueGivenAmps'
    [lInd,vf,aEst] = deal(varargin{3:5});
    vf1 = centreFreq(lInd/st.K);
    VRa1a = RegGeoSum(st.M,vf1,vf,0,0);
    pr1 = st.bary.a(mod(lInd,st.K)+1);
    pr1 = reshape(pr1,size(lInd));
    pr2 = VRa1a*aEst;
    pr2 = reshape(pr2,size(lInd));
    varargout = {pr1-pr2};
  case 'gridLocalMaxima'
    if nargin == 2

      pr = [-2,-1,0].';
      pr = abs(st.bary.a(mod(st.IndActive([1;1;1],:) + ...

      pr = pr(1,:)<=pr(2,:) & pr(3,:)<=pr(2,:);
      vf = st.vfActive(pr);
      va = st.aTActive(pr);
      varargout = {vf,va};
    vf = varargin{3};
    if length(vf) == 0
      [varargout{1:2}] = Correlation(st,'gridLocalMaxima');
    amp = Correlation(st,'ampEstimates',vf);

    tmp = abs(Correlation(st,...
	    'gridValueGivenAmps',st.IndActive-1,vf,amp)) >= st.nThres;
    ind = st.IndActive(tmp);
    pr = [-2,-1,0].';
    ind1 = ind([1,1,1].',:) + pr(:,ones(1,length(ind)));
    pr = abs(Correlation(st,'gridValueGivenAmps',ind1,vf,amp));

    pr = pr(1,:)<=pr(2,:) & pr(3,:)<=pr(2,:);
    ind = ind(pr)-1;
    if isempty(ind)
      varargout = {[],[]};
      varargout = {centreFreq(ind/st.K),Correlation(st,...

  case 'gridMainLocalMaxima'
    [vf,va] = Correlation(st,'gridLocalMaxima',varargin{3:end});
    if length(vf) == 0
      varargout = {[],[]};
    [varargout{1:2}] = selectLocalMaximaVer3(vf,va,st.nThres,st.M);
  case 'gridMaximum'
    pr = Correlation(st,'gridValue',0:st.K-1,varargin{3:end});
    [ma,ind] = max(abs(pr));
    varargout = {(ind-1)/st.K,ma};

function tab = SampleFourierCorrelation1DVer1(a,K)  

M = length(a);
m1 = FirstIndex(M);

a = a(:).';
tab = fft([a(-m1+1:end),zeros(1,K-M),a(1:-m1)]);

function out = centreFreq(f)

out = f + ceil(-0.5-f);

function P = whatP(T,B,epsilon)

P = ceil(acsch(epsilon)/(pi*(1-B*T)));

function d = dist(x,y)

if x<y
  d = min([y-x,x+1-y]);
  d = min([x-y,y+1-x]);

function v = sincMask(x,y,M)

v = zeros(size(x));
for k = 1:length(x)
  x1 = max([dist(x(k),y)-1/(2*M),0]);
  v(k) = 1/max([M*sin(pi*x1),1]); 

function v = slBoundVer2(x,vam,vfe,nThres,M1)

vam = vam(:);
vfe = vfe(:);

sll = sincMask(vfe,x,M1).'*vam;

v = max([sll+nThres,1.1*sll]);

function varargout = selectLocalMaximaVer3(vf,va,nThres,M)

va1 = abs(va(:));
[pr,ord] = sort(va1);
ord = flipud(ord);

vf1 = vf(ord);
va1 = va1(ord);

n1 = length(va1);

if va1(1) < nThres 
  varargout = {[],[]};

va2 = va1(1);
va2Abs = va1(1);
vf2 = vf1(1);

for n=2:n1
  if va1(n)<nThres
  if va1(n) < slBoundVer2(vf1(n),va2Abs,vf2,nThres,M)
  vf2(end+1) = vf1(n);
  va2(end+1) = va1(n);
  va2Abs(end+1) = abs(va(ord(n)));

varargout = {vf2,va2};

function out = Barycentric(varargin)

%Performs  barycentric interpolation using the method in [Bary].

if ~isstruct(varargin{1})
  st = [];
  [st.n0,st.a,st.B,st.T,st.P] = deal(varargin{:});
  st.N = length(st.a);
  st.alpha = baryWeights(st.T,st.B,st.P);
  st.alpha = st.alpha([1:st.P,st.P+2:end,st.P+1]);
  st.vt = (-st.P:st.P)*st.T; 
  st.vt = st.vt([1:st.P,st.P+2:end,st.P+1]);

  out = st;
  [st,v] = deal(varargin{1:2});
  if nargin == 3
    nd = varargin{3};
    nd = 0;
  v = v(:);
  Nv = numel(v);

  n = floor(v/st.T+0.5);
  u = v - n*st.T;
  n1 = n - st.n0;
  pr = [-st.P:-1,1:st.P,0];
  da = st.a(mod(n1(:,ones(1,2*st.P+1)) + pr(ones(Nv,1),:),st.N)+1);
  out = DerBarycentricInterp3Vec(st.alpha,da,st.vt,u,nd);

function w = baryWeights(T,B,P)

vt = (-P:P)*T;
g = APPulse(vt,1/T-B,T*(P+1));
gam = gamma(vt/T+P+1) .* gamma(-vt/T+P+1) .* g;

N = length(vt);
LD = ones(1,N);

for k = 1:N
  LD(k) = prod(vt(k)-vt(1:k-1))* prod(vt(k)-vt(k+1:N));

w = gam ./ LD;
w = w / max(abs(w));

function v = APPulse(t,B,TSL)

v = real(sinc(B*sqrt(t.^2-TSL^2)))/real(sinc(1i*pi*B*TSL));

function out = DerBarycentricInterp3Vec(alpha,zL,t,tauL,nd)

NtauL = size(tauL,1);
LBtau = 200; %Block size for vectorized processing. Change this to adjust the memory

NBlock = 1+floor(NtauL/LBtau);

t = t(:).';
Nt = length(t);

out = zeros(NtauL,nd+1);

for r = 0:NBlock-1
  ind1 = 1+r*LBtau;
  ind2 = min([(r+1)*LBtau,NtauL]);
  Ntau = ind2-ind1+1;
  z = zL(ind1:ind2,:);
  tau = tauL(ind1:ind2);
  vD = zeros(Ntau,1);
  LF = [1,zeros(1,Nt-1)];
  LF = LF(ones(Ntau,1),:);

  for k = 1:Nt-1
    vD = vD .* (tau-t(k))+alpha(k)*LF(:,k);
    LF(:,k+1) = LF(:,k) .* (tau-t(k));

  vD = vD .* (tau-t(Nt)) + alpha(Nt) * LF(:,Nt);

  for kd = 0:nd

    pr = z(:,end); z1 = z-pr(:,ones(1,Nt)); cN = zeros(Ntau,1);

    for k = 1:Nt-1
      cN = cN .* (tau-t(k)) + z1(:,k) .* alpha(k) .* LF(:,k);
    cN = cN ./ vD;
    ztau = z(:,end)+(tau-t(end)) .* cN;
    out(ind1:ind2,kd+1) = ztau;
    if kd < nd
      pr1 = ztau;
      pr1 = z(:,1:end-1) - pr1(:,ones(1,Nt-1));
      pr2 = t(1:end-1);
      pr2 = pr2(ones(Ntau,1),:)-tau(:,ones(1,Nt-1));
      z = [pr1 ./ pr2, cN] * (kd+1);

function varargout = Cost(varargin)

%Computes the ML cost function differentials by calling "Correlation" and "RegGeoSum". 

if ~isstruct(varargin{1})
  st = [];
  [st.EnergyRyy,st.icf] = deal(varargin{:});
  varargout = {st};

st = varargin{1};

if nargin > 2
  vf = varargin{3};
  vf = [];

switch varargin{2}
  case 'value'
    vf = varargin{3};
    Rss = RegGeoSum(st.icf.M,vf,vf,0,0);
    Rsd = RegGeoSum(st.icf.M,vf,vf,0,1);
    Rdd = RegGeoSum(st.icf.M,vf,vf,1,1);
    pr = Correlation(st.icf,'value',vf,1);
    Rsy = pr(:,1);
    Rdy = pr(:,2);
    pr = Rss\[Rsy,Rsd];
    MRsy = pr(:,1);
    MRsd = pr(:,2:end);
    varargout = {st.EnergyRyy-RealTrace(Rsy',MRsy),-2*RealDiag(MRsy,Rdy'-MRsy'*Rsd),...

  case 'value0'
    if length(vf) == 0
      varargout = {st.EnergyRyy};

    vf = varargin{3};
    Rss = RegGeoSum(st.icf.M,vf,vf,0,0);
    Rsy = Correlation(st.icf,'value',vf);
    [varargout{1}] = st.EnergyRyy-RealTrace(Rsy',Rss\Rsy);

function v = RealHadamard(A,B)

v = real(A).*real(B)-imag(A).*imag(B);

function C = RealDiag(A,B)

% Same as real(diag(A*B)) but using less flops.

C = RealHadamard(A.',B);

if size(C,1) == 1
  C = C.';
  C = sum(C).';

function C = RealTrace(A,B)

% Same as real(trace(A*B)) but using less flops.


function [listv,listLv,listCL,ErrRatio] = ...

%Executes a descent algorithm using a method similar to that in [ML].

if ~isempty(varargin) 
  nItMax = varargin{1};
  nItMax = 20;

v0 = v0(:);
Nf = numel(v0);

listv = [v0,zeros(Nf,nItMax)];
listLv = [Cost(L,'value0',v0),zeros(1,nItMax)];
listCL = [NaN,zeros(1,nItMax)];

succ = 1;
nIt = 1;

while succ && nIt <= nItMax
  [succ,v,Lv,CL] = NewtonIt(L,listv(:,nIt),freqThres);
  if succ 
    nIt = nIt + 1;
    listv(:,nIt) = v;
    listLv(nIt) = Lv;
    listCL(nIt) = CL;
  if max(abs(listv(:,nIt)-listv(:,nIt-1))) < freqStopThres

ErrRatio = (Cost(L,'value0')-listLv(end))/listLv(end);
listv(:,nIt+1:end) = [];
listLv(nIt+1:end) = [];
listCL(nIt+1:end) = [];

function [v,vf] = validVector(vf,thres)

vf = sort(vf(:));
if length(vf)==1 
  v = 1;

m = vf(2:end)-vf(1:end-1) < thres;

if any(m)
  v = 0;
  vf([logical(0); m]) = [];
  v = 1;

function [succ,v1,Lv1,nCutsLeft] = NewtonIt(L,v0,thres)
Lv1 = [];
nCutsLeft = [];

[vv,v1] = validVector(v0,thres);

if ~vv
  succ = 0;

[Lv0,g0,h0] = Cost(L,'value',v0);

d = -h0\g0;

nCutsLeft = 20;

while nCutsLeft > 0
  [vv,v1] = validVector(v0+d,thres);
  if ~vv
    succ = 0;
    v1 = v0;
  Lv1 = Cost(L,'value0',v0+d);
  if Lv1 < Lv0
    succ = 1;
    v1 = v0 + d;
  nCutsLeft = nCutsLeft - 1;
  d = d/2;

if nCutsLeft == 0
  succ = 0;

function out = RegGeoSum(varargin)

%Computes the value of a geometric sum or its differentials using the exact formula. It
%takes care of the preventable singularity at zero.

switch nargin
  case 2
    [M,vf] = deal(varargin{:});
    nd = 0;
    msg = 'value';
  case 3
    [M,vf,nd] = deal(varargin{:});
    msg = 'value';
  case 5
    [M,vf1,vf2,nd1,nd2] = deal(varargin{:});
    msg = 'corr';

switch msg
  case 'value'
    out = RegGeoSum1(M,vf,nd);
  case 'corr'
    vf1 = vf1(:);
    Nf1 = length(vf1);
    vf2 = vf2(:);
    Nf2 = length(vf2);
    out = RegGeoSum1(M,-vf1(:,ones(1,Nf2))+vf2(:,ones(1,Nf1)).',nd1+nd2)*(-1)^nd1;

function v = RegGeoSum1(M,vf,nd)

m1 = -ceil(M/2);

ind = abs(vf)>eps^(1/3);

vf1 = vf(ind);

v = zeros(size(vf));

switch nd
  case 0

    v(ind) = -(exp(1i*2*pi*m1*vf1)-exp(1i*2*pi*(m1+M)*vf1))./(-1+exp(1i*2*pi*vf1));
    v(~ind) = M;
  case 1
    v(ind) = (-2*1i*pi*(  exp(1i*2*pi*vf1*(1 + m1))*(-1 + m1) - exp(1i*2*pi*vf1*m1)*m1  ...
	-exp(1i*pi*2*vf1*(1 + M + m1))*(-1 + M + m1) + ...
       exp(1i*2*pi*vf1*(M + m1))*(M + m1)))./(-1 + exp(1i*2*pi*vf1)).^2;
    v(~ind) = pi*1i*M*(-1+M+2*m1);
  case 2
    v(ind) = (4*(exp(1i*2*pi*vf1*(2 + m1))*(-1 + m1)^2 + exp(1i*2*pi*vf1*m1)*m1^2 - ...
       exp(1i*2*pi*vf1*(2 + M + m1))*(-1 + M + m1)^2 - ...
       exp(1i*2*pi*vf1*(M + m1))*(M + m1)^2 + ...
       exp(1i*2*pi*vf1*(1 + m1))*(1 - 2*(-1 + m1)*m1) + ... 
       exp(1i*2*pi*vf1*(1 + M + m1))* ...
        (-1 + 2*M^2 + 2*(-1 + m1)*m1 + M*(-2 + 4*m1)))*pi^2)./ ...
       (-1 + exp(1i*2*pi*vf1)).^3;
    v(~ind) = -(2*pi^2/3)*M*(1+6*m1^2+6*m1*(-1+M)-3*M+2*M^2);

function st = Report(p,vfEst)

st = [];
st.Freqs = vfEst;
st.Amps = Correlation(p.cfd.icf,'ampEstimates',vfEst);

function FreqsDevBounds = CRBBound(vf,va,M,nVar)

%Computes the Cramer-Rao bound of the frequencies.

va = va(:);
vf = vf(:);

Raa = RegGeoSum(M,vf,vf,0,0);
Rad = RegGeoSum(M,vf,vf,0,1);
Rdd = RegGeoSum(M,vf,vf,1,1);

FreqsDevBounds = sqrt((nVar/2)*diag(inv(real((conj(va)*va.') .* (Rdd-Rad'*(Raa\Rad))))));

function st = MLEstimate(y,nVar,PFA)

p = Preprocessing(y,nVar,PFA);

st = MethodSerial1(p);

st.CRBBoundsOnFreqDevs = CRBBound(st.Freqs,st.Amps,length(y),nVar);

Phaser audio effect

Gabriel Rivas July 4, 20112 comments Coded in C
Phaser audio effect:

Xin                                                                       Yout
      |                                                        ^  
      |                                                        |

            ^        ^        ^           ^ 
            |        |        |           |

VNS = Variable notch stage


#include "br_iir.h"
#include "Phaser.h"

/*This defines the phaser stages
that is the number of variable notch blocks
#define PH_STAGES 20

static short center_freq;    /*Center frequency counter*/
static short samp_freq;      /*Sampling frequency*/
static short counter;        /*Smaple counter*/
static short counter_limit;  /*Smaple counter limit*/
static short control;        /*LFO Control*/
static short max_freq;       /*Maximum notch center frequency*/
static short min_freq;       /*Minimum notch center frequency*/ 
static double pha_mix;       /*Filtered signal mix*/
static short f_step;         /*Sweep frequency step*/ 
static double dir_mix;       /*Direct signal mix*/
static struct br_filter H[PH_STAGES]; /*Array of notch filters stages*/

This funtion initializes the phaser control variables
and the variable notch filter coefficients array
void Phaser_init(short effect_rate,short sampling,short maxf,short minf,short Q,double gainfactor,double pha_mixume,short freq_step, double dmix) {
    /*Initialize notch filter coefficients set array*/
    br_iir_init(sampling,gainfactor,Q,freq_step, minf);
    /*Initializes the phaser control variables*/
    center_freq = 0;
    samp_freq = sampling;
    counter = effect_rate;
    control = 0;
    counter_limit = effect_rate;

    /*Convert frequencies to integer indexes*/
    min_freq = 0;
    max_freq = (maxf - minf)/freq_step;

    pha_mix = pha_mixume;
    f_step = freq_step;
    dir_mix = dmix;

This function does the actual phasing processing
1. It takes the input sample and pass it trough the
cascaded notch filter stages
2. It takes tha output of the cascaded notch filters
and scales it, scales the input sample and generate
the output effect sample.
double Phaser_process(double xin) {
    double yout;
    int i;

    yout = br_iir_filter(xin,&H[0]);

    for(i = 1; i < PH_STAGES; i++) {
        yout = br_iir_filter(yout,&H[i]);
    yout = dir_mix*xin + pha_mix*yout;
    return yout;

This function makes vary the center notch frequency
in all the cascaded notch filter stages by a simulated
triangle wave LFO that goes up and down
void Phaser_sweep(void) {
    int i;

    if (!--counter) {
        if (!control) {

            if (center_freq > max_freq) {
                control = 1;
        else if (control) {

            if (center_freq == min_freq) {               
                control = 0;
        for(i = 0; i < PH_STAGES; i++) {
        counter = counter_limit;




#ifndef __PHASER_H__
#define __PHASER_H__

extern void Phaser_init(short effect_rate,short sampling,short maxf,short minf,short Q,double gainfactor,double mix_volume,short freq_step, double dmix);
extern double Phaser_process(double xin);
extern void Phaser_sweep(void);


Variable 2nd order band pass IIR filter

Gabriel Rivas July 4, 20112 comments Coded in C
#include "bp_iir.h"
#include <math.h>
#define BP_MAX_COEFS 120
#define PI 3.1415926

/*This is an array of the filter parameters object
defined in the br_iir.h file*/
static struct bp_coeffs bp_coeff_arr[BP_MAX_COEFS];

/*This initialization function will create the
band pass filter coefficients array, you have to specify:
fsfilt = Sampling Frequency
gb     = Gain at cut frequencies
Q      = Q factor, Higher Q gives narrower band
fstep  = Frequency step to increase center frequencies
in the array
fmin   = Minimum frequency for the range of center   frequencies
void bp_iir_init(double fsfilt,double gb,double Q,short fstep, short fmin) {
      int i;
      double damp;
      double wo;
       damp = gb/sqrt(1 - pow(gb,2));

	for (i=0;i<BP_MAX_COEFS;i++) {
            wo = 2*PI*(fstep*i + fmin)/fsfilt;
		bp_coeff_arr[i].e = 1/(1 + damp*tan(wo/(Q*2)));
		bp_coeff_arr[i].p = cos(wo);
		bp_coeff_arr[i].d[0] = (1-bp_coeff_arr[i].e);
		bp_coeff_arr[i].d[1] = 2*bp_coeff_arr[i].e*bp_coeff_arr[i].p;
		bp_coeff_arr[i].d[2] = (2*bp_coeff_arr[i].e-1);

/*This function loads a given set of band pass filter coefficients acording to a center frequency index
into a band pass filter object
H = filter object
ind = index of the array mapped to a center frequency
void bp_iir_setup(struct bp_filter * H,int ind) {
	H->e = bp_coeff_arr[ind].e;
	H->p = bp_coeff_arr[ind].p;
	H->d[0] = bp_coeff_arr[ind].d[0];
	H->d[1] = bp_coeff_arr[ind].d[1];
	H->d[2] = bp_coeff_arr[ind].d[2];

/*This function loads a given set of band pass filter coefficients acording to a center frequency index
into a band pass filter object
H = filter object
ind = index of the array mapped to a center frequency
double bp_iir_filter(double yin,struct bp_filter * H) {
	double yout;

	H->x[0] =  H->x[1]; 
	H->x[1] =  H->x[2]; 
	H->x[2] = yin;
	H->y[0] =  H->y[1]; 
	H->y[1] =  H->y[2]; 

	H->y[2] = H->d[0]* H->x[2] - H->d[0]* H->x[0] + (H->d[1]* H->y[1]) - H->d[2]* H->y[0];
	yout =  H->y[2];

	return yout;


#ifndef __BP_IIR_H__
#define __BP_IIR_H__

struct bp_coeffs{
	double e;
	double p;
	double d[3];

struct bp_filter{
	double e;
	double p;
	double d[3];
	double x[3];
	double y[3];

extern void bp_iir_init(double fsfilt,double gb,double Q,short fstep, short fmin);
extern void bp_iir_setup(struct bp_filter * H,int index);
extern double bp_iir_filter(double yin,struct bp_filter * H);


Digital Comb Filter

Jeff T June 21, 2011 Coded in Matlab
% Usage:     [B,A] = COMB(order, scalar);
%             ORDER is the number of samples delayed prior to add
%             SCALAR is the coefficient that will be applied to
%                the delayed signal path at the final summation block.
% Note, there are two types of comb filters.  A DC-blocker and a DC-passer.
% To get a DC-Blocker (tooth at DC), pass in a -1 for the scalar.  
% To get a DC-Passer (+6dB at DC), pass in a +1 for the scalar.
% By default, if the scalar is not passed, a DC-Passer is assumed.
% Author: sparafucile17 03/16/04

% Validate that the proper argument count was supplied
error(nargchk(1, 2, nargin));

% Use scalar is passed as an argument, otherwise assume scalar=1;
if (nargin == 1)
    scalar = 1; 
    scalar = varargin{1};

% Input has zeros to simulate a single delay of N samples
a = [ 1 ];
b = [ 1 zeros(1, N-1) scalar*1];

Equal Loudness Curves (ISO226)

Jeff T June 21, 20111 comment Coded in Matlab
function [spl, freq] = iso226(phon);
% Generates an Equal Loudness Contour as described in ISO 226
% Usage:  [SPL FREQ] = ISO226(PHON);
%         PHON is the phon value in dB SPL that you want the equal
%           loudness curve to represent. (1phon = 1dB @ 1kHz)
%         SPL is the Sound Pressure Level amplitude returned for
%           each of the 29 frequencies evaluated by ISO226.
%         FREQ is the returned vector of frequencies that ISO226
%           evaluates to generate the contour.
% Desc:   This function will return the equal loudness contour for
%         your desired phon level.  The frequencies evaulated in this
%         function only span from 20Hz - 12.5kHz, and only 29 selective
%         frequencies are covered.  This is the limitation of the ISO
%         standard.
%         In addition the valid phon range should be 0 - 90 dB SPL.
%         Values outside this range do not have experimental values
%         and their contours should be treated as inaccurate.
%         If more samples are required you should be able to easily
%         interpolate these values using spline().
% Author: sparafucile17 03/01/05

%                /---------------------------------------\
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%          TABLES FROM ISO226             %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%                \---------------------------------------/
f = [20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 ...
     1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500];

af = [0.532 0.506 0.480 0.455 0.432 0.409 0.387 0.367 0.349 0.330 0.315 ...
      0.301 0.288 0.276 0.267 0.259 0.253 0.250 0.246 0.244 0.243 0.243 ...
      0.243 0.242 0.242 0.245 0.254 0.271 0.301];

Lu = [-31.6 -27.2 -23.0 -19.1 -15.9 -13.0 -10.3 -8.1 -6.2 -4.5 -3.1 ...
       -2.0  -1.1  -0.4   0.0   0.3   0.5   0.0 -2.7 -4.1 -1.0  1.7 ...
        2.5   1.2  -2.1  -7.1 -11.2 -10.7  -3.1];

Tf = [ 78.5  68.7  59.5  51.1  44.0  37.5  31.5  26.5  22.1  17.9  14.4 ...
       11.4   8.6   6.2   4.4   3.0   2.2   2.4   3.5   1.7  -1.3  -4.2 ...
       -6.0  -5.4  -1.5   6.0  12.6  13.9  12.3];

%Error Trapping
if((phon < 0) | (phon > 90))
    disp('Phon value out of bounds!')
    spl = 0;
    freq = 0;
    %Setup user-defined values for equation
    Ln = phon;

    %Deriving sound pressure level from loudness level (iso226 sect 4.1)
    Af=4.47E-3 * (10.^(0.025*Ln) - 1.15) + (0.4*10.^(((Tf+Lu)/10)-9 )).^af;
    Lp=((10./af).*log10(Af)) - Lu + 94;

    %Return user data
    spl = Lp;  
    freq = f;

Variable 2nd order Notch IIR filter

Gabriel Rivas June 21, 20112 comments Coded in C
#include "br_iir.h"
#include <math.h>

#define BR_MAX_COEFS 120
#define PI 3.1415926

/*This is an array of the filter parameters object
defined in the br_iir.h file*/
static struct br_coeffs br_coeff_arr[BR_MAX_COEFS];

/*This initialization function will create the
notch filter coefficients array, you have to specify:
fsfilt = Sampling Frequency
gb     = Gain at cut frequencies
Q      = Q factor, Higher Q gives narrower band
fstep  = Frequency step to increase center frequencies
in the array
fmin   = Minimum frequency for the range of center   frequencies
void br_iir_init(double fsfilt,double gb,double Q,double fstep, short fmin) {
	int i;
      double damp;
      double wo;
      damp = sqrt(1 - pow(gb,2))/gb;

	for (i=0;i<BR_MAX_COEFS;i++) {
                wo = 2*PI*(fstep*i + fmin)/fsfilt;
		br_coeff_arr[i].e = 1/(1 + damp*tan(wo/(Q*2)));
		br_coeff_arr[i].p = cos(wo);
		br_coeff_arr[i].d[0] = br_coeff_arr[i].e;
		br_coeff_arr[i].d[1] = 2*br_coeff_arr[i].e*br_coeff_arr[i].p;
		br_coeff_arr[i].d[2] = (2*br_coeff_arr[i].e-1);

/*This function loads a given set of notch filter coefficients acording to a center frequency index
into a notch filter object
H = filter object
ind = index of the array mapped to a center frequency
void br_iir_setup(struct br_filter * H,int ind) {
	H->e = br_coeff_arr[ind].e;
	H->p = br_coeff_arr[ind].p;
	H->d[0] = br_coeff_arr[ind].d[0];
	H->d[1] = br_coeff_arr[ind].d[1];
	H->d[2] = br_coeff_arr[ind].d[2];

This function does the actual notch filter processing
yin = input sample
H   = filter object 
double br_iir_filter(double yin,struct br_filter * H) {
	double yout;

	H->x[0] = H->x[1]; 
	H->x[1] = H->x[2]; 
	H->x[2] = yin;
	H->y[0] = H->y[1]; 
	H->y[1] = H->y[2]; 

	H->y[2] = H->d[0]*H->x[2] - H->d[1]*H->x[1] + H->d[0]*H->x[0] + H->d[1]*H->y[1] - H->d[2]*H->y[0];
	yout = H->y[2];
	return yout;

#ifndef __BR_IIR_H__
#define __BR_IIR_H__

Notch filter coefficients object
struct br_coeffs {
	double e;
	double p;
	double d[3];

Notch filter object
struct br_filter {
	double e;
	double p;
	double d[3];
	double x[3];
	double y[3];

extern void br_iir_init(double fsfilt,double gb,double Q,double fstep, short fmin);
extern void br_iir_setup(struct br_filter * H,int index);
extern double br_iir_filter(double yin,struct br_filter * H);


Farrow 2-D Image Interpolation

Jesus Selva June 15, 2011 Coded in Matlab
function Demo

%Author: J. Selva.
%Date: June 2011.

close all
format short g
format compact

T = 1; %Sampling period in both dimensions.
B = 1/(1.223*T); %This is the two-sided bandwidth in both dimensions. It is a typical ...
                 %value in SAR image co-registration.
P = 18; %Kernel semi-length.
Q = 10; %Polynomial order in Farrow structure.

%The next call to "ChebApproxPolys" computes all Farrow coefficients.
t0 = -P*T-T/2; %The parameters t0, Nt, 2*P+1 specify the 2*P+1 intervals in which Knab's ...
               %pulse is to be approximated by polynomials. 
Nt = 2*P+1;
Dt = T;
IOut = [-T/2,T/2];
%Perform Chebyshev interpolation. The parameters T, B and  P are passed to KnabAPPulse.
K = ChebApproxPolys('KnabAPPulse',t0,Nt,Dt,IOut,40,Q,T,B,P).';

%Evaluate the test image in a regular grid with spacing 1.
Lx = 100;
Ly = 100;

x0 = (0:Lx-1)';
x0 = x0(:,ones(1,Lx));

y0 = x0.';
x0 = x0(:);
y0 = y0(:);

disp('Computing image in a regular grid...')

Image = reshape(TestImage5(x0,y0,B),[Lx,Ly]);
disp(['(Timing: ',num2str(toc), ' sec.)'])
disp(' ')

clear x0 y0

%Specify NP points on the image at random.
NP = 10000;

x = P*T+rand(1,NP)*(Lx-2*P)*T;
y = P*T+rand(1,NP)*(Ly-2*P)*T;

%Evaluate image directly.
disp('Computing image at selected positions exactly...')
vRef = TestImage5(x,y,B);
disp(['(Timing: ',num2str(toc), ' sec.)'])
disp(' ')

%Interpolate the image using the 2D-Farrow structure. 
disp('Computing image at selected positions using Farrow 2-D...')
v = Farrow2DInterp(Image,K,x,y);
disp(['(Timing: ',num2str(toc), ' sec.)'])
disp(' ')

%Show the error. 
disp(['Maximum interpolation error: ', ...
      num2str(20*log10(max(abs(vRef-v))/max(abs(vRef)))),' dB'])

disp(' ')
disp('Display image and interpolation error:')
disp(' ')

%Evaluate the test image in a regular grid with spacing 1.
Lx = 100;
Ly = Lx;

x1 = (P*T:0.5*T:(Lx-P)*T)';
x1 = x1(:,ones(1,length(x1)));

y1 = x1.';
x1 = x1(:);
y1 = y1(:);

disp('Computing image in over-sampled grid ...')
vRef =  TestImage5(x1,y1,B);
disp(['(Timing: ',num2str(toc), ' sec.)'])
disp(' ')

disp('Computing signal in over-sampled grid using 2-D Farrow ...')
v = Farrow2DInterp(Image,K,x1,y1);
disp(['(Timing: ',num2str(toc), ' sec.)'])
disp(' ')

x1 = (P*T:0.5*T:(Lx-P)*T)';
y1 = x1.';

disp(['Maximum interpolation error: ', ...
      num2str(20*log10(max(abs(vRef-v))/max(abs(vRef)))),' dB'])

vRef = reshape(vRef,[length(x1),length(y1)]);
v = reshape(v,[length(x1),length(y1)]);


xlabel('x coordinate')
ylabel('y coordinate')
zlabel('Image''s abs. value')
title('Test Image (abs. value)')


xlabel('x coordinate')
ylabel('y coordinate')
zlabel('Interp. error (dB)')
title('Interpolation error (dB)')

function P = ChebApproxPolys(Func,t0,Nt,Dt,IOut,NPoints,Q,varargin)

%This function constructs Chebyshev interpolation polynomials in a set of consecutive ...
% Func is the function to be interpolated.
% t0 is the first instant of the first interval.
% Nt is the number of intervals.
% IOut is the interval in which the output polynomials will be evaluated.
% Dt is the interval width. The intervals are [t0,t0+Dt], [t0+Dt,t0+2*Dt],....
%    [t0+(Nt-1)*Dt,t0+Nt*Dt].
% NPoints is the number of points in which Func is evaluated, for each interval.
% Q is the output polynomial order.
% varargin contains extra parameters which are passed to varargin.

%Construct matrix that maps function values to polynomial coefficients. 
%The algorithm is that in section 9.8 of
% W. H. Press et al., Numerical Recipes in C. Cambridge University
% Press, 1997.

M = MapPolyMatrix([-1,1],IOut,Q) * ChebCoefMatrix(Q) * ...

% Get Chebyshev roots.
r = ChebRoots(NPoints);
r = r(:);

P = zeros(Q,Nt);

%Compute polynomial for each interval.
for k = 0:Nt-1,
  v1 = feval(Func,MapIaToIb(r,[-1,1],t0+[k,k+1]*Dt),varargin{:});
  P(:,k+1) = double(M * v1(:));

function M = MapPolyMatrix(IIn,IOut,Q)

%For a polynomial with Q coefficients which is evaluated in interval IIn, this function ...
%gives the matrix that transforms its coefficients, so that it can be evaluated in the ...
%associated points in interval IOut. 

ayx = (IIn(1)-IIn(2))/(IOut(1)-IOut(2));
byx = IIn(1)-ayx*IOut(1);

if byx == 0
  M = diag(ayx.^(0:Q-1));
  M = zeros(Q);
  for q = 0:Q-1
    for r = 0:q
      M(r+1,q+1) = nchoosek(q,r) * ayx^r * byx^(q-r);

function M = ChebCoefMatrix(N)

M = zeros(N);

M(1) = 1;

if N > 1
  M(2,2) = 1;

for n = 3:N,
  M(2:n,n) = 2*M(1:n-1,n-1);
  M(1:n-2,n) = M(1:n-2,n) - M(1:n-2,n-2);

function M = BlockChebInvMatrix(N,Q)

r = ChebRoots(N);
r= r(:);

M = zeros(N,Q);

if Q >=1
  M(:,1) = 1;

if Q >= 2
  M(:,2) = r;

for q = 3:Q,
  M(:,q) = 2 * r .* M(:,q-1) - M(:,q-2);

M = M.'/N;
M(2:end,:) = M(2:end,:) * 2;

function R = ChebRoots(N)

R = cos(pi*((1:N)-1/2)/N);

function y = MapIaToIb(x,Ia,Ib)

%Linear transformation that maps interval Ia onto interval Ib.

y = (Ib(1)+Ib(2))/2 + (x-(Ia(1)+Ia(2))/2) * ((Ib(2)-Ib(1))/(Ia(2)-Ia(1))); 

function [g,BoundAP] = KnabAPPulse(t,T,B,P)

%Knab interpolation pulse in 
%  J. J. Knab, 'Interpolation of band-limited functions using the Approximate
%  Prolate series', IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. IT-25, 
%  no. 6, pp. 717-720, Nov 1979. 
%Grid points -P*T:T:P*T.
%Interpolation interval: [-T/2,T/2].

g = sinc(t/T) .* sinc((1/T-B)*sqrt(t.^2-(P*T)^2)) / sinc(j*(1-B*T)*P);

if nargout == 2
  BoundAP = 1/sinh(P*pi*(1-B*T));

function v = TestImage5(x,y,B)

%Test image formed by a sum of random sincs.

Seed = rand('state');


L = 100; %Image size in both dimensions.

Np = 5000;
p = rand(Np,2)*L;
A = exp(j*2*pi*rand(Np,1));


v = zeros(size(x));

for k = 1:length(x(:))
  v(k) = A(:).' * (sinc(B*(x(k)-p(:,1))) .* sinc(B*(y(k)-p(:,2))));

function vx = Farrow2DInterp(Image,Kernel,x,y)

%Farrow interpolation in two dimensions using interlaced FFTs.

vxSize = size(x);

[LK,NK] = size(Kernel);
[Lx,Ly] = size(Image);

nx = round(x);
ny = round(y);
ux = x-nx;
uy = y-ny;

np = 1+nx+ny*Lx;
np = np(:);

clear x y nx ny

P = (LK-1)/2;

NFFTx = 2^ceil(log2(Lx+LK-1));
NFFTy = 2^ceil(log2(Ly+LK-1));

KernelFx = fft(Kernel,NFFTx);
KernelFy = fft(Kernel,NFFTy);

ImageFx = fft(Image,NFFTx);

vx = zeros(size(np))+j*zeros(size(np));
for kx = NK:-1:1,
  ImageCx = ifft(ImageFx .* KernelFx(:,kx(ones(1,Ly))),NFFTx); 
  ImageCx = ImageCx(1+P:Lx+LK-1-P,:);
  ImageCxFy = fft(ImageCx,NFFTy,2);
  vy = zeros(size(np))+j*zeros(size(np));
  for ky = NK:-1:1,
    ImageCxCy = ifft(ImageCxFy .* KernelFy(:,ky(ones(1,Lx))).',NFFTy,2);
    ImageCxCy = ImageCxCy(:,1+P:Ly+LK-1-P);
    vy(:) = vy(:) .* uy(:) + ImageCxCy(np);
  vx(:) = vx(:) .* ux(:) + vy(:);

vx = reshape(vx,vxSize);

Shelving Filter Design

Jeff T May 29, 20111 comment Coded in Matlab
function [b, a]  = shelving(G, fc, fs, Q, type)

% Derive coefficients for a shelving filter with a given amplitude and
% cutoff frequency.  All coefficients are calculated as described in 
% Zolzer's DAFX book (p. 50 -55).  
% Usage:     [B,A] = shelving(G, Fc, Fs, Q, type);
%            G is the logrithmic gain (in dB)
%            FC is the center frequency
%            Fs is the sampling rate
%            Q adjusts the slope be replacing the sqrt(2) term
%            type is a character string defining filter type
%                 Choices are: 'Base_Shelf' or 'Treble_Shelf'
% Author:    sparafucile17 08/22/05

%Error Check
if((strcmp(type,'Base_Shelf') ~= 1) && (strcmp(type,'Treble_Shelf') ~= 1))
    error(['Unsupported Filter Type: ' type]);

K = tan((pi * fc)/fs);
V0 = 10^(G/20);
root2 = 1/Q; %sqrt(2)

%Invert gain if a cut
if(V0 < 1)
    V0 = 1/V0;

if(( G > 0 ) & (strcmp(type,'Base_Shelf')))
    b0 = (1 + sqrt(V0)*root2*K + V0*K^2) / (1 + root2*K + K^2);
    b1 =             (2 * (V0*K^2 - 1) ) / (1 + root2*K + K^2);
    b2 = (1 - sqrt(V0)*root2*K + V0*K^2) / (1 + root2*K + K^2);
    a1 =                (2 * (K^2 - 1) ) / (1 + root2*K + K^2);
    a2 =             (1 - root2*K + K^2) / (1 + root2*K + K^2);

elseif (( G < 0 ) & (strcmp(type,'Base_Shelf')))
    b0 =             (1 + root2*K + K^2) / (1 + root2*sqrt(V0)*K + V0*K^2);
    b1 =                (2 * (K^2 - 1) ) / (1 + root2*sqrt(V0)*K + V0*K^2);
    b2 =             (1 - root2*K + K^2) / (1 + root2*sqrt(V0)*K + V0*K^2);
    a1 =             (2 * (V0*K^2 - 1) ) / (1 + root2*sqrt(V0)*K + V0*K^2);
    a2 = (1 - root2*sqrt(V0)*K + V0*K^2) / (1 + root2*sqrt(V0)*K + V0*K^2);

elseif (( G > 0 ) & (strcmp(type,'Treble_Shelf')))

    b0 = (V0 + root2*sqrt(V0)*K + K^2) / (1 + root2*K + K^2);
    b1 =             (2 * (K^2 - V0) ) / (1 + root2*K + K^2);
    b2 = (V0 - root2*sqrt(V0)*K + K^2) / (1 + root2*K + K^2);
    a1 =              (2 * (K^2 - 1) ) / (1 + root2*K + K^2);
    a2 =           (1 - root2*K + K^2) / (1 + root2*K + K^2);


elseif (( G < 0 ) & (strcmp(type,'Treble_Shelf')))

    b0 =               (1 + root2*K + K^2) / (V0 + root2*sqrt(V0)*K + K^2);
    b1 =                  (2 * (K^2 - 1) ) / (V0 + root2*sqrt(V0)*K + K^2);
    b2 =               (1 - root2*K + K^2) / (V0 + root2*sqrt(V0)*K + K^2);
    a1 =             (2 * ((K^2)/V0 - 1) ) / (1 + root2/sqrt(V0)*K + (K^2)/V0);
    a2 = (1 - root2/sqrt(V0)*K + (K^2)/V0) / (1 + root2/sqrt(V0)*K + (K^2)/V0);

%   All-Pass
    b0 = V0;
    b1 = 0;
    b2 = 0;
    a1 = 0;
    a2 = 0;

%return values
a = [  1, a1, a2];
b = [ b0, b1, b2];