
Active noise cancellation(ANC) in headphones

Started by andrewstanfordjason 4 months ago13 replieslatest reply 4 months ago239 views
Hello, I am interested I understanding how ANC in headphones works. My high level understanding is that an external mic listens to the noise then a speaker within...

Signal level for OFDM

Started by jekain314 4 months ago18 replieslatest reply 4 months ago180 views
Consider a 64-subcarrier OFDM signal with QPSK modulation and all 64 subcarriers have data. Each of the 64 subcarriers will have the same amplitude (assume 1.0)...

For CIC filter. Is Feedback or Feedforward integrator preferred ?

Started by VasantJoseph 4 months ago1 replylatest reply 4 months ago144 views
I have been designing a CIC filter in python. For reference I had taken the matlab cic function dsp.CICDecimator to check if the filter I am designing is functioning...

Doubt regarding CIC filter implementation.

Started by VasantJoseph 4 months ago5 replieslatest reply 4 months ago187 views
I wrote a CIC filter design in Python using the below-given equations. I tried to check the design I have, comparing the output with an ideal Matlab CIC function....

Does beam forming apply to Uplink MIMO ?

Started by kaz 5 months ago7 replieslatest reply 4 months ago157 views
Hi,I posted this on some communication forums but without success.There is plenty talk about beam forming (e.g. 4G, 5G ...etc) in the context of downlink (base...

Reducing IIR filter settling time.

Started by mm2426 4 months ago9 replieslatest reply 4 months ago216 views
Hello,I am not an expert in DSP so please excuse me if my question is dumb.I am trying to design an IIR butterworth filter in python. I am looking at the step response...

Match SVF bandwidth with direct form

Started by RoelVugts 5 months ago2 replieslatest reply 5 months ago120 views
Hi,I implemented a 2nd order allpass filter in both the direct form and as a state variable filter. SVF implementation from: https://mural.maynoothuniversity.ie/18520/1/VL_imp... Direct...

FIR coefficient scaling

Started by andrewstanfordjason 5 months ago9 replieslatest reply 5 months ago230 views
Hello, I am trying to write a function for implementing a FIR filter in C. I am implementing fixed point integer arithmetic but have a filter specified in floating...

Word-based FSK coding

Started by alx8kv 6 months ago6 replieslatest reply 5 months ago154 views
Good evening everyone!I have a question concerning data transmission via FSK.As far as I know, conventional methods encode symbols via matching a sequence of bits...

OFDM with real-only transmission

Started by jekain314 8 months ago46 replieslatest reply 6 months ago262 views
Consider a 64 subcarrier OFDM waveform with 20MHz bandwidth. At the transmitter, we would generate 64 complex numbers (A(n) + jB(n))  n=1, 2, 3, .... 64 using the...

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