Example with Repeated Poles
The following Matlab code performs a partial fraction expansion of a filter having three pairs of repeated roots (one real and two complex):J.2
N = 1000; % number of time samples to compute A = [ 1 0 0 1 0 0 0.25]; B = [ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0]; % Compute "trusted" impulse response: h_tdl = filter(B, A, [1 zeros(1, N-1)]); % Compute partial fraction expansion (PFE): [R,P,K] = residuez(B, A); % PFE impulse response: n = [0:N-1]; h_pfe = zeros(1,N); for i = 1:size(R) % repeated roots are not detected exactly: if i>1 && abs(P(i)-P(i-1))<1E-7 h_pfe = h_pfe + (R(i) * (n+1) .* P(i).^n); disp(sprintf('Pole %d is a repeat of pole %d',i,i-1)); % if i>2 && abs(P(i)-P(i-2))<1E-7 ... else h_pfe = h_pfe + (R(i) * P(i).^n); end end err = abs(max(h_pfe-h_tdl)) % should be about 5E-8
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