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Impulse Response

The impulse response is again the inverse Laplace transform of the transfer function. Expanding $ H(s)$ into a sum of complex one-pole sections,

$\displaystyle H(s) = 2\eta\cdot\frac{s}{s^2 + 2\eta s + \omega_0^2}
= \frac{r_...
= \frac{(r_1+r_2)s - (r_1p_2 + r_2p_1)}{s^2-(p_1 + p_2) + p_1p_2},

where $ p_{1,2}\isdef -\eta \pm \sqrt{\eta^2 - \omega_0^2}$. Equating numerator coefficients gives

r_1+r_2 &=& 2\eta \;\mathrel{=}\; \frac{1}{RC}\\
r_1p_2 + r_2p_1 &=& 0.

This pair of equations in two unknowns may be solved for $ r_1$ and $ r_2$. The impulse response is then

$\displaystyle h(t) = r_1 e^{p_1 t} u(t) + r_2 e^{p_2 t} u(t).

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