Signal Plots: swanalplot.m
Figure J.13 lists a Matlab script for plotting input and output signals for the simplest lowpass filter in §2.2, used in Fig.2.4 to produce Fig.2.5. This is not really a ``utility'' since it relies on global variables. It is instead a script containing mundane plotting code that was omitted from Fig.2.4 to make it fit on one page. I include it only because people keep asking for it! The script is compatible with Matlab only.
%swanalplot.m - plots needed by swanal.m doplots = 1; % set to 0 to skip plots dopause = 0; % set to 1 to pause after each plot if doplots figure(gcf); subplot(2,1,1); ttl=sprintf('Filter Input Sinusoid, f(%d)=%0.2f',k,f(k)); myplot(t,s,'*k',ttl); tinterp=0:(t(2)-t(1))/10:t(end); % interpolated time axis si = ampin*cos(2*pi*f(k)*tinterp+phasein); % for plot text(-1.5,0,'(a)'); hold on; plot(tinterp,si,'--k'); hold off; subplot(2,1,2); ttl='Filter Output Sinusoid'; myplot(t,y,'*k',ttl); text(-1.5,0,'(b)'); if dopause, disp('PAUSING - [RETURN] to continue . . .'); pause; end saveplot(sprintf('../eps/swanal-%d.eps',k)); end |
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Frequency Response Plot: swanalmainplot.m
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Matlab listing: mps.m and test program