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FIR System Identification

Estimating an impulse response from input-output measurements is called system identification, and a large literature exists on this topic (e.g., [39]).

Cross-correlation can be used to compute the impulse response $ h(n)$ of a filter from the cross-correlation of its input and output signals $ x(n)$ and $ y = h\ast x$, respectively. To see this, note that, by the correlation theorem,

$\displaystyle x\star y \;\longleftrightarrow\;\overline{X}\cdot Y = \overline{X}\cdot (H\cdot X) =
H\cdot\left\vert X\right\vert^2.

Therefore, the frequency response equals the input-output cross-spectrum divided by the input power spectrum:

$\displaystyle H = \frac{\overline{X}\cdot Y}{\left\vert X\right\vert^2} = \frac{{\hat R}_{xy}}{{\hat R}_{xx}}

where multiplication and division of spectra are defined pointwise, i.e., $ H(\omega_k) = \overline{X(\omega_k)}\cdot Y(\omega_k)/\vert X(\omega_k)\vert^2$. A Matlab program illustrating these relationships is listed in Fig.8.13.

Figure 8.13: FIR system identification example in matlab.

% sidex.m - Demonstration of the use of FFT cross-
% correlation to compute the impulse response
% of a filter given its input and output.
% This is called "FIR system identification".

Nx = 32; % input signal length
Nh = 10; % filter length
Ny = Nx+Nh-1; % max output signal length
% FFT size to accommodate cross-correlation:
Nfft = 2^nextpow2(Ny); % FFT wants power of 2

x = rand(1,Nx); % input signal = noise
%x = 1:Nx; 	% input signal = ramp
h = [1:Nh]; 	% the filter
xzp = [x,zeros(1,Nfft-Nx)]; % zero-padded input
yzp = filter(h,1,xzp); % apply the filter
X = fft(xzp);   % input spectrum
Y = fft(yzp);   % output spectrum
Rxx = conj(X) .* X; % energy spectrum of x
Rxy = conj(X) .* Y; % cross-energy spectrum
Hxy = Rxy ./ Rxx;   % should be the freq. response
hxy = ifft(Hxy);    % should be the imp. response

hxy(1:Nh) 	    % print estimated impulse response
freqz(hxy,1,Nfft);  % plot estimated freq response

err = norm(hxy - [h,zeros(1,Nfft-Nh)])/norm(h);
disp(sprintf(['Impulse Response Error = ',...

err = norm(Hxy-fft([h,zeros(1,Nfft-Nh)]))/norm(h);
disp(sprintf(['Frequency Response Error = ',...

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Coherence Function in Matlab
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Matched Filtering