Lossy Finite Difference Recursion
We will now derive a finite-difference model in terms of string displacement samples which correspond to the lossy digital waveguide model of Fig.C.5. This derivation generalizes the lossless case considered in §C.4.3.
Figure C.7 depicts a digital waveguide section once again in ``physical canonical form,'' as shown earlier in Fig.C.5, and introduces a doubly indexed notation for greater clarity in the derivation below [442,222,124,123].
Referring to Fig.C.7, we have the following time-update relations:
Adding these equations gives
This is now in the form of the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) scheme analyzed in [222]:
Frequency-Dependent Losses
The preceding derivation generalizes immediately to frequency-dependent losses. First imagine each in Fig.C.7 to be replaced by , where for passivity we require
where denotes convolution (in the time dimension only). Define filtered node variables by
Then the frequency-dependent FDTD scheme is simply
The frequency-dependent generalization of the FDTD scheme described in this section extends readily to the digital waveguide mesh. See §C.14.5 for the outline of the derivation.
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Higher Order Terms
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Digital Filter Models of Damped Strings