Reflectance and Transmittance of a Yielding String Termination
Consider the special case of a reflection and transmission at a
yielding termination, or ``bridge'', of an ideal vibrating
string on its right end, as shown in Fig.C.28. Denote the
incident and reflected velocity waves by and
respectively, and similarly denote the force-wave components by
. Finally, denote the velocity of the
termination itself by
, and its force-wave
reflectance by

The bridge velocity is given by

![$\displaystyle \hat{\tau}_f(s) \isdefs \frac{F_b(s)}{F^{+}(s)}
\eqsp \frac{R_0[V^{+}(s)-V^{-}(s)]}{R_0V^{+}(s)}
\eqsp 1+\hat{\rho}_f(s)

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Power-Complementary Reflection and Transmission
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Evanescent Wave due to Total Internal Reflection