
program debug/execution not entering main

Started by k seshu babu in TMS320c6x22 years ago 1 reply

hi all i am using a DSK6711 kit. The problem is the program execution does not go to main instead it executes some assembly...

hi all i am using a DSK6711 kit. The problem is the program execution does not go to main instead it executes some assembly intructions before main and ultimately lands up at a memory location containing only NOPs plz let me know about this seshu

Damaged serial port

Started by silver_sparrow in TMS320c6x22 years ago

Hello, For a DSK6711 Somehow, I damaged the McBSP1 transmit clock, frame synch and data pins by trying to feed an Altera...

Hello, For a DSK6711 Somehow, I damaged the McBSP1 transmit clock, frame synch and data pins by trying to feed an Altera CPLD board. The scope for the 3 output signals from McBSP1 are only 1Vpp versus 3.3-3.5Vpp before the being damaged. Curiou

McBSP, please help

Started by Thanawach Reungnava in TMS320c6x22 years ago

DSPers, Dear all, I am trying to receive serial data using McBSP in DSP/BIOS. The problem is when the DSK6711 doesn't connect...

DSPers, Dear all, I am trying to receive serial data using McBSP in DSP/BIOS. The problem is when the DSK6711 doesn't connect to serial stream, the McBSP0_Receive interrupt that map to HWI11 unusually invoke. I would like to add that I haven't use Sample-Rate Generator,

AD535 audio codec and (E)DMA

Started by E Oliver in TMS320c6x22 years ago 2 replies

Hello, I use DSK6711 and I would like to program EDMA data transfers from/to the on board AD535 audio codec. I would be...

Hello, I use DSK6711 and I would like to program EDMA data transfers from/to the on board AD535 audio codec. I would be very grateful if someone could send me some C code example to do so. I am aware CSS contains some of this examples, but I don?t want to use CSS.

Re: RTDX problem

Started by Jeff Brower in TMS320c6x22 years ago 2 replies

Henrry- > Yeah, I aggree with you that XDS560 will also be > faster as the TI claim for this product. I have seen > XDS demo...

Henrry- > Yeah, I aggree with you that XDS560 will also be > faster as the TI claim for this product. I have seen > XDS demo movie for the XDS560, this demo movie is > demonstrating the XDS560 with DSK6711 and Daughter > Card to capture image from WebCam a

Problem with DSK6711 boot up .. is it broken?

Started by ron_zach in TMS320c6x21 years ago 2 replies

I was trying to burn the flash of my dsk so that I could have it run a certain program at boot up. I was using the ti flashburn...

I was trying to burn the flash of my dsk so that I could have it run a certain program at boot up. I was using the ti flashburn utility that is an update on the CCS website. I guess I did something wrong specifying the wrong file in the dialog box. Now when i boot up my DSK it

DSK6711 and microcontroller 8051

Started by Nalin K Pithwa in TMS320c6x21 years ago 2 replies

Hi, I am doing a project on TMS320C67x DSP starter kit with CCS2.1 on Win98. Simultaneouly, I have to code an 8051...

Hi, I am doing a project on TMS320C67x DSP starter kit with CCS2.1 on Win98. Simultaneouly, I have to code an 8051 microcontroller with a flash. Can I install the 8051 boards/software on the same PC which contains the C67x installation/CCS2.1. Will it create any c

Reading from SDRAM in c6711DSK

Started by ebraidotti in TMS320c6x20 years ago

Hello, I'm a student doing a project (an MP3 decoder) on a dsk6711 TI Board with the audio daughtercard A/D converter. ...

Hello, I'm a student doing a project (an MP3 decoder) on a dsk6711 TI Board with the audio daughtercard A/D converter. I'm having problems with loading an .mp3 file to the SDRAM memory... what should i use to send a .mp3 file directly from CodeComposer

Booting from ROM with CCS2.0

Started by Anonymous in TMS320c6x23 years ago

Hello all. I used to be working with CCS1.2 and was able to flash an application program to the FLASH ROM so that the DSK6711...

Hello all. I used to be working with CCS1.2 and was able to flash an application program to the FLASH ROM so that the DSK6711 becomes a stand alone system. However, I am running into problems with CCS2.0. That is, I followed the same process but I just could not flash the application

Code Composer v.2.1+ XDS560

Started by Henrry Andrian in TMS320c6x22 years ago 5 replies

Dear All, I have some question about Code Composer. Currently, I am using Code composer v.2.1 which is distributed together...

Dear All, I have some question about Code Composer. Currently, I am using Code composer v.2.1 which is distributed together with DSK6711. In my previous email, I have said that I have planned to buy XDS560. I just want to make sure whether XDS560 could work together within my

image processing problem

Started by Phaisit Chewputtanagul in TMS320c6x20 years ago 7 replies

I'm currently working on dsk6711 dsp board with code composer studio 2.0. I would like to input image file into dsp board for image...

I'm currently working on dsk6711 dsp board with code composer studio 2.0. I would like to input image file into dsp board for image processing purpose. are there any efficeint way to do it? sincerely,

problem in using timer interrupt at TSK

Started by ahmadagha23 in TMS320c6x19 years ago 1 reply

hi; I want to toggle LED_2 on DSK6711 every 0.4 second in the following manner: I use a task in which initializing timer1 as the...

hi; I want to toggle LED_2 on DSK6711 every 0.4 second in the following manner: I use a task in which initializing timer1 as the interrupt source (int15 in DSP/BIOS) to doing the "timer1int()" for toggeling LED_2. But when I run my program it sends a reset emulator message, or some times, it is running whitout toggling the LED_2. Do you know wh

Re: McBSP data transfer C6711 C6713 boards

Started by arda...@iies.es in TMS320c6x15 years ago

Mike and Vladimir, thank you, I have solved the problems with my McBSP reading your messages! Toni Hi everybody! > > I'm new in the DSP...

Mike and Vladimir, thank you, I have solved the problems with my McBSP reading your messages! Toni Hi everybody! > > I'm new in the DSP world and my entire life depends of this!! i have a very big trouble and i don't know how to fixed out... The questions is as follows: > > I have one dsk6711 and one dsk6713. I need to transfer data between them (an array with 128 elements) using McBSP.

Asking help for Goertzel Algorithm

Started by burin_burin in TMS320c6x21 years ago 1 reply

Dear all I am designing a 16FSK demodulator using DSK6711 and Goertzel Algorithm. The demodulator can detect correctly...

Dear all I am designing a 16FSK demodulator using DSK6711 and Goertzel Algorithm. The demodulator can detect correctly different frequencies when I use signal generator to generate different frequencies. However when I connect this demodulator to the modulator (using ano

Audio Application @ C6711

Started by jonasyu54 in TMS320c6x20 years ago 1 reply

Hello Everybody, I have some quesitons regarding 'ti/examples/dsk6711/bios/audio' Example 1-On page# 6 of SPRA598: An Audio...

Hello Everybody, I have some quesitons regarding 'ti/examples/dsk6711/bios/audio' Example 1-On page# 6 of SPRA598: An Audio Example Using DSP/BIOS, It is written that "As the audio function will just read a frame from DSS_rxPipe and copy it to a frame in DSS_txPipe. The transmit rate will be the same as the receive rate: 48 kHz

ping pong

Started by k seshu babu in TMS320c6x22 years ago

hi all I am using the DSK6711 and want to implement the ping-pong buffering on it.I am using the code from SPRA636A...

hi all I am using the DSK6711 and want to implement the ping-pong buffering on it.I am using the code from SPRA636A (Applications Using the TMS320C6000 Enhanced DMA.This code basically tests the reading and writing to the 2 sets of ping-pong buffers using channel 13 and 12 res

Configuration file??

Started by Fahim Sheikh in TMS320c6x22 years ago 2 replies

hi, I have incorporated a DSP/BIOS configuration file in my project on the format dsk6711. But after building the project, i...

hi, I have incorporated a DSP/BIOS configuration file in my project on the format dsk6711. But after building the project, i see a file "projectnamecfg.h" that has a definition #Define CHIP_6211 1 It seems that this file has been created by

using csl for edma setting at DSK6711

Started by ahmadagha23 in TMS320c6x20 years ago

hi friends I use the below program for setting up edma only by using csl library. it have been builds without any error.when i run its...

hi friends I use the below program for setting up edma only by using csl library. it have been builds without any error.when i run its run time message says that the target cant do priority 0 in qui edma. when i debuge the code I understand that the numbers that are defined in edmacfg0 config are not save to the related location in PaRAm but also

Re: [code-comp] can i use CCS3.1 with TMS320C6711dsk

Started by Jeff Brower in TMS320c6x18 years ago

Rachana- > sir i tried with the CD that came with DSK6711 which CCS2.1 version but my > program is not loading on it as we have evaluation...

Rachana- > sir i tried with the CD that came with DSK6711 which CCS2.1 version but my > program is not loading on it as we have evaluation version Please explain evaluation version? "Your program" is not loading? What type of error message are you getting? If you can connect to DSK 6711 using CCS 2.1, then in you're in good shape. Subsequent problems are in your configuration and cod

Cross-talk in PCM3003

Started by in TMS320c6x21 years ago 1 reply

I am working with a DSK6711 and a PCM3003 to develop an acoustic echo canceler. I have develop a loopback program and it seems to...

I am working with a DSK6711 and a PCM3003 to develop an acoustic echo canceler. I have develop a loopback program and it seems to work fine, but if I amplify the output of my PCM3003 a good cross-talk appears. Has anyone the some problem and/or knows how to solve it?