
Video Transmission over Hiperlan/2

Started by imihameed in Matlab DSP17 years ago

Hi, I am currently working on "Video Transmission over Hiperlan" as my final year MSc Dissertation. I tried to learn the demo of hiperlan in...

Hi, I am currently working on "Video Transmission over Hiperlan" as my final year MSc Dissertation. I tried to learn the demo of hiperlan in matlab and i simulated it as well. I am a new user of Matlab and at very begining stage. In this demo the first bolck that is called "Bernuli" is only generating a random binary number and upto my reasearch to transimit video , i would need to re...

FSK modulation

Started by John in Matlab DSP22 years ago 4 replies

I'tyring to generate a bit stream that will be modulated using an FSK signal. So far what I have is when I plotted the graph what I...

I'tyring to generate a bit stream that will be modulated using an FSK signal. So far what I have is when I plotted the graph what I have is not an FSK signal but a bit stream.... bit = round(rand(1,10)); % bit stream of random 1's and 0's bitperiod = 0.1; %bit period fs

Re: Hello friend Amit

Started by Amit Pathania in Matlab DSP18 years ago

ok let me try this one. suppose u want to choose the key based on the day and last 2 digits of some of your favorite people. assuming that the...

ok let me try this one. suppose u want to choose the key based on the day and last 2 digits of some of your favorite people. assuming that the matrix supports this key system in terms of dimensions. try this for a 256 X 256 image image_X = rand(256); % generating any random image of size 256 X 256 key = [randint(256,1,[1,31]), randint(256,1,[1,99])]; watermark_indices...

Using fft to obtain power spectral density of a gaussian distribution

Started by Anonymous in Matlab DSP23 years ago

Hi, I am currently writing this programme to simulate the AWGN using the rand function in C and the polar box muller algorithm. I...

Hi, I am currently writing this programme to simulate the AWGN using the rand function in C and the polar box muller algorithm. I managed to simulate a series of random numbers of gaussian distribution with variance 1 and mean 0. I would like to now test using fft the power spe

bootstrap statistical method

Started by corinnehartin1 in Matlab DSP17 years ago

Hi all, I just downloaded bstrap function in order to do bootstrap method. Does anyone have experience with this function? Essentially, what...

Hi all, I just downloaded bstrap function in order to do bootstrap method. Does anyone have experience with this function? Essentially, what I would like to do is to run the random data 100 times, average them together and take the rms value of each data point. The function is set up like this: function[res]=bstrap(b,f,fun,x,vargin) b=#of samples f=bootstrap sample size, fraction of t...

Re: Periodic Random bit with period n=15

Started by Vipperla Ravi Chander N Rao in Matlab DSP21 years ago

Hi, Giving a linear shift to periodic sequence is equivalent to giving the sequence in one period a circular shift (circshift...

Hi, Giving a linear shift to periodic sequence is equivalent to giving the sequence in one period a circular shift (circshift Note:This will work on columns of a matrix, so make necessary transposes as required). Let the original matrix be called 'a' and the shifted one 'b'.

random row sampling

Started by Cagin Kandemir Cavas in Matlab DSP17 years ago 2 replies

Hi all, Suppose I have a matrix X as follows, 2 3 4 1 8 7 6 2 1 2 5 7 4 7 2 ...

Hi all, Suppose I have a matrix X as follows, 2 3 4 1 8 7 6 2 1 2 5 7 4 7 2 3 Then how should I write a code to sample two row ramdomly (called Y) from that matrix. At last, I must have two matrix; X matrix must become 2x4 (with remaining row after sampling) and Y matrix (2x4). Please help me as soon as possible. Thanks i...

Single Port RAM in matlab

Started by Sanjay in Matlab DSP21 years ago 4 replies

Hi, I want to design a single ported RAM [Random Access Memory] in matlab. The Memory will have address, Data and Write...

Hi, I want to design a single ported RAM [Random Access Memory] in matlab. The Memory will have address, Data and Write Enable as a Input Port. Behaviour is if addr>=0 if WE == 1 X(addr) = din; end Dout <= X(addr);

Re: Colored Noise in Matlab

Started by rizw...@yahoo.com in Matlab DSP16 years ago

Hi tarang .. i need a bit more elaboration on colored noise .. can u please give a small code which can generate colored noise ?? thanx in...

Hi tarang .. i need a bit more elaboration on colored noise .. can u please give a small code which can generate colored noise ?? thanx in advance Ali Can anybody elaborate on this.if h(t) is the impulse response of the filter I have to send white Gaussian noise to it,in continuous domain .In matlab simulation I have to generate a vector of Gaussian random variables using randn and con...


Started by alma...@gmail.com in Matlab DSP19 years ago

Hi all, i m not clear about AWGN channel . most paper and book consider that channel is Gaussian and it has zero mean and N0/2 noise...

Hi all, i m not clear about AWGN channel . most paper and book consider that channel is Gaussian and it has zero mean and N0/2 noise spectral desnsity for eatch side. i just clear channel is random it has normal valriable(zero mean) and noise what is the meaning of two sided spectral density is it transmitter side as well as receiver side noise level. What is the relation between

variance of Brownian motion vector in Matlab

Started by fyrf...@yahoo.com in Matlab DSP16 years ago

Dear all, I have a problem computing the variance of a Brownian motion vector and matching it to the expression in Papoulis's "Probability,...

Dear all, I have a problem computing the variance of a Brownian motion vector and matching it to the expression in Papoulis's "Probability, Random Variable, and Stochastic Processes" for the variance of Brownian motion process. The code (below) results in a variance (averaged over 10000 realizations) that is approximately 2*pi smaller than what I expected from the book formula var(Brownian)...

Real Time Recurrent Neural Network Pseudocode.

Started by donj...@gmail.com in Matlab DSP15 years ago

Can somebody please point me to a published paper or a book where they discuss on how to readily code or implement a real time recurrent neural...

Can somebody please point me to a published paper or a book where they discuss on how to readily code or implement a real time recurrent neural network algorithm. It could be using gradient decent or discrete extended kalman filter. I need to use this for a signal estimation problem. My RTRL has one input (the input to estimate) which varies at random and one output. Please do not direct me toward...

Generating correlated data with a given power spectrum.

Started by "Orlando C. Rodriguez" in Matlab DSP17 years ago

Hi there. I'm working with realizations of random correlated data using a given power spectra (no correlation matrix is given). What I do to...

Hi there. I'm working with realizations of random correlated data using a given power spectra (no correlation matrix is given). What I do to perform such realizations is that I generate a vector of normally distributed data, calculate the fft of this vector and multiply that by the square root of the given power spectra. Then I make the ifft of this product, which I expect to represent...

A simple (maybe stupid) question :)

Started by One Winged Angel in Matlab DSP15 years ago

Hello everybody, Currently I have to generate random numbers with pdf like this: pdf(x) = a*exp( -a*(x-b) ) I just wonder can I...

Hello everybody, Currently I have to generate random numbers with pdf like this: pdf(x) = a*exp( -a*(x-b) ) I just wonder can I generate y with: pdf(y) = a*exp( -a*y ) and then let: x= y + b ? This question might be stupid. Sorry in advance ^ ^

Error using waverec when dwtmode set to 'per'

Started by MAST...@UWALUMNI.COM in Matlab DSP18 years ago

Hello, I have a question regarding the wavelet decomposition and reconstruction using the functions wavedec and waverec. I get an error during...

Hello, I have a question regarding the wavelet decomposition and reconstruction using the functions wavedec and waverec. I get an error during the reconstruction process when I set the dwtmode option to 'per'. The code I use is as follows: ----------------------------------- dwtmode('per') x = random('unif', 0, 1, 512, 1); [y, L] = wavedec(x, 9, 'db2'); x_rec = waverec(y, L, 'db2'); ---...

converting variable sampling rate to fixed rate

Started by cban...@gmail.com in Matlab DSP17 years ago 1 reply

I am working with a signal that was sampled at a variable rate and consists of an array of values and a separate array of sample times. The...

I am working with a signal that was sampled at a variable rate and consists of an array of values and a separate array of sample times. The sample intervals are random and are not multiples of any common value. I need to convert this signal to a single array with a known, fixed sampling rate. Does anyone have suggestions as to how I would go about this? Thanks, Chris

random phase updation in matlab

Started by shammashahbaz in Matlab DSP16 years ago

hi i want to update the constellation symbol's phase in matlab without explicitly identifying the imaginary and real components for example...

hi i want to update the constellation symbol's phase in matlab without explicitly identifying the imaginary and real components for example i want to update exp(2*Pi*j) to exp(4*Pi*j) without calculating its imaginary and real components ....how can i do this in matlab Thanx

How to model a noise floor with matlab?

Started by seba...@arcor.de in Matlab DSP19 years ago

I want to model a noise source with matlab. the spectrum should have an offset of 5 uV and a white distribution. I tried...

I want to model a noise source with matlab. the spectrum should have an offset of 5 uV and a white distribution. I tried so: mean=0; stddev=0.3; white = random('norm', mean, stddev, 1, 4096); % units [volts] and the spectrum: WN=fft(white)/4096; how can I add the 5uV offset to the spectrum in the time domain?


Started by pri in Matlab DSP17 years ago

Hi all, I am new to SIMULINK so can anyone please tell me how can I plot a graph of BER VS DISTANCE keeping the SNR constant in SIMULINK?...

Hi all, I am new to SIMULINK so can anyone please tell me how can I plot a graph of BER VS DISTANCE keeping the SNR constant in SIMULINK? With bertool,only ber vs snr graph can be obtained. The blocks that am using in my model are: 1. random integer generator 2.QAM modulator baseband (16-QAM) 3. AWGN channel 4. Free space path loss block 5. QAM demodulator baseband 6.E...

require matlab code

Started by ajitdada99999 in Matlab DSP16 years ago 1 reply

Hi. i require matlab code for following any random signal which is not modulate passing through awgn channel. now this noisy signal equalize by...

Hi. i require matlab code for following any random signal which is not modulate passing through awgn channel. now this noisy signal equalize by lms algorithm. obtain original signal. i did the following code; m = 3e2; x = randint(m,1);%%generate signal snr = 10; xnoisy = awgn(x,snr);%%add noise nweights = 7; stepsize = 0.5; alg = lms(stepsize);%% create lms object eqsignal = lineareq...