Reply by alberthcsiu April 7, 20082008-04-07
Hi All,

I am using the DSK6455 as my development platform. I try use the EDMA
to handle the data transfer via the MCBSP channel. I can transfer the
data perfectly if I use polling which poll the transmit and receive
ready flag of the MCBSP interface. I want to use the EDMA but not
polling to handle the data transfer. My program do not work when I
test it.

The problem is that the EDMA controller cannot receive the transmit
and receive complete event from the MCBSP. I have setup the PaRAM of
EDMA controller to keep check the MCBSP events. So I would like to
known does all the event of the DSP already map to the EDMA controller
or do I need to setup any register for mapping those events to the
EDMA controller.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Best Regards,
Albert Siu