Reply by July 26, 20072007-07-26
I'm using Spectrum Digital evaluation board with TMS320VC5509A. Currently i'm developing USB device driver on this platform. I'm using CSL library without DSP/BIOS and an example code for USB driver, which i downloaded from Spectrum Digital website.
My problem is following : I need two pairs of bulk enpoints, e.g. EP2 IN and OUT , EP3 IN and OUT . I implement the same code for each pair, but only EP2 is working. Any other endpoint that i tried besides EP2 do not response for events. They do not enter into handler function, which defined in USB_initEndptObj function.
>From the host side, the implementation is based on libusb 0.1.12. Set configuration and Claim interface functions are working fine, but if then i try to read/write any EP besides EP2, i receive error -22 ( invalid argument ).

Is anybody familiar with such issue? Can you help me to solve it ?
Maybe you have some other examples for such driver.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Dima Stolberg
R&D Engineer
Tel: +972-3-6093085
Fax: +972-3-6093089