Reply by Jeff Brower November 11, 20102010-11-11

> I don't know about CCS 4, but CCS2.2 in my directory
> \ti2\tutorial\evm6201\hostio1
> has what looks like a RTDX interface for communicating with the host.

EVM 6201 was back in the day when EVM boards allowed host access to HPI, so my guess is the "hostio1" folder is not
RTDX. After DSK 6711, TI starting bring HPI access out to a daughtercard header but not visible to the host.

> Maybe look for RTDX DLLs on the host that you can use for communication over
> JTAG ?

Ya I will do that. I was hoping to avoid adding RTDX libraries on the DSP side, but maybe it's the only way. Thanks.


> ________________________________
> From: Jeff Brower
> To: c...
> Sent: Thu, November 11, 2010 10:55:26 AM
> Subject: Re: [c6x] is there a CCS plug-in that allows a C program to access DSP
> mem?
> All-
> Or is it possible for our C program to access the CCS API, as a plug-in would?
> Like making DLL calls? Without using
> ActiveX, MFC, and other out-dated stuff...
> -Jeff
>> All-
>> Is there a CCS plug-in that allows a user-defined C program to access DSP
>>memory via the same JTAG connection as CCS?
>> The idea is that we can do something like this:
>> -our program, operating as a CCS plug-in, reads the
>> .out file (it can understand COFF format) and
>> downloads code to memory
>> -our program releases code to run (we're using C6472
>> booting in HPI mode)
>> -at certain points, the DSP code stops and waits and
>> our program writes data to DSP mem that the DSP
>> code needs in order to continue
>> We're using the EVM6472 board, CCS4, and SYSBIOS (BIOS6). Thanks.
>> -Jeff
