Reply by Joe Sababa July 5, 20032003-07-05
Create a new small axes object and use imshow to put
the picture in. For example:
axes('position',[0.1 0.85 0.1 0.1]),

BSTeX- Equation viewer for Matlab

--- nlauzier <> wrote:
> Hi!
> I need to put a logo in a GUI, but I don't want to
> make any image
> processing stuff on it. I've use the imread and the
> image commands
> but it takes a lot of time since matlab convert the
> picture in a
> matrix. Is there a way to "fastload" the picture in
> the GUI? I
> already have an axes in the gui that use the
> rotate3d ON, so if you
> could also help me on having the logo without the
> user being able to
> rotate it.
> Thank you
> Nicolas Lauzier >


Reply by nlauzier July 3, 20032003-07-03

I need to put a logo in a GUI, but I don't want to make any image
processing stuff on it. I've use the imread and the image commands
but it takes a lot of time since matlab convert the picture in a
matrix. Is there a way to "fastload" the picture in the GUI? I
already have an axes in the gui that use the rotate3d ON, so if you
could also help me on having the logo without the user being able to
rotate it.

Thank you

Nicolas Lauzier