Reply by Jeff Brower September 17, 20072007-09-17

> I'm getting stuck somewhere in the GBL_init module of DSP/BIOS. I know I get past the part where it calls the USERINITFXN because I am able to turn off leds up until my function calls RET (it's an assembly function). However, when I put code in the BIOS_init function after it calls GBL_init, my code never gets called. Here is the code from GBL_init including where it calls my USERINITFXN function (from gbl.h54):

Where is the RET statement that you mention? Don't you need something like:

.if __far_mode

Also, I hope you're right about DSP/BIOS using CPL set to 1. If it were me, I'd
*save* the state of the CPL bit before changing to C convention, then restore it to
whatever DSP/BIOS wanted it to be.


> .if (GBL_USERINIT != 0)
> ; USERINITFXN below is defined in GBL_config
> ssbx cpl ; CPL = 1 for C convention
> .if __far_mode
> fcall :USERINITFXN: ; (*fxn)()
> ; the 'fcall' instruction pushes a 2-word
> ; return address on the stack; the SP will
> ; be even on C function entry
> .else
> call :USERINITFXN: ; (*fxn)()
> ; the 'call' instruction pushes a one word
> ; return address on the stack; the SP will
> ; be odd on C function entry
> .endif
> rsbx cpl ; make CPL = 0 for BIOS environment
> .endif
> ;
> ; Calling TRC_init from here until there is at trc.cdb file.
> ;
> TRC_init
> ;
> ; fill memory using triples (nwords, addr, value) from
> ; gblinit table.
> ;
> ld #0, b
> .if __far_mode
> ldx #gblinit, 16, a ; a = far gblinit address
> or #gblinit, a, a
> .else
> rsbx sxm ; so 'ld #K,a' will not sign extend
> nop
> ld #gblinit, a ; a = gblinit address
> .endif
> loop0?:
> reada *(bl) ; b = nwords
> bc done?, beq
> add #1, a
> nop
> reada *(ar2) ; ar2 = address
> add #1, a
> nop
> reada *(ar3) ; ar3 = value
> add #1, a
> nop
> loop1?:
> mvkd #ar3, *ar2+
> sub #1, b
> bc loop1?, bgt
> b loop0?
> done?:
> ld #1, b
> .if __far_mode
> ldx #GBL_initdone, 16, a
> or #GBL_initdone, a, a
> .else
> rsbx sxm
> nop
> ld #GBL_initdone, a
> .endif
> writa *(bl)
> .endm
> Any ideas on what could be snagging here?
> Thanks,
> Jess Howe
Reply by September 13, 20072007-09-13
Hey all,

I'm getting stuck somewhere in the GBL_init module of DSP/BIOS. I know I get past the part where it calls the USERINITFXN because I am able to turn off leds up until my function calls RET (it's an assembly function). However, when I put code in the BIOS_init function after it calls GBL_init, my code never gets called. Here is the code from GBL_init including where it calls my USERINITFXN function (from gbl.h54):

.if (GBL_USERINIT != 0)
; USERINITFXN below is defined in GBL_config
ssbx cpl ; CPL = 1 for C convention
.if __far_mode
fcall :USERINITFXN: ; (*fxn)()
; the 'fcall' instruction pushes a 2-word
; return address on the stack; the SP will
; be even on C function entry
call :USERINITFXN: ; (*fxn)()
; the 'call' instruction pushes a one word
; return address on the stack; the SP will
; be odd on C function entry
rsbx cpl ; make CPL = 0 for BIOS environment

; Calling TRC_init from here until there is at trc.cdb file.

; fill memory using triples (nwords, addr, value) from
; gblinit table.

ld #0, b
.if __far_mode
ldx #gblinit, 16, a ; a = far gblinit address
or #gblinit, a, a
rsbx sxm ; so 'ld #K,a' will not sign extend
ld #gblinit, a ; a = gblinit address

reada *(bl) ; b = nwords
bc done?, beq
add #1, a
reada *(ar2) ; ar2 = address
add #1, a
reada *(ar3) ; ar3 = value
add #1, a
mvkd #ar3, *ar2+
sub #1, b
bc loop1?, bgt

b loop0?

ld #1, b
.if __far_mode
ldx #GBL_initdone, 16, a
or #GBL_initdone, a, a
rsbx sxm
ld #GBL_initdone, a
writa *(bl)


Any ideas on what could be snagging here?

Jess Howe