Reply by Abdul Malik Khan May 5, 20042004-05-05
May be something like this will work

tc = [0:0.01:2 * pi]; %Time step for Continous signal
td = [0 : 2 * pi]; %Time Step for the discrete
(Sampled Signal)

x2c = sin(18*tc + 180);
x2d = sin(18*td + 180);

x3c = sin(22*tc);
x3d = sin(22*td);

figure(1), plot(tc,x2c), hold on
stem(td, x2d), hold off

figure(2), plot(tc,x3c), hold on
stem(td, x3d), hold off amk

Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2004 22:49:06 -0000
From: "rockcorockman" <>
Subject: Help..Sampling continuous time signals

we have the following signals

x2 = sin(18*t + 180) 9 hz

x3 = sin(22*t) 11 hz

How do you sample each signal at a freq of 1 hz and
plot the result
on top original signal plot?

Any ideas would be appreciated!!

Thanks in advance!

rock __________________________________

Reply by rockcorockman April 2, 20042004-04-02
we have the following signals

x2 = sin(18*t + 180) 9 hz

x3 = sin(22*t) 11 hz

How do you sample each signal at a freq of 1 hz and plot the result
on top original signal plot?

Any ideas would be appreciated!!

Thanks in advance!
