Reply by stephen coffey April 7, 20042004-04-07

I am working with an EZ-LITE KIT for the BF353
Blackfin processor. As some of you might already known
the BF353 has two individual SPI ports. I am working
on connecting the BF353 up to a number of ADuC832
Micro Converters from Analogg Devices. About two
months ago SPI0 port failed to operate for some
unknown reason. It outputted a clock signal on the
SCK0 pin, but no information on the MOSI pin.

I began using the SPI1 port but now that has failed.
It outputs information on the MOSI pin but no clock
signal on the SCK1 pin. Has anyone had this kind of
problem while using the BF353 processors?

If so, can you help?


