Reply by collins September 18, 20012001-09-18

don't know if this is it. I get that message loading a programme onto the DSK
if I've forgotten to call the GEL routine DSK_init in Code Composer Studio.



Reply by September 16, 20012001-09-16
I have a C5402 DSK Card and having problems getting my assembly
programs going immediately to the start of the program upon a DSP

My example program is :

.sect ".vectors"
B main
.bss var,10

main: LD #1,A
again: STM #var,AR1
STM #4,AR2
loop: STL A,*AR1+
BANZ loop,*AR2-
ADD #1,A
B again My linker command file is:
PAGE 0: PROG: origin=0x0080,length=0XFF00
VECS: origin=0xFF80,length=0x007F
PAGE 1: RAM0: origin=0X0060,length=0x0020
RAM1: origin=0X0080,length=0x1380
RAM2: origin=0X1400,length=0xEC00
.vectors: {} > VECS PAGE 0
.text : {} > PROG PAGE 0
.data : {} > RAM1 PAGE 0
.bss : {} > RAM1 PAGE 0
} The project compliles okay. But when I load the resultant coff file,
a "data verification error at FF80 occurs". I think my problem is
with the vector memory definition in the linker command file. Is the
start of the vector area in the C5402 FF80 correct ? Looking at TI's
memory map of the C5402 it is correct, however, I have seen some
people use origin=0x0080 and length=0x0080 for vectors.

Can anyone set me straight ?

Maurizio Gencarelli
Royal Australian Air Force