Reply by Mike Rosing April 11, 20052005-04-11
On Mon, 11 Apr 2005, Syed Moinuddin wrote:

> Dear All,
> am trying to do fft on ADSP TS201S Ezkit. The code provided by
> Analog devices is as follows:
> Processor B is in infinite loop (doing nothing setting only syscon
> register)
> Processor A is doing FFT's.
> How can this code be modified so that both pocessors do fft on a given
> signal from (audio port) or from File.

There are many ways to do that. The simplest is to break up the problem
so each processor does independent sections. For example, A does even
rows and B does odd rows on an image. If you want to do sonograms, then
let A do even times and B do odd times. If they get out of sync it won't

If it were me, I'd set up A to read in and process the first batch (even
offsets) and let B read in a process the second batch (odd offsets) and
send the results out to different blocks of ram. You need some way to see
the results, let that processor reconstruct things. That way each
processor has the same code except there are 2 different pointers in them.
Much easier to debug.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Reply by Syed Moinuddin April 11, 20052005-04-11

Dear All,
am trying to do fft on ADSP TS201S Ezkit. The code provided by
Analog devices is as follows:

Processor B is in infinite loop (doing nothing setting only syscon

Processor A is doing FFT's.

How can this code be modified so that both pocessors do fft on a given
signal from (audio port) or from File. Regards
Syed Moinuddin