Reply by xiangyuanjiang2000 October 25, 20052005-10-25
I have a program about the pulse propagation
The program is:

I have a input gaussian pulse ,the form is A(0,t)exp[-(t-t0)

and it's fourier transform form is A(0,w)=sqrt(2*pi)*T*E0*exp[-

now when the pulse propagation along the z direction ,and in
position z,

the spectrum is A(z,w)=A(0,w)*exp[i*w*n(w)/c],

where the n(w) is the refrection index of the materials,it is
the function of w.

now how to get the time signal?

Is it A(z,t)=1/(2*pi)*int[A(z,w)*exp(-i*w*t)]?

and how to simulate it? Here int() is integration. w is the
angular frequency

can you hellp me?