Reply by Roger Flor September 20, 20022002-09-20

>From: "Art Johnson" <>
>To: "Roger Flor" <>,<>
>Subject: RE: [motoroladsp] newbie on motorola dsp 56f805
>Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2002 06:29:33 -0700
>Hi Roger, here are some answers to your questions.
>Art Johnson
>Senior Systems Analyst
>PMC Prime Mover Controls Inc.
>3600 Gilmore Way
>Burnaby, B.C., Canada
>V5G 4R8
>Phone: 604 433-4644
>FAX: 604 433-5570
> >1. Mixed assembly and C.
>. . . <snip>

Hello! Thanks for the info
>4. SPI
>Yes, the SCLK signal stops when there are gaps during transmission. This
>is not a problem because the SPI bus is a synchronous system, so the gaps
>have no effect on the slave devices.

Thanks. I just had to make sure that what I am seeing on the oscilloscope is
correct. The DSP56F80x doesn't explicitly mention this. >We use a software polling routine to determine when the transmission is
>completed. Since the SPI bus master is receiving data at the same time as
>it is transmitting, we wait for the SPI Receiver Full Bit (SPRF) to be set,
>this only happens when the data being transmitted has all been sent out.
>So, to send out a multi-byte packet we do the following:
>a) Enable the slave device chip select
>b) Loop to send each byte (receive timeout aborts the loop):
> - Write to the SPI Data Transmit Register (SPDTR)
> - Wait (with timeout) for the SPI Receiver Full Bit (SPRF) to be set
> - Read from the SPI Data Receive Register (SPDRR)
> - exit the loop when all data has been sent/received, or on a receive
>c) Disable the slave device chip select

Yeah, this is smart. Actually I am trying to run the SPI DA converter. And,
yes, I have seen that the Maxim AD is reflecting the data back to the master
SPI through the MISO pin.

Thanks a lot Mr Johnson.

I could see that you are very active in this discussion group. Hats off to
you sir

Reply by Art Johnson September 20, 20022002-09-20
Hi Roger, here are some answers to your questions.


Art Johnson
Senior Systems Analyst
PMC Prime Mover Controls Inc.
3600 Gilmore Way
Burnaby, B.C., Canada
V5G 4R8
Phone: 604 433-4644
FAX: 604 433-5570
Email: 1. Mixed assembly and C.
The Linker Command File "linker.cmd" determines where data is placed in memory.
There is one linker.cmd file for each build target, in the
{Project}\configextram and {Project}\configflash directories (and also in other
build targets if you have created them). The DSP56F805EVM project
timers\configextram linker.cmd file is shown below. All of the data in your
program is put into the ".xExtRAM" area from 0x2000 to 0xDFFF, so you can see
that there will be no conflict with your other data from 0x0000 to 0x001F (which
is in the ".xAvailable" area). You should also note that all data declared
inside a function (other than data declared as "static") is automatically placed
in the stack area ".xStack" by the CodeWarrior compiler (assuming the stack
pointer has been set to point to ".xStack"). So, your array "arr" and the
integers "i" and "j" will be located on the stack.

# Linker.cmd file for DSP56803EVM/DSP56805EVM External RAM
# using both internal and external data memory (EX = 0)
# and using external program memory (Mode = 3)


.pInterruptVector (RX) : ORIGIN = 0x0000, LENGTH = 0x0086
.pExtRAM (RWX) : ORIGIN = 0x0086, LENGTH = 0xFF7A

.xAvailable (RW) : ORIGIN = 0x0000, LENGTH = 0x0030
.xCWRegisters (RW) : ORIGIN = 0x0030, LENGTH = 0x0010
.xIntRAM_DynamicMem (RW) : ORIGIN = 0x0040, LENGTH = 0x07C0
.xReserved (R) : ORIGIN = 0x0800, LENGTH = 0x0400
.xPeripherals (RW) : ORIGIN = 0x0C00, LENGTH = 0x0400
.xFlash (R) : ORIGIN = 0x1000, LENGTH = 0x1000
.xExtRAM (RW) : ORIGIN = 0x2000, LENGTH = 0xC000
.xExtRAM_DynamicMem (RW) : ORIGIN = 0xE000, LENGTH = 0x1000
.xStack (RW) : ORIGIN = 0xF000, LENGTH = 0x0F80
.xCoreRegisters (RW) : ORIGIN = 0xFF80, LENGTH = 0x0080
#******************************************************************************* FORCE_ACTIVE {FconfigInterruptVector}


# Data (X) Memory Layout
_EX_BIT = 0;

# Internal Memory Partitions (for mem.h partitions)


# External Memory Partition (for mem.h partitions)

_NUM_EM_PARTITIONS = 1; # EM_ADDR_1 #*******************************************************************************
.ApplicationInterruptVector :
vector.c (.text)

} > .pInterruptVector
.ApplicationCode :
# Place all code into Program RAM

* (.text)
* (rtlib.text)
* (fp_engine.text)
* (user.text)

# SDK data to be placed into Program RAM

F_Pdata_start_addr_in_ROM = 0;
F_Pdata_start_addr_in_RAM = .;
pramdata.c (.data)
F_Pdata_ROMtoRAM_length = 0;
F_Pbss_start_addr = .;
_P_BSS_ADDR = .;
pramdata.c (.bss)
F_Pbss_length = . - _P_BSS_ADDR;

} > .pExtRAM
.ApplicationData :
# Define variables for C initialization code

F_Xdata_start_addr_in_ROM = ADDR(.xFlash) + SIZEOF(.xFlash) / 2;
F_StackAddr = ADDR(.xStack);
F_StackEndAddr = ADDR(.xStack) + SIZEOF(.xStack) / 2 - 1;
F_Xdata_start_addr_in_RAM = .; # Define variables for SDK mem library

FmemEXbit = .;
FmemNumIMpartitions = .;
FmemNumEMpartitions = .;
FmemIMpartitionList = .;
WRITEH(SIZEOF(.xIntRAM_DynamicMem) / 2);
FmemEMpartitionList = .;
WRITEH(SIZEOF(.xExtRAM_DynamicMem) /2);
# Place rest of the data into External RAM

* (.data)
* (
* (

F_Xdata_ROMtoRAM_length = 0;

F_Xbss_start_addr = .;
_X_BSS_ADDR = .;

* (rtlib.bss.lo)
* (rtlib.bss)
* (.bss)

F_Xbss_length = . - _X_BSS_ADDR; # Copy DATA

} > .xExtRAM
#******************************************************************************* FArchIO = ADDR(.xPeripherals);
FArchCore = ADDR(.xCoreRegisters);

2. Fractional arithmetic.
I haven't used this at all so I'll let someone else answer this question.
3. ISR's
There is an extremely good description of the interrupts in the on-line
documentation. Basically, I just read the documentation, did what they said,
and everything worked perfectly. You can start the on-line manual as follows:
Embedded SDK 2.5
Help and Documentation

In "Contents", go to:
Motorola Embedded SDK
Core Documentation
SDK Programmer's Guide
7 Interrupts

There is a huge amount of information in Chapter 7 Interrupts, far more than can
reasonably be put into an email. What I did was to print out the whole document
and read Chapter 7 several times, until I was confident that I thoroughly
understood the subject.
4. SPI
Yes, the SCLK signal stops when there are gaps during transmission. This is not
a problem because the SPI bus is a synchronous system, so the gaps have no
effect on the slave devices.

We use a software polling routine to determine when the transmission is
completed. Since the SPI bus master is receiving data at the same time as it is
transmitting, we wait for the SPI Receiver Full Bit (SPRF) to be set, this only
happens when the data being transmitted has all been sent out. So, to send out
a multi-byte packet we do the following:
a) Enable the slave device chip select
b) Loop to send each byte (receive timeout aborts the loop):
- Write to the SPI Data Transmit Register (SPDTR)
- Wait (with timeout) for the SPI Receiver Full Bit (SPRF) to be set
- Read from the SPI Data Receive Register (SPDRR)
- exit the loop when all data has been sent/received, or on a receive
c) Disable the slave device chip select

-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Flor [mailto:]
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 12:27 AM
Subject: [motoroladsp] newbie on motorola dsp 56f805 Hello everybody!

This is a very nice discussion group you have.

I am new to the motorola dsp 56f805

I have some questions. If you feel that the answers can be found in the
manuals, please direct me to the proper section. 1. Mixed assembly and C.

Say, I want to code in both C and assembly. Say, I used the first 32 word
of the Data Memory from 0x0000 to 0x001f by doing Move commands
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SIZE 10
int main(void)
int arr[SIZE] = {4,6,7,1,2,3,4,12,4,5};
int i,j;
move #$1234,X:$0000
; and
; so on
; until
move #$2cdf,X:$001f
The project was started using an EABI stationery.

How do I ensure that there will be no conflict in the use of data memory?
How do I make sure that the array will not use the space from $0000 to
2. Fractional arithmetic. According to the manual, fractions can be
represented in the DSP. $4000 can be interpreted as 0.5 . Say, I want to
input filter coefficients in data memory. From the values of the
coefficients, I will get the binary representation and then input them in
memory manually. Is this correct? Is there no other way to input fractional
values? Something that would do it automatically?

number to be represented: 0.0042
binary representation: 0000 0000 1000 1001
Instruction: move #$0089,X:0000

What if I want to represent a number more than the range, say, 100.2418
(decimal). How do I do it?

3. ISR's
Say, I start a project using an EABI stationery. If I have ISR's, is
changing the commands in the 56805vector_pROM.asm and 56805vector_pRAM.asm
the proper way to do it? Say, I am using an interrupt from Timer D Channel
0, is changing:
jmp M56805_intRoutine ; Timer D Channel 0 ($3C)
jmp FMy_interrupt_handler ; Timer D Channel 0 ($3C)
correct? Is this the only way to do it?

4. SPI

When I have gaps during transmissions, when I can not write data as soon as
the SPDTR is empty, does the SCLK signal stop too?

In the dsp56f805 EVM, the DA connected to the SPI has its chip select (/CS)
signal connected to the PB4 GPIO, is using one of the QUAD Timers the only
way to time the assertion and deassertion of the PB4 signal? When the SPTE
is set(Transmit data register is empty), does it mean that transmission is
also finished (i.e. does the slave receive all the bits transmitted right
after the SPTE in the SPSCR is set)?
Thanks and more power to the discussion group
Note: If you do a simple "reply" with your email client, only the author of this
message will receive your answer. You need to do a "reply all" if you want your
answer to be distributed to the entire group.

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Reply by Roger Flor September 20, 20022002-09-20
Hello everybody!

This is a very nice discussion group you have.

I am new to the motorola dsp 56f805

I have some questions. If you feel that the answers can be found in the
manuals, please direct me to the proper section. 1. Mixed assembly and C.

Say, I want to code in both C and assembly. Say, I used the first 32 word
of the Data Memory from 0x0000 to 0x001f by doing Move commands
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SIZE 10
int main(void)
int arr[SIZE] = {4,6,7,1,2,3,4,12,4,5};
int i,j;
move #$1234,X:$0000
; and
; so on
; until
move #$2cdf,X:$001f
The project was started using an EABI stationery.

How do I ensure that there will be no conflict in the use of data memory?
How do I make sure that the array will not use the space from $0000 to
2. Fractional arithmetic. According to the manual, fractions can be
represented in the DSP. $4000 can be interpreted as 0.5 . Say, I want to
input filter coefficients in data memory. From the values of the
coefficients, I will get the binary representation and then input them in
memory manually. Is this correct? Is there no other way to input fractional
values? Something that would do it automatically?

number to be represented: 0.0042
binary representation: 0000 0000 1000 1001
Instruction: move #$0089,X:0000

What if I want to represent a number more than the range, say, 100.2418
(decimal). How do I do it?

3. ISR's
Say, I start a project using an EABI stationery. If I have ISR's, is
changing the commands in the 56805vector_pROM.asm and 56805vector_pRAM.asm
the proper way to do it? Say, I am using an interrupt from Timer D Channel
0, is changing:
jmp M56805_intRoutine ; Timer D Channel 0 ($3C)
jmp FMy_interrupt_handler ; Timer D Channel 0 ($3C)
correct? Is this the only way to do it?

4. SPI

When I have gaps during transmissions, when I can not write data as soon as
the SPDTR is empty, does the SCLK signal stop too?

In the dsp56f805 EVM, the DA connected to the SPI has its chip select (/CS)
signal connected to the PB4 GPIO, is using one of the QUAD Timers the only
way to time the assertion and deassertion of the PB4 signal? When the SPTE
is set(Transmit data register is empty), does it mean that transmission is
also finished (i.e. does the slave receive all the bits transmitted right
after the SPTE in the SPSCR is set)?
Thanks and more power to the discussion group