Reply by ttqqzj April 19, 20052005-04-19

i'm testing whether can i write a data into flashfirst, I build a
project which is composed of a cmd file and a asm file. asm file
includes the following words
EMIF_GCR .equ 0x01800000 ;EMIF global control
mvkl EMIF_GCR,A4
|| mvkl 0x3300,B4

mvkh EMIF_GCR,A4
|| mvkh 0x3300,B4

stw B4,*A4
after I build, load the project, when I run the program, the valaue
in 01800000 is not 3300 but a srange valaue. But when I write data
to other address, for example, 01800004, the program runs properly.
what's wrong?

hold on line and wait for answer!
