Reply by sheppa28 May 22, 20072007-05-22
In the following Matlab routine:

% BandPass Filter
Wn = [1.5, 9]/(Fs/2);
[b,a] = ellip(6,0.1,40,Wn);
data = filter(b,a,fr_in);

% Plot the rms of the compressed data
cdata = zeros(length(data),3);
cdata(:,1) = ecompand(data(:,1),255,32768);
cdata(:,2) = ecompand(data(:,2),255,32768);
If any, which constants can be treated as variables and changed
slightly? And if so, what are some good bounds? Also, are there any
relationship between them that I should keep in mind (e.g. if I lower
one I have to increase another by xx percent, etc.)

Ok, maybe not-so-qick question...

