Reply by July 24, 20062006-07-24

One way of computing the syndrome of a (n,k) RS codeword is to evaluate
the received polynomial (vector) at the (n-k) roots of the generator

If the results are all zero, no detectable errors occurred and we
assumed that the received polynomial is a codeword (code polynomial),
otherwise errors occurred.
Basically, from the syndrome, a system of equations can be set up and
solved.  However, more efficient algorithms exist like the Euclidean
decoder and the Massey-Berlekamp decoder.

Hope this helps,

gvprathap wrote:
> I am trying to understand and design an RS Decoder. > Can anyone help me understand how the syndrome is computed and how does > the syndrome computation help in reducing the search to find the errors in > the input code word?
Reply by gvprathap July 22, 20062006-07-22
I am trying to understand and design an RS Decoder.
Can anyone help me understand how the syndrome is computed and how does
the syndrome computation help in reducing the search to find the errors in
the input code word?