Reply by November 26, 20082008-11-26
>Anyone can direct me how can I program the codes to have the UART working so that i can communicate with the PC using the hyperterminal.
>Or is there a reference or example code for the 533 UART so that i can study and from there code it. Thanks.
> Get your new Email address!
>Grab the Email name you've always wanted before someone else does!
> check out this program for u to work with hyperterminal

* sent.asm

/* Mark the beginning of a logical section mirroring an array of contiguous
locations in processor memory. Statements between one '.SECTION' and the
following '.SECTION' directive comprise the contents of a section. Here,
we place the global symbol '_main' and the associated code into the
'program' section.*/

#include "uartlib.h"
#include "sicnames.h"
* Example requires a simple hello-world string.
* Initialize on-chip SRAM at boot time accordingly.

.section data1;
.byte sHead[] = 13,10,'-------------------------------',
13,10,' Multirate Filtering using ADSP BF533',
13,10,'(DL =',0;
.byte sTail[] = ')',
.byte sEcho[]= 'Type any character. The Blackfin UART',
13,10,'returns the echo> ',0;
.align 4;
//.var aEchoFifo[16];
.var aEchoFifo[16];
.var buffer[16];
.var buffer1[16];
* Main program starts here!

.section L1_code;
//.extern decimc1;
.global _main;
//.global _sent;

start: [i3++]=r3;
end:nop; */

[--sp] = rets;

* First of all, initialize p0 to UART_GCTL register address.
* p0 must not be changed within this example

p0.l = lo(UART_GCTL);
p0.h = hi(UART_GCTL);

call uart_autobaud;

* r0 holds the timer period value, now.
* Apply formula DL = PERIOD / (16 x 8 bits) and call uart_init that writes
* the result to the two 8-bit DL registers (DLH:DLL).

r0 >>= 7;

call uart_init;

* Transmit a Hello World string and the content of the DL registers.

// p1.l = sHead;
// p1.h = sHead;
// call uart_puts;

* Note that r0 still contains the DLH:DLL value

// call uart_putreg; //COMMENTED
// r7= [i0++];
// p1.l = sTail;
// p1.h = sTail;
// call uart_puts;

* Wait until operation has finished completely. This is optional.

// call uart_wait4temt;

* Transmit another string, but use interrupt mode, this time.
* First TX interrupt channel must be assigned and enabled.
* Assign to EVT9.
* p3 points to the NULL-terminated string.
* Important: if you enable all three UART interrupts channels, it is
* recommended to keep this order of priorities:

p1.l = lo(IMASK);
p1.h = hi(IMASK);

// p3.l = sEcho;
// p3.h = sEcho;

* Register TX service routine at EVT9.

r0.l = isr_uart_tx;
r0.h = isr_uart_tx;
[p1 + EVT9 - IMASK] = r0;
* Unmask EVT9 interrupt.

r0 = [p1 + IMASK - IMASK];
bitset(r0, bitpos(EVT_IVG9));
[p1 + IMASK - IMASK] = r0;

* Enable UART TX interrupt and assign it to EVT9.
* Constants used below are defined in "sicnames.h" header.

p1.l = lo(SIC_IMASK);
p1.h = hi(SIC_IMASK);

r0.l = lo(IVG_SPT0_ERROR(15) | IVG_PPI_ERROR(15) | IVG_DMA_ERROR(15) | IVG_PLL_WAKEUP(15));
r0.h = hi(IVG_RTC(15) | IVG_UART_ERROR(15) | IVG_SPT1_ERROR(15) | IVG_SPI_ERROR(15));
[p1 + SIC_IAR0 - SIC_IMASK] = r0;
r0.l = lo(IVG_SPT1_RX(15) | IVG_SPT0_TX(15) | IVG_SPT0_RX(15) | IVG_PPI(15));
r0.h = hi(IVG_UART_TX( 9) | IVG_UART_RX(16) | IVG_SPI(15) | IVG_SPT1_TX(15));
[p1 + SIC_IAR1 - SIC_IMASK] = r0;
r0.l = lo(IVG_PFA(15) | IVG_TIMER2(15) | IVG_TIMER1(15) | IVG_TIMER0(15));
r0.h = hi(IVG_SWDT(15) | IVG_MEMDMA1(15) | IVG_MEMDMA0(15) | IVG_PFB(15));
[p1 + SIC_IAR2 - SIC_IMASK] = r0;

r0.l = lo(IRQ_UART_TX);
r0.h = hi(IRQ_UART_TX);
[p1 + SIC_IMASK - SIC_IMASK] = r0;

* Enable Interrupt Nesting.

[--sp] = reti;
* Finally enable interrupts inside UART module, by setting proper bits
* in the IER register. It is good programming style to clear potential
* UART interrupt latches in advance, by reading RBR, LSR and IIR.
* Setting the ETBEI bit automatically fires a TX interrupt request.

r0 = w[p0+UART_RBR-UART_GCTL] (z);
r0 = w[p0+UART_LSR-UART_GCTL] (z);
r0 = w[p0+UART_IIR-UART_GCTL] (z);

r0 = ETBEI;
w[p0+UART_IER-UART_GCTL] = r0;

* Wait until operation has finished completely. Again, this is optional.

call uart_wait4temt;

* Disable UART TX interrupt again, and enable UART RX interrupt and UART
* Line Error Interrupt.
* Simply echo all received characters back to TX.
* Disable nesting during the setup.

reti = [sp++];

p1.l = lo(IMASK);
p1.h = hi(IMASK);

* i0 and i1 are used to implement a little FIFO

i0.h = aEchoFifo;
i1 = i0;
b0 = i0;
b1 = i0;
l0 = length(aEchoFifo);
l1 = l0;
i2.h=buffer ;


* * Register RX service routine at EVT8 and error routine to EVT7.

r0.l = isr_uart_error;
r0.h = isr_uart_error;
[p1 + EVT7 - IMASK] = r0;

r0.l = isr_uart_rx;
r0.h = isr_uart_rx;
[p1 + EVT8 - IMASK] = r0;

* Mask EVT9 interrupt and unmask EVT7 and EVT8.

r0 = [p1 + IMASK - IMASK];
bitclr(r0, bitpos(EVT_IVG9));
bitset(r0, bitpos(EVT_IVG7));
bitset(r0, bitpos(EVT_IVG8));
[p1 + IMASK - IMASK] = r0;

* Enable and assign interrupts.

p1.l = lo(SIC_IMASK);
p1.h = hi(SIC_IMASK);

r0.l = lo(IVG_SPT0_ERROR(15) | IVG_PPI_ERROR(15) | IVG_DMA_ERROR(15) | IVG_PLL_WAKEUP(15));
r0.h = hi(IVG_RTC(15) | IVG_UART_ERROR( 7) | IVG_SPT1_ERROR(15) | IVG_SPI_ERROR(15));
[p1 + SIC_IAR0 - SIC_IMASK] = r0;
r0.l = lo(IVG_SPT1_RX(15) | IVG_SPT0_TX(15) | IVG_SPT0_RX(15) | IVG_PPI(15));
r0.h = hi(IVG_UART_TX(15) | IVG_UART_RX( 8) | IVG_SPI(15) | IVG_SPT1_TX(15));
[p1 + SIC_IAR1 - SIC_IMASK] = r0;
r0.l = lo(IVG_PFA(15) | IVG_TIMER2(15) | IVG_TIMER1(15) | IVG_TIMER0(15));
r0.h = hi(IVG_SWDT(15) | IVG_MEMDMA1(15) | IVG_MEMDMA0(15) | IVG_PFB(15));
[p1 + SIC_IAR2 - SIC_IMASK] = r0;

[p1 + SIC_IMASK - SIC_IMASK] = r0;

* Enable Interrupt Nesting.

[--sp] = reti;

* Finally enable interrupts inside UART module, by setting proper bits
* in the IER register. It is good programming style to clear potential
* UART interrupt latches in advance, by reading RBR, LSR and IIR.

r0 = w[p0+UART_RBR-UART_GCTL] (z);
r0 = w[p0+UART_LSR-UART_GCTL] (z);
r0 = w[p0+UART_IIR-UART_GCTL] (z);

r0 = ELSI | ERBFI;
w[p0+UART_IER-UART_GCTL] = r0;

* The following endless loop tests whether data is ready in the aEchoFifo
* and trasnmits it, if required. The FIFO is filled by the UART RX ISR.


r0 = i0;
r1 = i1;
CC = r0 == r1;
if CC jump echo;

r0 = [i1++];
// call uart_putreg;

r5=0x30; //if zero pressed jump below
if cc jump below;

r5=0x31; //else if 1 pressed go to above
if !cc jump echo; //else wait till a key is pressed

above: r0=r0+r3;
call uart_putc; //displays A - Z

cc=r0 if cc jump above;
jump echo;

call uart_putreg;

jump echo;

below: r0=0x30;
r3=0x1; //displays numbers 1 - 9
back: r0=r0+r3;
call uart_putc;

cc=r0 if cc jump back;
jump echo;

_main.end: nop;

* UART TX Interrupt Service Rouine.
* Load next byte from p3 pointer and moves it to THR register until
* p3 points to NULL character. Note that a write to THR clears the
* TX interrupt request.


[--sp] = r0;

r0 = b[p3++] (z);
CC = r0 == 0;

if CC jump isr_tx_done;

w[p0+UART_THR-UART_GCTL] = r0;

r0 = [sp++];



* Once a NULL character was detected, the transmission should stop.
* There is a need to clear the TX interrupt request. Since we don't
* want to write to THR again, we can clear the request by reading the
* IIR register. Note that system design needs to ensure that neigher
* an UART RX or Line Status interrupt should be pending!
* Note the double ssync instruction, required due to system latencies.


r0 = w[p0+UART_IIR-UART_GCTL] (z);

r0 = [sp++];




* UART RX Interrupt Service Rouine.
* When new data is received this ISR puts the new data into the aEchoFifo.
* Special handling is required for carriage return and backspace.
* Note that reading RBR clears the interrupt request.


[--sp] = r0;
[--sp] = r1;

r0 = w[p0+UART_RBR-UART_GCTL] (z);

[i0++] = r0;

// [i2++]=r0;

r1 = 8; // backspace
CC = r0 == r1;
if !CC jump isr10;

r1 = 32 (z); // blank
[i0++] = r1;

r1 = 8 (z); // another backspace
[i0++] = r1;


r1 = 13; // carriage return
CC = r0 == r1;
if !CC jump isr20;

r1 = 10 (z); // line feed
[i0++] = r1;


r1 = [sp++];
r0 = [sp++];


* UART Error/Line Status Interrupt Service Rouine.
* If an error is reported by the UART Line Status, then this ISR reads
* the LSR register to determine the cause of the error (and to clear the
* interrupt request).
* To indicate the error a 0xFF character will be written to the FIFO.


[--sp] = r0;

r0 = w[p0+UART_LSR-UART_GCTL] (z);

r0 = 0xFF (z);
[i0++] = r0;

r0 = [sp++];

Reply by ss ss October 26, 20082008-10-26

Mine version of VDSP is 4.5, silicon version 0.3. Thanks.

From: wallman16
To: ss ss
Cc: A...
Sent: Saturday, 25 October 2008 1:58:28
Subject: Re: [adsp] Blackfin 533 UART
Please Add the cc to the group you can share information .
Just check out the Register setting and the register definition in header files you will get to eliminate those errors .
And let me know with regards to version of VDSP++ and updates and silicon revision and other related information .
On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 6:30 PM, ss ss wrote:


Thanks for the code. But it seems like got errors, where I followed the readme doc.

Pls assist me for the errors thanks. Below show them.

------------ ----Configuratio n: STDIO_UART - Debug------- ---------
"STDIO_UART.c", line 294: cc0040: error: expected an identifier
unsigned short MSEL, SSEL, DF, VCO, SCLK;
"STDIO_UART.c", line 294: cc0040: error: expected an identifier
unsigned short MSEL, SSEL, DF, VCO, SCLK;
"STDIO_UART.c", line 301: cc0137: error: expression must be a modifiable
SSEL = tempPLLDIV & 0x000f;
"STDIO_UART.c", line 302: cc0137: error: expression must be a modifiable
DF = tempPLLCTL & 0x0001;
4 errors detected in the compilation of "STDIO_UART.c".
cc3089: fatal error: Compilation failed
Tool failed with exit/exception code: 1.
Build was unsuccessful.

onces\ again thanks.

From: wallman16
To: ss ss
Cc: ADSP@yahoogroups. com
Sent: Thursday, 23 October 2008 8:03:56
Subject: Re: [adsp] Blackfin 533 UART
Hi ,

Just Refer for VDSP++ sample code on VDSP++ 4.0 you will have a project called STDIO UART .
Hope it helps you .
It is been done in C .
I have attached the Sample code just in case you need it

With regards

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 11:08 AM, ss ss wrote:


Just to clarify. I need the example code to be coded in C language. Thanks.

From: ss ss
To: ADSP@yahoogroups. com
Sent: Thursday, 23 October 2008 12:12:56
Subject: [adsp] Blackfin 533 UART


Anyone can direct me how can I program the codes to have the UART working so that i can communicate with the PC using the hyperterminal.

Or is there a reference or example code for the 533 UART so that i can study and from there code it. Thanks.


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Reply by wallman16 October 25, 20082008-10-25
Please Add the cc to the group you can share information .
Just check out the Register setting and the register definition in header
files you will get to eliminate those errors .
And let me know with regards to version of VDSP++ and updates and silicon
revision and other related information .

On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 6:30 PM, ss ss wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for the code. But it seems like got errors, where I followed the
> readme doc.
> Pls assist me for the errors thanks. Below show them.
> ----------------Configuration: STDIO_UART - Debug----------------
> "STDIO_UART.c", line 294: cc0040: error: expected an identifier
> unsigned short MSEL, SSEL, DF, VCO, SCLK;
> ^
> "STDIO_UART.c", line 294: cc0040: error: expected an identifier
> unsigned short MSEL, SSEL, DF, VCO, SCLK;
> ^
> "STDIO_UART.c", line 301: cc0137: error: expression must be a modifiable
> lvalue
> SSEL = tempPLLDIV & 0x000f;
> ^
> "STDIO_UART.c", line 302: cc0137: error: expression must be a modifiable
> lvalue
> DF = tempPLLCTL & 0x0001;
> ^
> 4 errors detected in the compilation of "STDIO_UART.c".
> cc3089: fatal error: Compilation failed
> Tool failed with exit/exception code: 1.
> Build was unsuccessful.
> onces\ again thanks.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* wallman16
> *To:* ss ss
> *Cc:* A...
> *Sent:* Thursday, 23 October 2008 8:03:56
> *Subject:* Re: [adsp] Blackfin 533 UART
> Hi ,
> Just Refer for VDSP++ sample code on VDSP++ 4.0 you will have a project
> called STDIO UART .
> Hope it helps you .
> It is been done in C .
> I have attached the Sample code just in case you need it
> With regards
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 11:08 AM, ss ss wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just to clarify. I need the example code to be coded in C language.
>> Thanks.
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* ss ss
>> *To:* A...
>> *Sent:* Thursday, 23 October 2008 12:12:56
>> *Subject:* [adsp] Blackfin 533 UART
>> Hi,
>> Anyone can direct me how can I program the codes to have the UART working
>> so that i can communicate with the PC using the hyperterminal.
>> Or is there a reference or example code for the 533 UART so that i can
>> study and from there code it. Thanks.
>> Regards,
>> ------------------------------
>> Yahoo! Toolbar is now powered with Search Assist. Download it now!
>> ------------------------------
>> What do you consider a Singaporean?
>> Check it out quick on Yahoo Answers!
>> --
> Thanking you
> With best regards and wishes
> Vatsa
> ------------------------------
> New Email addresses available on Yahoo!
> Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.
> Hurry before someone else does!

Thanking you
With best regards and wishes
Reply by wallman16 October 23, 20082008-10-23
Hi ,

Just Refer for VDSP++ sample code on VDSP++ 4.0 you will have a project
called STDIO UART .
Hope it helps you .
It is been done in C .
I have attached the Sample code just in case you need it

With regards
On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 11:08 AM, ss ss wrote:

> Hi,
> Just to clarify. I need the example code to be coded in C language. Thanks.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* ss ss
> *To:* A...
> *Sent:* Thursday, 23 October 2008 12:12:56
> *Subject:* [adsp] Blackfin 533 UART
> Hi,
> Anyone can direct me how can I program the codes to have the UART working
> so that i can communicate with the PC using the hyperterminal.
> Or is there a reference or example code for the 533 UART so that i can
> study and from there code it. Thanks.
> Regards,
> ------------------------------
> Yahoo! Toolbar is now powered with Search Assist. Download it now!
> ------------------------------
> What do you consider a Singaporean?
> Check it out quick on Yahoo Answers!

Thanking you
With best regards and wishes
Reply by dennis noermann October 23, 20082008-10-23
It is a 2 years ago,

with the BF533 code there was only ASM Uart Code, but when you look in the
other CPUs Sample directories ther was a C Saple code for a familiar CPU
BF566 ore so i think.

If you dont find it, i can mail you my old BF533 project if i find it.


On Thu, 23 Oct 2008, ss ss wrote:

> Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 10:08:36 +0800 (SGT)
> From: ss ss
> To: A...
> Subject: Re: [adsp] Blackfin 533 UART
> Hi,
> Just to clarify. I need the example code to be coded in C language. Thanks.
> ________________________________
> From: ss ss
> To: A...
> Sent: Thursday, 23 October 2008 12:12:56
> Subject: [adsp] Blackfin 533 UART
> Hi,
> Anyone can direct me how can I program the codes to have the UART working so that i can communicate with the PC using the hyperterminal.
> Or is there a reference or example code for the 533 UART so that i can study and from there code it. Thanks.
> Regards,
Reply by ss ss October 23, 20082008-10-23

Just to clarify. I need the example code to be coded in C language. Thanks.

From: ss ss
To: A...
Sent: Thursday, 23 October 2008 12:12:56
Subject: [adsp] Blackfin 533 UART

Anyone can direct me how can I program the codes to have the UART working so that i can communicate with the PC using the hyperterminal.

Or is there a reference or example code for the 533 UART so that i can study and from there code it. Thanks.


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Reply by ss ss October 22, 20082008-10-22

Anyone can direct me how can I program the codes to have the UART working so that i can communicate with the PC using the hyperterminal.

Or is there a reference or example code for the 533 UART so that i can study and from there code it. Thanks.


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