Reply by peddamat September 11, 20062006-09-11
Hello Group,

I'm trying to use a general purpose timer to generate periodic interrupts
on the Blackfin BF561. I have the EZ-KIT, and I can't find any good
examples to accomplish this. I've read the manual and set the registers as
follows in the code snippet. 

I do clear the status bit in the timer0 ISR. I have the timer in PWM_OUT
mode. I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong cause it just won't trigger an

I *have* figured out how to get the core timer to interrupt properly.

<--- code snippet --->

   //p15-13 in processor hardware reference manual
   // 0000 0000 0001 1001
   // IRQ_ENA = 1   Enable the interrupt request.
   // PERIOD_CNT = 1
   // TMODE = 01 <- PWM_OUT mode   --cja
   *pTIMER0_CONFIG             = 0x0019;

   //SCLK = 2^27 or 133MHz
   //Clock Period = (TIMERx_PERIOD-1)/SCLK
   //Frequency = 1/Clock Period
   //TIMERx_PERIOD=SCLK/Freq - 1   <-- use this eqn  --cja
   *pTIMER0_PERIOD             = 0x0028F5C1;

   //This should be half of the period for 50% duty
   *pTIMER0_WIDTH              = 0x00147AE0;

   //Just enable timer 0 for now.
   //Here is the 561 code
   *pTMRS8_ENABLE |= 0x0001;

   //enables the core interrupt nask register
   *pIMASK |= 0x0400;

   // assign interrupt channel 35 (Timer0) to IVG10 (p4-35)
   *pSICA_IAR4 = Peripheral_IVG(35,10);

   // Timer0 ISR -> IVG 10   --cja
   register_handler(ik_ivg10, Timer0_ISR);

   // clear pending IVG10 interrupts
   *pILAT |= EVT_IVG10;

   // enable Timer0 interrupt (p4-35 hardware)
   *pSICA_IMASK1 |= SIC_MASK(3);

<--- code snippet --->


Chris Arges
Sumanth Peddamatham