Reply by gmukund_2000 January 31, 20022002-01-31
I was going thru a code for implementing the NLMS algorithm. I had
a few doubts about it. Why has the MATLAB 4 generator been called in
the first 2 lines. Why is the order of the adaptive filter 32? Is it
necessary to initially give a zero value to the weights of the
filter.I didn't find any change in the convergence rate when i ran it
with other non-zero initial values. There is a warning - log of zero
for the first line when i ran it.Please reply ASAP. I know these
doubts are very basic, but i have to get them clarified ASAP.
The code is given below:-

randn('seed', 0) ;
rand('seed', 0) ;

NoOfData = 8000 ; % Set no of data points used for training
Order = 32 ; % Set the adaptive filter order

Mu = 1.0 ; % Set the step-size constant

x = randn(NoOfData, 1) ;% Input assumed to be white
h = rand(Order, 1) ; % System picked randomly
d = filter(h, 1, x) ; % Generate output (desired signal)

% Initialize NLMS

w = ones(Order,1) ;

% NLMS Adaptation

for n = Order : NoOfData
D = x(n:-1:n-Order+1) ;
d_hat(n) = w'*D ;
e(n) = d(n) - d_hat(n) ;
w = w + Mu*e(n)*D/(D'*D) ;
w_err(n) = norm(h - w) ;
end ;

% Plot results

figure ;
plot(20*log10(abs(e))) ;
title('Learning Curve') ;
xlabel('Iteration Number') ;
ylabel('Output Estimation Error in dB') ;

figure ;
semilogy(w_err) ;
title('Weight Estimation Error') ;
xlabel('Iteration Number') ;
ylabel('Weight Error in dB') ;