Reply by Sven Jaborek June 20, 20062006-06-20

Additional information. I made the filter work with coefficients in
Bevor the change the array was declared in myfilters.h and used in
myfilters.c . Myfilters.c containes a method called by a main function
of course.

My fix now was to declare the array in the file with the main function
(global) and forward the pointer through a init function in myfilters.c.

The prama used was datasection.

I fixed it now, so it works. But i dislike the fact the array is a
global one. Can anyone understand why #pragma datasection(arrayname,
"iram") failed inside the myfilter.h and passed in the main-file?
I have not checked the hole memory map, but what i saw has been ok in
both versions.

regards, Sven

Am Samstag, den 17.06.2006, 18:41 +0200 schrieb Sven Jaborek:
> Hi All!
> i use fir filter from the ti dsplib with CCS 2.x. I rebuild it for my
> version of CCS allready.
> The filter works fine if i place input and output buffer in iram and the
> coefficients are in sdram.
> It was a accident to place the in sdram, so i wanted to benefit from the
> performance and changed #pragma so the array is in iram.
> But then the filter doesnt work anymore.
> I can not understand this, any suggestions?
> (Probably someone of you knocks on my blacklist filter, i receive
> bounces and needed to reactivate my yahoo group account once again.
> Can someone else answer, who (emailadress) posted the last messages.
> Thank you!)
Reply by Jeff Brower June 20, 20062006-06-20

> i use fir filter from the ti dsplib with CCS 2.x. I rebuild it for my
> version of CCS allready.
> The filter works fine if i place input and output buffer in iram and the
> coefficients are in sdram.
> It was a accident to place the in sdram, so i wanted to benefit from the
> performance and changed #pragma so the array is in iram.
> But then the filter doesnt work anymore.
> I can not understand this, any suggestions?

Just a guess, but maybe base address had N zeros (N=order of FFT) when in
SDRAM (for example, 0x80000000) but does not have that in internal SRAM.
I seem to recall the dsplib fir() functions use "modulo addressing" which
makes this requirement of both data and coefficient base addresses.

Also, just a comment: if you enable L2 cache, then leaving the
coefficients in SDRAM is not a bad idea -- would help conserve memory
usage. Once the coefficients are touched once during the FIR filter, they
will stay in cache for for the remainder of the FIR loop.

Reply by Sven Jaborek June 18, 20062006-06-18
Hi All!

i use fir filter from the ti dsplib with CCS 2.x. I rebuild it for my
version of CCS allready.

The filter works fine if i place input and output buffer in iram and the
coefficients are in sdram.

It was a accident to place the in sdram, so i wanted to benefit from the
performance and changed #pragma so the array is in iram.
But then the filter doesnt work anymore.

I can not understand this, any suggestions?

(Probably someone of you knocks on my blacklist filter, i receive
bounces and needed to reactivate my yahoo group account once again.
Can someone else answer, who (emailadress) posted the last messages.
Thank you!)