Reply by Ben July 9, 20042004-07-09


I wanted to answer one of you who have written me in private, but the
mail address was wrong, so I decided to write to all of you.

I was explained that the ETSI compression code for AMR was writing a 16
bits word to code one bit, but that a flag could be enable to reduce
this stuff, and use a RTP output instead.
That was true, but my misreading of the readme.doc (!!) have not brought
this fact to my awareness. A simple [#define MMS_IO 1] enable a
different processing, and creates really reduced files. Amazing !

However, I still have one question. This question probably comes from a
lack of knowledge of this implementation, but so far I have not found
the answer.
This AMR is called "adaptative". With the ETSI code, I find strange to
provide the program with the name of the mode. (One option is to give
only one mode, another is to create a file containing one mode per line,
with one line per sample.) I wanted to know what I have to do for the
program to chose the right mode by itself ?

Thanks !


PS ; for those who wanted to know more about this, I can tell that it
works ! Next step : real time with microphone input. Sounds serious !
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