Reply by January 15, 20072007-01-15
I'm trying to run the title board with LCD 2*16 via EMIF. I have the
>book of Mr. Rulph Chassaing and there is an example with LCD but it
>doesn't work. I have some experience with programming PIC
>microcontrollers bud not DSP processor. I know there is a lot of
>problems with time depandancies but have no idea how to start. Does
>anybody have any example program which can help me understand it or
>give me any suggestions how to start? Maybe this program is correct
>and I have hardware falt..I don't really know.

I am driving an 40x4 LCD with my DSK, but i use a cpld to drive it. I don' t know if emif timings are correct to drive an LCD directly. Using a CPLD allows you to create an 8 bit port, and you can drive it like many people do from the PC's LPT port. It is quite simple and you can find a lot of code on www. If you use an 8 bit port, you have to do 4-bit data interfacing to the LCD (i am assuming it is a common HD44780 based LCD).
For faster developement i suggest you to use the GPIO port of the DSK. Check how many lines of it are available on the DSK connectors and drive the LCD from there(4 or 8 bit if enought lines are available).
Reply by pajhiwo1 January 11, 20072007-01-11
I'm trying to run the title board with LCD 2*16 via EMIF. I have the
book of Mr. Rulph Chassaing and there is an example with LCD but it
doesn't work. I have some experience with programming PIC
microcontrollers bud not DSP processor. I know there is a lot of
problems with time depandancies but have no idea how to start. Does
anybody have any example program which can help me understand it or
give me any suggestions how to start? Maybe this program is correct
and I have hardware falt..I don't really know.