
The Discrete Fourier Transform of Symmetric Sequences

Neil RobertsonDecember 8, 2024

Symmetric sequences arise often in digital signal processing.  Examples include symmetric pulses, window functions, and the coefficients of most finite-impulse response (FIR) filters, not to mention the cosine function.  Examining symmetric sequences can give us some insights into the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT).  An even-symmetric sequence is centered at n = 0 and xeven(n) = xeven(-n).  The DFT of xeven(n) is real.  Most often, signals we encounter start at n = 0, so they are not strictly speaking even-symmetric.  We’ll look at the relationship between the DFT’s of such sequences and those of true even-symmetric sequences.  Note: for basics of using the DFT, see my last post [1].

Let x(n) be a causal sequence as shown in Figure 1 (top).  Let xeven(n) be an even-symmetric version of x(n), defined over n = -8:7, as shown in Figure 1 (bottom).  This sequence is centered at n = 0, and the first non-zero value occurs at n = -3.  The sequence is also referred to as a non-causal sequence, because it begins before n = 0.  Mathematically, the most straightforward way to find the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of this sequence would be to evaluate the DFT formula (see Appendix) over n = -8: 7.  We would then find that the spectrum Xeven(k) is real.  However, in this article, we’ll compute the DFT using the standard time index range of n= 0: N-1, which allows us to use the Matlab Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) function.  We’ll find Xeven(k) using two different methods.

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Method 1:  Time Shift

Given the causal sequence x(n), we can use the time-shifting property of the DFT to find the DFT of  xeven(n) .  For x(n) with DFT X(k), the time-shifting property is given by (see Appendix):

$$ x(n-N_0) \iff e^{-j2\pi N_0k/N}X(k) \qquad(1a) $$

Where X(k) is the DFT of x(n) and N0 is delay in samples.  We define normalized radian frequency ω = 2πf/fs, where fs is sample frequency in Hz and f = kfs/N.  We can then also write:

$$ x(n-N_0) \iff e^{-j\omega N_0}X(\omega) \qquad(1b) $$

Consider x(n) and xeven(n) shown in Figure 1.  xeven(n) is equal to x(n) advanced in time by N0 = 3 samples, so:

$$x_{even}(n)= x(n+N_0) \qquad (2)$$

Since we are advancing x(n) by N0 samples, Equation 1b becomes:

$$ x_{even}(n)=x(n+N_0) \iff e^{j\omega N_0}X(\omega) \qquad(3) $$

Thus, the DFT of xeven(n) is:

$$X_{even}(\omega) = e^{j\omega N_0}X(\omega) \qquad(4) $$

We can also write the converse of Equation 4:

$$X(\omega) = e^{-j\omega N_0}X_{even}(\omega) \qquad(5) $$

This equation shows that the DFT of a sequence x(n) having even symmetry with respect to its center sample is a real spectrum Xeven(ω) multiplied by a linear phase shift.  An example of this is the frequency response of a symmetric FIR filter with an odd number of taps.  Given an even-symmetric filter heven(n) with real frequency response Heven(ω), the causal filter’s frequency response is linear-phase:

$$H(\omega) = e^{-j\omega N_0}H_{even}(\omega) \qquad(6) $$

where N0 = (number of taps – 1)/2.  A symmetric FIR with an even number of taps also has linear phase [2].

Figure 1.  Top:  Causal sequence x(n).   Bottom:  Even-symmetric sequence xeven(n). 

Method 1 Example

In this example, we use Equation 4 to find the DFT of xeven(n) shown in Figure 1 (bottom), given the causal sequence x(n) of Figure 1 (top):

x(n) = [2 8 12 13 12 8 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]/57.

The Matlab code is listed below.  Note that the .* operator performs element-by-element multiplication of two vectors.

    fs= 1;             % Hz sample frequency
    N= 16;             % samples length of x
    x= [2 8 12 13 12 8 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]/57;    % causal sequence
    % compute DFT of causal x
    X= fft(x,N);       % DFT
    k= 0:N-1;          % frequency index
    f= k*fs/N;         % Hz frequency
    % compute DFT of x_even using time shift property of DFT
    w= 2*pi*f/fs;        % rad normalized radian frequency
    No = 3;              % samples time advance
    Xeven= exp(j*w*No).*X;    % Equation 4

The DFT of x(n) is plotted in Figure 2; we see that it is complex.  The DFT of xeven(n) is plotted in Figure 3; as expected, it is real.

Figure 2.  DFT of causal sequence x(n).  Top:  real part.   Bottom:  imaginary part.

Figure 3.  DFT of xeven(n).  Top:  real part.   Bottom:  imaginary part.

Method 2:  Periodic Extension in Time

Figure 1 (bottom) plots xeven(n), which has finite length N = 16 samples.  Its spectrum, which we computed using the DFT, is of course discrete, as shown in Figure 3.  You may recall that the Fourier Transform of a periodic signal is discrete.  The converse is also true:  the inverse Fourier Transform of a discrete spectrum is periodic.  So, mathematically, our finite-length xeven(n) can be viewed as periodic, with each period replicating its N samples [3].  This is shown in Figure 4, where the top plot shows xeven(n), and the center plot shows xeven(n) extended to be periodic.

Figure 4.  Top:  sequence xeven(n).  Middle:  periodic extension xp(n).  Bottom:  u(n) = xp(0:N-1) .

For our periodic sequence xp(n) we can state:

$$x_p(n+N)= x_p(n) \qquad(7) $$


$$x_p(N-1)= x_p(-1)     \qquad \qquad \quad $$

$$x_p(N-2)= x_p(-2), etc. \qquad(8) $$

If we define u(n)= xp(0:N-1), then u(n) is as shown in Figure 4 (bottom).  Conveniently, the time index n of u(n) matches that used in the DFT formula (see Appendix).  Note that u(n) has even symmetry with respect to N/2 = 8 (not including the sample at N = 0).  The DFT of u(n) is real, as we’ll show in the following example.

Method 2 Example

Here is the Matlab code to find u(n) given xeven(n), and compute its DFT.

    fs= 1;         % Hz sample frequency
    N= 16;         % samples length of x_even
    x_even= [0 0 0 0 0 2 8 12 13 12 8 2 0 0 0 0]/57;
    xp= [x_even x_even];        % periodic extension of x_even (2 periods)
    u= xp(9:24);                % u = xp over n= 0:N-1
    U= fft(u,N);                % DFT
    k= 0:N-1;                   % frequency index
    f= k*fs/N;                  % Hz frequency

x_even, xp, and u are plotted in Figure 4.  The DFT of u(n) is real and identical to the DFT we computed in Example 1; see Figure 3.

From Equation 8, xp(N/2: N-1) = xp(-N/2: -1).  That is, the samples of xp from N/2: N-1 match the negative-time portion of xp.  So, we can view the range n = N/2: N-1 as negative time, and any sequence with non-zero samples in this range is non-causal.  Common examples of non-causal sequences are any periodic sequence, such as a cosine.

If we form the bottom plot of u(n) in Figure 4 into a circle, we get the three-dimensional plot of Figure 5.  The symmetry with respect to n= 0 or n = N/2 is apparent.  The plot shows the equivalence of xeven(n) and u(n).  The plot can be viewed as periodic, with each period represented by one trip around the circle.

Finally, a word about odd-symmetric sequences.  An odd-symmetric sequence is centered at n = 0 and xodd(n) = -xodd(-n).  The DFT of such a sequence is pure imaginary.  Examples of odd sequences are the coefficients of FIR differentiators [4] and Hilbert transformers.

Figure 5.  Circular plot of u(n), N = 16.

For Appendix, see the PDF version.


1.Robertson, Neil, “Learn to Use the Discrete Fourier Transform”, DSPRelated.com, Sept, 2024, https://www.dsprelated.com/showarticle/1696.php

2.Mitra, Sanjit K., Digital Signal Processing, 2nd Ed., McGraw Hill, 2001, Section 4.4.3.

3.Lyons, Richard G., Understanding Digital Signal Processing, 3rd Ed., Pearson, 2011, Section 3.14.

4.Robertson, Neil, “Evaluate Noise Performance of Discrete-Time Differentiators”, DSPRelated.com, March, 2022, https://www.dsprelated.com/showarticle/1447.php

December, 2024     Neil Robertson

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