
Shelving Filter Design

Jeff T May 29, 20111 comment Coded in Matlab

This function will generate the coefficients for a single IIR biquad that is a "shelving" design.  Wierldy enough, this filter type is not part of the standard Matlab filter design toolbox.  These filters are commonly used is audio signal processing to create a graphic equalizer.

The nice part of this filter type is that it has a flat boost or gain above (treble shelf) or below (bass shelf)  a specific center frequency.  All other frequencies are 0dB.  So it is a nice way to emphasize or deempahize a large badwidth by a constant gain level.

See plots below to see what the magnitude response looks like:

function [b, a]  = shelving(G, fc, fs, Q, type)

% Derive coefficients for a shelving filter with a given amplitude and
% cutoff frequency.  All coefficients are calculated as described in 
% Zolzer's DAFX book (p. 50 -55).  
% Usage:     [B,A] = shelving(G, Fc, Fs, Q, type);
%            G is the logrithmic gain (in dB)
%            FC is the center frequency
%            Fs is the sampling rate
%            Q adjusts the slope be replacing the sqrt(2) term
%            type is a character string defining filter type
%                 Choices are: 'Base_Shelf' or 'Treble_Shelf'
% Author:    sparafucile17 08/22/05

%Error Check
if((strcmp(type,'Base_Shelf') ~= 1) && (strcmp(type,'Treble_Shelf') ~= 1))
    error(['Unsupported Filter Type: ' type]);

K = tan((pi * fc)/fs);
V0 = 10^(G/20);
root2 = 1/Q; %sqrt(2)

%Invert gain if a cut
if(V0 < 1)
    V0 = 1/V0;

if(( G > 0 ) & (strcmp(type,'Base_Shelf')))
    b0 = (1 + sqrt(V0)*root2*K + V0*K^2) / (1 + root2*K + K^2);
    b1 =             (2 * (V0*K^2 - 1) ) / (1 + root2*K + K^2);
    b2 = (1 - sqrt(V0)*root2*K + V0*K^2) / (1 + root2*K + K^2);
    a1 =                (2 * (K^2 - 1) ) / (1 + root2*K + K^2);
    a2 =             (1 - root2*K + K^2) / (1 + root2*K + K^2);

elseif (( G < 0 ) & (strcmp(type,'Base_Shelf')))
    b0 =             (1 + root2*K + K^2) / (1 + root2*sqrt(V0)*K + V0*K^2);
    b1 =                (2 * (K^2 - 1) ) / (1 + root2*sqrt(V0)*K + V0*K^2);
    b2 =             (1 - root2*K + K^2) / (1 + root2*sqrt(V0)*K + V0*K^2);
    a1 =             (2 * (V0*K^2 - 1) ) / (1 + root2*sqrt(V0)*K + V0*K^2);
    a2 = (1 - root2*sqrt(V0)*K + V0*K^2) / (1 + root2*sqrt(V0)*K + V0*K^2);

elseif (( G > 0 ) & (strcmp(type,'Treble_Shelf')))

    b0 = (V0 + root2*sqrt(V0)*K + K^2) / (1 + root2*K + K^2);
    b1 =             (2 * (K^2 - V0) ) / (1 + root2*K + K^2);
    b2 = (V0 - root2*sqrt(V0)*K + K^2) / (1 + root2*K + K^2);
    a1 =              (2 * (K^2 - 1) ) / (1 + root2*K + K^2);
    a2 =           (1 - root2*K + K^2) / (1 + root2*K + K^2);


elseif (( G < 0 ) & (strcmp(type,'Treble_Shelf')))

    b0 =               (1 + root2*K + K^2) / (V0 + root2*sqrt(V0)*K + K^2);
    b1 =                  (2 * (K^2 - 1) ) / (V0 + root2*sqrt(V0)*K + K^2);
    b2 =               (1 - root2*K + K^2) / (V0 + root2*sqrt(V0)*K + K^2);
    a1 =             (2 * ((K^2)/V0 - 1) ) / (1 + root2/sqrt(V0)*K + (K^2)/V0);
    a2 = (1 - root2/sqrt(V0)*K + (K^2)/V0) / (1 + root2/sqrt(V0)*K + (K^2)/V0);

%   All-Pass
    b0 = V0;
    b1 = 0;
    b2 = 0;
    a1 = 0;
    a2 = 0;

%return values
a = [  1, a1, a2];
b = [ b0, b1, b2];