
TI F281x SCI Configuration

Emmanuel February 4, 2011 Coded in C for the TI F28x

This piece of code contains a function which configures all the features of the SCI in TI F281x family. In this case it uses a baud rate of 9600 bps, no parity and 8 data bits. It is very simple to modify the code to change these parameters.

#include "DSP281x_Device.h"
* Function: InitSci()
* Description:  This function initializes F281x SCI. In this case the desired rate
*				is 9600 bps, 8 databits, 1 stop bit and no parity.
void InitSci(void)

/*** SCI reset	*/

	ScibRegs.SCICTL1.bit.SWRESET= 0;
/*** Setting the baud rate to 9600 bps assuming LSPCLK=150 Mhz */

	ScibRegs.SCIHBAUD = 0x07;		
	ScibRegs.SCILBAUD = 0xA0;

/*** Configuration for no stop bits, no parity and 8 data bits		*/

	ScibRegs.SCICCR.all = 0x07;
// bit 7 		0:		STOP BITS
// bit 6 		0:		PARITY
// bit 5 		0:		PARITY ENABLE
// bit 4 		0:		LOOP BACK ENA
// bit 3 		0:		ADDR/IDLE MODE
// bit 2-0 		111:	SCI CHAR

/*** Transmitter and receiver enabled	*/

	ScibRegs.SCICTL1.all = 0x03;
// bit 7 		0:		Reserved
// bit 6 		0:		RX ERR INT
// bit 5 		0:		SW RESET
// bit 4 		0		Reserved
// bit 3 		0:		TXWAKE
// bit 2 		0:		SLEEP
// bit 1 		1:		TXENA, HabilitaciĆ³n del transmisor
// bit 0 		1:		RXENA, HabilitaciĆ³n del receptor

/*** Tx and Rx interruption enabled 	*/

	ScibRegs.SCICTL2.all = 0x0003;
// bit 7 		0:		TXRDY
// bit 6 		0:		TX EMPTY
// bit 5-2 		0's:	Reserved
// bit 1 		1:		RX/BK INT
// bit 0 		1:		TX INT
/***Emulation mode configuration	*/

	ScibRegs.SCIPRI.all = 0x0010;

// bit 7-5 		0's:	Reserved
// bit 4-3 		10:		Emulation Mode
// bit 2-0 		0's:	Reserved

/*** SCI Reset		*/

	ScibRegs.SCICTL1.bit.SWRESET= 1;
/*** SCI interruptions enabled in PIE */

	PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER9.bit.INTx4= 1;	  
	PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER9.bit.INTx3= 1;	                
    IER |= 0x0100;              						


/**End of file*/