
VisualDsp++ 3.5 Far Pointers

Started by duhlynn February 4, 2004
I'm having problems getting internal memory far pointers to function
correctly with arrays stored in external memory using VisualDsp 3.5.


unsigned int far section ("extram2") ext_ram_testblock[3456];
//extram2 at address 0x800000
unsigned int far * aptERRER = NULL;

The following assignments...
aptERRER = ext_ram_testblock;
aptERRER = (unsigned int far *) ext_ram_test_block;

give me the following error...

INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR: Unequal Sizes passed to Cstoreop

The only assignment I can get to work is....
aptERRER = (unsigned int far *) &ext_ram_testblock[0];
and it assigns the wrong address.