
Codec channel delay?

Started by Devin D. Butterfield April 5, 2004
Hi all,

I'm still fairly new to DSP and I'm learning on a Blackfin BF535 Ezkit. I've
come across a strange problem and I don't have a clue what's causing it.

I wrote a simple program based on the "talkthrough" example code that just
uses a small lookup table to generate a sin wave on the codec outputs. I'm
writing the same samples to both codec channels, and the codec is talking on
SPORT0 with DMA. I discovered (by observing on a scope) that one of the
channels seems to be delayed from the other! If I put the scope in XY mode,
it actually draws an oval (but should be a strait line).

Even more interesting, I found that putting more delay in the program (by
running a delay loop that does 500 nops, for example) causes this offset
between channels to get even worse.

What could be causing this delay between codec channels? Why would it change
if the program takes longer to execute (due to a delay loop for example)?

Any thoughts?

Regards, Devin.