
Problem while realizing UART Communication Using SPORT with DMA MODE

Started by wyfchina2002 January 16, 2005

I need to complete UART Comm using SPORT by DMA mode.The DSP I
use is SHARC 21062.when receiving data,I encounter one problem which
doesn't happen everytime .But sometimes the Cx register doesn't
decounter anymore.So no interrupt generates and the program won't go
into the receive interrupt service program and the communication
HOW does this happened?and how can I fix it?plz help me.

On Sun, 16 Jan 2005, wyfchina2002 wrote:

> Hello,
> I need to complete UART Comm using SPORT by DMA mode.The DSP I
> use is SHARC 21062.when receiving data,I encounter one problem which
> doesn't happen everytime .But sometimes the Cx register doesn't
> decounter anymore.So no interrupt generates and the program won't go
> into the receive interrupt service program and the communication
> terminate.
> HOW does this happened?and how can I fix it?plz help me.
> thanks.
> samuel

Howdy Samuel,

See if any other registers are being set to zero, like the IMx or EMx or
ECx. The first 2 should not be a problem, but the last might be.

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Dr. mike