I'm afraid I am not at all familiar with the Blackfin. I would suggest
reading the manual section on the SPORT. Don't bother with the TDM section
as that is more complicated than what you want. Also, be sure to post
these questions to the list also since there are many others more
knowledgeable than me. Are you sure the Seimens modem is not and
asynchronous modem and is compatible with the SPOIRT interface?
At 01:32 AM 4/8/2005, you wrote:
>i wanted to use sport0 for setting the modem of
seimens company fpr the
>GSM use .which uses AT comands.
>one simple task
>i have an ex code for sport0 for codec but that is not helping me to
>understand the sport.y bcos the ex is on initialization of the link
>between SPORT0 on ADSpBF532 AND THE AD1836 stereo Codec.which is done in
>TDM MODE and Implementing a sample talk-through.
>according to my requriment can u help .
>using sport0 i have to transmit an word called 'AT' to modem ,this
>will respond automatically back with an relpy 'OK', on Terminal.as
it is
>already connceted sport0 to modem of seimens.
>plz any one help me to set this simple thing ,
>well i am using ADSPBF532 with Blackfin summit Ice on VisualDSp++ 3.1
>can u help me accordingly to above.
>just tell me the stepswhich one to intialize for transmiting and receving
>and for interrupts .
>i have gone thru the sport0 thing but it is not easyas UART i am not able
>to under stand how to use the status reg of sport and also config reg also.
>i will be wating for ur reply
>Thanks in Advance
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Steve Holle
Link Communications, Inc.
1035 Cerise Rd.
Billings, MT 59101
Re: hello sir help me
Started by ●April 8, 2005
Reply by ●April 8, 20052005-04-08
Hello all,
--- Steve Holle <sholle@shol...> wrote:
> knowledgeable than me. Are you sure the Seimens
> modem is not and
> asynchronous modem and is compatible with the SPOIRT
> interface?
Well, that's a good point to ask, thanks Steve. I was
assuming that the modem has an asynchronous
interface,a nd most commonly a UART for sending the
data to a host (PC, maybe?)
But maybe this modem has a special, synhronous,
SPI-like interface that can be direclty connected to
the DSP's SPORT.
Regards, Jaime Andr Aranguren Cardona
--- Steve Holle <sholle@shol...> wrote:
> knowledgeable than me. Are you sure the Seimens
> modem is not and
> asynchronous modem and is compatible with the SPOIRT
> interface?
Well, that's a good point to ask, thanks Steve. I was
assuming that the modem has an asynchronous
interface,a nd most commonly a UART for sending the
data to a host (PC, maybe?)
But maybe this modem has a special, synhronous,
SPI-like interface that can be direclty connected to
the DSP's SPORT.
Regards, Jaime Andr Aranguren Cardona