Hello all,
Correct me if i'm wrong, but SPORT's DMA is not able to
samples when we are in TDM mode ( or I2S actually ), since it's not 2D
capable ?
I can't find any trick that would allow me to de-interleave the
samples while receiving, without using the core, am i missing anything ?
Even worse, it seems that, if i am streaming 4 channels using TDM in
a 32*4 samples buffer , i will need an other 32*4 samples buffer to do
the de-interleaving since it seems rather complex to do the
de-interleaving inplace. Am i also missing any trick here ?
De-interleaving samples with SHARC 21369
Started by ●July 21, 2006
Reply by ●July 24, 20062006-07-24
On Friday 21 July 2006 19:05, Laurent wrote:
> Hello all,
Hi Laurent,
> Correct me if i'm wrong, but SPORT's DMA is not able to de-interleave
> samples when we are in TDM mode ( or I2S actually ), since it's not 2D
> capable ?
Using chained DMA might give you a chance to achieve this goal, I guess -
though it might "abuse" some ressources.
> I can't find any trick that would allow me to de-interleave the
> samples while receiving, without using the core, am i missing anything ?
I'm not familiar with this sort of de-interleaving, but did you take into
account, that accessing the DMA buffer from core requires addressing the
If the samples would have been de-interleaved already, you would certainly
address them with something like
r0 = dm(i0,m0), where i0 points to the buffer and m0 is 1, so that
auto-addressing points to the always next buffer, while the buffer is set up
as circular buffer (l0, b0 set accordingly).
Addresses would point to DMAbuffer, DMAbuffer+1, DMAbuffer+2, ...
The other approach with the DMA results not de-interleaved would just mean
that you set m0=2 (if you have two channels), which means that
auto-addressing would skip the other channel and point to
DMAbuffer, DMAbuffer+2, DMAbuffer+4, ...
If incoming and outgoing data channels are arranged in a paired manner, you
won't need any de-interleaving.
Works the same for 4 or more channels.
Does this help you?
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> Hello all,
Hi Laurent,
> Correct me if i'm wrong, but SPORT's DMA is not able to de-interleave
> samples when we are in TDM mode ( or I2S actually ), since it's not 2D
> capable ?
Using chained DMA might give you a chance to achieve this goal, I guess -
though it might "abuse" some ressources.
> I can't find any trick that would allow me to de-interleave the
> samples while receiving, without using the core, am i missing anything ?
I'm not familiar with this sort of de-interleaving, but did you take into
account, that accessing the DMA buffer from core requires addressing the
If the samples would have been de-interleaved already, you would certainly
address them with something like
r0 = dm(i0,m0), where i0 points to the buffer and m0 is 1, so that
auto-addressing points to the always next buffer, while the buffer is set up
as circular buffer (l0, b0 set accordingly).
Addresses would point to DMAbuffer, DMAbuffer+1, DMAbuffer+2, ...
The other approach with the DMA results not de-interleaved would just mean
that you set m0=2 (if you have two channels), which means that
auto-addressing would skip the other channel and point to
DMAbuffer, DMAbuffer+2, DMAbuffer+4, ...
If incoming and outgoing data channels are arranged in a paired manner, you
won't need any de-interleaving.
Works the same for 4 or more channels.
Does this help you?
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statements and comments.
Reply by ●July 24, 20062006-07-24
I am trying to transfer data from one TS201 processor to other TS201 processor in TS201 EZ Kit. I am using transmit and receive link-port channels for DMA. In EZ-KIT two processors are connected to each other from link port 2. So I use processor 0 DMA channel 6 for transmit, and processor 1 DMA channel 10 for receive purpose. But I could not achieve data transfer between processors. My code look likes as follows:
Exactly the same code is running in both processors except that in processor 0 TRANSMIT_DMA is defined otherwise RECEIVE_DMA is defined (ISRs for linkport2, and DMA channels 10 and 6 exist in the code).
Thanks for your valuable helps....
#include "sysreg.h"
#include "defts201.h"
typedef usigned int INT32U
#define DATA_LEN 256
#define DATA_SIZE 4
INT32U xr3_0[4], yr3_0[4];
INT32U dma_control[4]; // link port transmit
//#define RECEIVE_DMA
void init_dma()
INT32U imaskl, imaskh, i;
// Source
dma_control[0] = IntRAMData; // DI reg
dma_control[1] = (DATA_LEN << 16) | DATA_SIZE; // DX reg
dma_control[2] = 0x0; //DY reg
dma_control[3] = TCB_INTMEM | TCB_QUAD | TCB_INT;
// DMA interrupt setup
__builtin_sysreg_write( __UNDER__(IVLINK2) ,(LINK2_ISR));
__builtin_sysreg_write( __UNDER__(IVDMA6) ,(DMA6_ISR));
__builtin_sysreg_write( __UNDER__(IVHW) ,(HWERR_ISR));
imaskl = __builtin_sysreg_read(__UNDER__(IMASKL));
imaskl |= (1< imaskl |= (1< __builtin_sysreg_write(__UNDER__(IMASKL) ,imaskl);
imaskh = __builtin_sysreg_read(__UNDER__(IMASKH));
imaskh |= (1< __builtin_sysreg_write(__UNDER__(IMASKH) ,imaskh);
// enable global interrupt
asm("sqctlst = 0x4;;");
// Source
dma_control[0] = IntRAMData; // DI reg
dma_control[1] = (DATA_LEN << 16) | DATA_SIZE; // DX reg
dma_control[2] = 0x0; //DY reg
dma_control[3] = TCB_INTMEM | TCB_QUAD | TCB_INT;
__builtin_sysreg_write( __UNDER__(IVLINK2) ,(LINK2_ISR));
__builtin_sysreg_write( __UNDER__(IVDMA10) ,(DMA10_ISR));
__builtin_sysreg_write( __UNDER__(IVHW) ,(HWERR_ISR));
// DMA interrupt setup
imaskl = __builtin_sysreg_read(__UNDER__(IMASKL));
//imaskl |= (1< imaskl |= (1< __builtin_sysreg_write(__UNDER__(IMASKL) ,imaskl);
imaskh = __builtin_sysreg_read(__UNDER__(IMASKH));
imaskh |= (1< __builtin_sysreg_write(__UNDER__(IMASKH) ,imaskh);
asm("sqctlst = 0x4;;");
void start_dma()
INT32U reg32;
asm("xr3:0 = q[j31 + _xr3_0];;");
asm("xr3:0 = q[j31 + _dma_control];;");
// enable linkport 2 for trasmit
reg32 = __builtin_sysreg_read(__UNDER__(LTCTL2));
reg32 |= 0x1;
__builtin_sysreg_write(__UNDER__(LTCTL2), reg32);
asm("nop; nop; nop; nop;;");
asm("dc6 = xr3:0;;");
asm("dc10 = xr3:0;;");
//asm("dcs0 = yr3:0;;");
asm("xr3:0 = q[j31 + _xr3_0];;");
asm("yr3:0 = q[j31 + _yr3_0];;");
int main()
int i;
INT32U *ilathst;
long long dma_stat, reg;
dma_stat = __builtin_sysreg_read2(__UNDER__(DSTAT));
dma_stat >>= 18;
dma_stat >>= 38;
dma_stat &= 0x7;
if(dma_stat == 0x2){
// tranfer ok
I am trying to transfer data from one TS201 processor to other TS201 processor in TS201 EZ Kit. I am using transmit and receive link-port channels for DMA. In EZ-KIT two processors are connected to each other from link port 2. So I use processor 0 DMA channel 6 for transmit, and processor 1 DMA channel 10 for receive purpose. But I could not achieve data transfer between processors. My code look likes as follows:
Exactly the same code is running in both processors except that in processor 0 TRANSMIT_DMA is defined otherwise RECEIVE_DMA is defined (ISRs for linkport2, and DMA channels 10 and 6 exist in the code).
Thanks for your valuable helps....
#include "sysreg.h"
#include "defts201.h"
typedef usigned int INT32U
#define DATA_LEN 256
#define DATA_SIZE 4
INT32U xr3_0[4], yr3_0[4];
INT32U dma_control[4]; // link port transmit
//#define RECEIVE_DMA
void init_dma()
INT32U imaskl, imaskh, i;
// Source
dma_control[0] = IntRAMData; // DI reg
dma_control[1] = (DATA_LEN << 16) | DATA_SIZE; // DX reg
dma_control[2] = 0x0; //DY reg
dma_control[3] = TCB_INTMEM | TCB_QUAD | TCB_INT;
// DMA interrupt setup
__builtin_sysreg_write( __UNDER__(IVLINK2) ,(LINK2_ISR));
__builtin_sysreg_write( __UNDER__(IVDMA6) ,(DMA6_ISR));
__builtin_sysreg_write( __UNDER__(IVHW) ,(HWERR_ISR));
imaskl = __builtin_sysreg_read(__UNDER__(IMASKL));
imaskl |= (1< imaskl |= (1< __builtin_sysreg_write(__UNDER__(IMASKL) ,imaskl);
imaskh = __builtin_sysreg_read(__UNDER__(IMASKH));
imaskh |= (1< __builtin_sysreg_write(__UNDER__(IMASKH) ,imaskh);
// enable global interrupt
asm("sqctlst = 0x4;;");
// Source
dma_control[0] = IntRAMData; // DI reg
dma_control[1] = (DATA_LEN << 16) | DATA_SIZE; // DX reg
dma_control[2] = 0x0; //DY reg
dma_control[3] = TCB_INTMEM | TCB_QUAD | TCB_INT;
__builtin_sysreg_write( __UNDER__(IVLINK2) ,(LINK2_ISR));
__builtin_sysreg_write( __UNDER__(IVDMA10) ,(DMA10_ISR));
__builtin_sysreg_write( __UNDER__(IVHW) ,(HWERR_ISR));
// DMA interrupt setup
imaskl = __builtin_sysreg_read(__UNDER__(IMASKL));
//imaskl |= (1< imaskl |= (1< __builtin_sysreg_write(__UNDER__(IMASKL) ,imaskl);
imaskh = __builtin_sysreg_read(__UNDER__(IMASKH));
imaskh |= (1< __builtin_sysreg_write(__UNDER__(IMASKH) ,imaskh);
asm("sqctlst = 0x4;;");
void start_dma()
INT32U reg32;
asm("xr3:0 = q[j31 + _xr3_0];;");
asm("xr3:0 = q[j31 + _dma_control];;");
// enable linkport 2 for trasmit
reg32 = __builtin_sysreg_read(__UNDER__(LTCTL2));
reg32 |= 0x1;
__builtin_sysreg_write(__UNDER__(LTCTL2), reg32);
asm("nop; nop; nop; nop;;");
asm("dc6 = xr3:0;;");
asm("dc10 = xr3:0;;");
//asm("dcs0 = yr3:0;;");
asm("xr3:0 = q[j31 + _xr3_0];;");
asm("yr3:0 = q[j31 + _yr3_0];;");
int main()
int i;
INT32U *ilathst;
long long dma_stat, reg;
dma_stat = __builtin_sysreg_read2(__UNDER__(DSTAT));
dma_stat >>= 18;
dma_stat >>= 38;
dma_stat &= 0x7;
if(dma_stat == 0x2){
// tranfer ok