
Loading 48 bit instructions in the internal memory

Started by Kannan Subranian November 20, 2001
I have a loader file xyz.ldr (ascii format ie. list of 48 bit instructions)
file produced by the SHARC build process.
I included it in an array as follows:-

.segment/pm seg_prco;
.var app_file[8191] = "xyz.ldr";

I even declared the width of the segment "seg_prco" (where this array is placed)
as 48 bit wide.
And i have an utility which reads this data and programs the flash.

When i built this array along with the utility, i found that the array has been
treated as
32 bit data ( I loaded this application .dxe file in the emulator and viewed
the array "app_file")
I found that the LSB 16 bit data are filled with zeros for all the entries in
the array.

Any suggestions as how to place a sequence of 48 bit instructions in the
internal memory?


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