Hello Dexter and people of the group,
Ive just seen your email about the convol function. Im now with the same
problem, my results dont do any sense with the theory nor the Matlab. Ive just
do a test, and if I change the convol function by the corr_raw function (that do
the correlation, basically a convolution), it works good. And the dsplib.h are
on the header. Did you resolve your problem? I think the Texas DSPLib Users
Guide are incorrect too, because its make no sense the lenght of the
Guilherme Martinhon
Engenheiro Eletricista
Mestrando em Engenharia Elrica
ea: Instrumentao Eletrica
Laboratio de Ultra-Som
UNESP - Campus de Ilha Solteira
Re: Code Composer: symbol undefined "convol" (Dsplib.h was already
Started by ●September 20, 2006