Can someone help me regarding how to activate the HPI pins using c programming
on dsk5416 ? Thanks.
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How to apply HPI of dsk5416 to control an external device ?
Started by ●February 10, 2008
Reply by ●February 11, 20082008-02-11
> Can someone help me regarding how to activate the HPI pins using
> c programming on dsk5416 ? Thanks.
HPI is a slave / target interface -- it must be controlled by an external device.
You cannot move HPI pins using C code running on the DSP.
Check Out Industry's First Single-Chip, Multi-Format, Real-Time HD Video Transcoding Solution for Commercial & Consumer End Equipment: www.ti.com/dm6467
> Can someone help me regarding how to activate the HPI pins using
> c programming on dsk5416 ? Thanks.
HPI is a slave / target interface -- it must be controlled by an external device.
You cannot move HPI pins using C code running on the DSP.
Check Out Industry's First Single-Chip, Multi-Format, Real-Time HD Video Transcoding Solution for Commercial & Consumer End Equipment: www.ti.com/dm6467