
Re: Boot code with C

Started by Leigh Wells August 12, 1999
HI there.

I'm not sure about the origin of the errors, but I do notice one thing: The
documentation you refer to is for the 5x series, of which the 5402 is not a
member. 5402 is part of the 54x family. Maybe this has something to do
with why the example will not work properly.

Leigh Wells
Acoustic Positioning Research


> Hi
> I have tried to follow an example given by Texas to make boot code
> for a 5402 DSP. This example is described in "Bootload of C Code for the
> TMS320C5x" ( SPRA235.PDF ).
> I get warnings and errors when I link the code with this linker command
> file,
> but I have not found out why.
> Here is the command file:
> -c
> -f 0
> -stack 128
> -heap 1024
> -x
> -l rts.lib
> -l c54xdsp.lib
> {
> PAGE 0: PROG: origin=0x0800, length=0x37FF
> PAGE 1: DATA: origin=0x0060, length=0x07FA
> }
> {
> bootsect:{ rts.lib(.text) = 800h
> *(.text)
> .cinit=.;
> *(.cinit)
> .+=1;
> *(.bss)
> *(.stack)
> *(.sysmem)}load00h PAGE 0
> }