
Simple Band Pass Filter Transfer Function

Started by shoveyourass December 6, 2001

I am currently trying to implement a band pass filter to filter out
specific frequencies from input data from the microphone.

I have visited the sample in the codec.c program ( in TMS3205402

The code to get the data from the microphone is

data=*(volatile u 16*)DRR1_ADDR(HANDSET_CODEC);

and to convert it back to send to codec is
(volatile u 16*)DXR1_ADDR(HANDSET_CODEC)a;

But I have problems in :
doing a filter function on data.
COuld anyone please give any solutions or ideas to a simple band pass
filter transfer function I could try out.

Thank you.


The CD ROM with your DSK comes with the TI DSP Library Programmer's
reference routines installed in a directory called DSPLIB (you'll
probably need to download updates via the web (as my DSPLIB on the CD
ROMs I got were one rev old). Look at SPRU518 which has a description of
each routine, there are several filters. I have used iircas51 and got
correct frequency bandpass results on my 5402 DSKs.

Beware however that SPRU518 has many (MANY!!) typographical errors.



Todd Goldsmith
Principal Engineer
Acoustic Technologies, Inc.
1620 South Stapley Drive, Suite 201
Mesa, Arizona 85204
Ph (480)507-4378
Fax (480)507-4399
-----Original Message-----
From: shoveyourass [mailto:]
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 3:19 PM
Subject: [c54x] Simple Band Pass Filter Transfer Function Hi,

I am currently trying to implement a band pass filter to filter out
specific frequencies from input data from the microphone.

I have visited the sample in the codec.c program ( in TMS3205402

The code to get the data from the microphone is

data=*(volatile u 16*)DRR1_ADDR(HANDSET_CODEC);

and to convert it back to send to codec is
(volatile u 16*)DXR1_ADDR(HANDSET_CODEC)a;

But I have problems in :
doing a filter function on data.
COuld anyone please give any solutions or ideas to a simple band pass
filter transfer function I could try out.

Thank you.
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