
Re: flash burn

Started by Jeff Brower March 28, 2007
Ang Teik Boon-

> Hi, i am Ang here.now i change the .bss into SDRAM.and it can build. But when
> i try to burn the my program into flash.It got no error but got no desire output.
> can u know why?i suspect because i put my sound data into SDRAM.,

Suggest to boot your code so it loops just after entry to _c_int00, and at that point
use JTAG to take a look at the .bss section. If you don't see your sine-table data,
then you know it's Flash-related. Another thing to check is whether your data is
even getting into Flash in the first place. What are the sections output by
hex6x.exe? Do you see .bss listed? If not, then it may not be Flash related, but a
linker or run-time initialization setting.

> Jeff Brower wrote: Ang Teik Boon-
> Sorry Jeff,
> this is the size of my data.
> #define SINE_TABLE_SIZE_battery 3088
> #define SINE_TABLE_SIZE_light 1669
> #define SINE_TABLE_SIZE_door 2990
> #define SINE_TABLE_SIZE_warning 3083
> #define SINE_TABLE_SIZE_low 2717
> #define SINE_TABLE_SIZE_notclose 5689
> #define SINE_TABLE_SIZE_ison 2908
> #define SINE_TABLE_SIZE_welcome 4075
> #define SINE_TABLE_SIZE_deny 1477
> #define SINE_TABLE_SIZE_verify 3088
> #define SINE_TABLE_SIZE_pass 1669 when i add up all the sinetable, it is about 32453 of words.so it almost 32k words that i want to locate.When i check the internal memory, DARAM size of tmsvc5510 dsk, it has 8 daram blok with 4k words each and 32 SARAM block resulting 160K for internal memory.
> The linker is not going to use the additional onchip memory for you, which is why your 32453 words of data are competing with everything for available data (.bss) memory. You have to define the additional blocks as available for .bss data in your linker .cmd file. Another alternative is to declare your data with "const", then the linker will look for code memory (.const section, not .bss) to place the tables.
> -Jeff
> Jeff Brower wrote: Ang-First, regarding amount of memory you're allocating, you didn't answer my question. If you don't answer the question I can't help.Second, DSK 5510 card does have external memory (SDRAM, look on the card for U24).Also, please reply to the group. My job only permits me to reply via the group.-Jeff
> Ang Teik Boon wrote: hi Jeff:
> the data is like this:
> Int16 light[SINE_TABLE_SIZE_light] > {-768,-512,-768,-1280,-2304,-3328,-4608,-5120,-4864,-4352,-3072,-2048,-1024,-256,512,1792,3072,4096,5120,5376,5376,4864,4352,3840,3072,2560,1792,768,0,-256,-1024,-1280,-1792,-1792,-1792,-1536,-1024,-768,0,768,1536,2304,2560,2816,2816,2048,1536,256,-768,-2560,-4352,-5888,-7168,-8448,-9216,-9728,-9216,-7680,-5888,-3328,-768,1024,2816,4352,5888,7424,7936,8192,7424,6144,4864,3328,2304,1024,0,-768,-1536,-2048,-2304,-2048,-1280,-512,0,512,1280,2048,2816,3328,3840,3840,3584,2816,1792,512,-768,-2304,-3840,-5888,-7680,-9216,-10752,-11776,-11520,-10496,-8448,-5632,-2816,-256,1792,3584,5632,7168,8704,9472,9472,8704,7424,6144,4608,3840,2560,1536,512,-256,-768,-1024,- 1024,-768, -768,-512,0,0,256,512,768,1024,1280,1024,512,0,-768,-2048,-3072,-4352,-5376,-6912,-8192,-9984,-11008,-12032,-11008,-9216,-6656,-3328,-768,1280,3072,5120,6656,8448,9728,9984,8960,7680,5632,4096,2816,1792,1024,256,-256,-1024,-1280,-1024,-512,256,768,1280,1536,2048,2560,2816,3328,3328,2560,2048,256,-768,-2304,-
> 3328,-4864,-5888,-7424,-9216,-11264,-12544Int16 battery[SINE_TABLE_SIZE_battery] > {3072,3072,3840,4608,5376,5888,6144,7168,8192,8192,8704,8192,6912,6400,5120,3328,1792,768,-512,-2304,-5376,-8192,-9216,-10240,-13568,-16128,-17920,-17152,-17664,-18944,-17152,-8960,-1792,1024,4608,10752,15360,16128,12800,10752,9728,6400,1280,-2048,-3072,-3584,-4096,-3328,0,4608,8448,11264,14336,17920,18432,15616,13056,10240,5888,1792,-1792,-4608,-4352,-3328,-3584,-4096,-3840,-4352,-5120,-8960,-9728,-11520,-15872,-19200,-19712,-23296,-24832,-18432,-16896,-14336,-6400,512,3840,9472,14848,18176,17408,17664,16640,12288,7168,4096,0,-3840,-6656,-6656,-6912,-6144,-3328,0,2304,5120,8448,10240,10752,11264,10752,8704,6656,5120,2816,0,-2304,-4864,-7168,-8704,-11776,-15360,-17152,- 18944,-22016,-23296,-18944,-10752,-10752,-2304,6144,10240,11776,16384,16896,14848,10240,8960,3328,-2560,-5376,-6656,-9216,-8960,-5888,-2048,256,4096,8960,11008,11776,12544,12544,10240,7424,6400,5888,2816,1792,2560,1536,-768,-1792,-3328,-5120,-9472,-12032,-16128,-19712,-22528,-25344,-22784,-13312,-11520,
> -3328,5632,11008,13568,17152,17920,15872,1Int16 door[SINE_TABLE_SIZE_door] > {-256,0,256,512,768,1024,1280,1536,1536,1792,1792,1792,1792,1792,1536,1536,1280,1280,1024,768,512,512,256,0,-256,-256,-512,-768,-768,-1024,-1024,-1024,-1280,-1280,-1280,-1280,-1536,-1536,-1792,-2048,-2048,-2304,-2560,-2560,-2304,-2048,-1792,-1280,-768,-256,0,512,1024,1536,1792,2048,2304,2560,2816,2816,2816,2816,2816,2816,2816,2560,2560,2304,1792,1536,1280,1024,512,0,0,-256,-768,-1024,-1280,-1280,-1536,-1536,-1536,-1792,-1792,-1792,-1792,-1792,-2048,-2048,-2304,-2304,-2560,-2560,-2560,-2304,-1792,-1280,-512,0,256,1024,1536,1792,2304,2560,2560,2816,2816,3072,3072,3072,3072,3072,2816,2816,2560,2304,1792,1536,1280,768,512,0,-256,-768,-1024,-1280,-1536,-1792,- 1792,-1792,-1792,-1792,-1536,-1536,-1536,-1536,-1536,-1536,-1536,-1792,-2048,-2048,-2048,-1792,-1280,-768,-256,256,768,1536,1792,2304,2560,2560,2816,2816,2816,2816,2816,2816,2816,2816,2560,2560,2304,2048,1792,1536,1024,768,256,0,-256,-768,-1024,-1280,-1536,-1792,-1792,-1536,-1536,-1536,-1280,-1280,-1280,-1280,-1280,-1
> 280,-1536,-1792,-2048,-2304,-2304,-2048,-1Int16 warning[SINE_TABLE_SIZE_warning] > {-3328,-3584,-4352,-5120,-5376,-5120,-4608,-3328,-1792,0,1536,3328,4864,5632,6144,6144,5632,4864,3840,2816,1280,512,-256,-1024,-1536,-1792,-1536,-1280,-512,0,512,1280,1792,2304,2304,2304,1792,1280,256,-256,-1536,-3072,-4352,-5632,-6912,-8192,-8704,-9472,-9472,-9216,-8448,-6656,-4096,-1024,2560,5888,9216,11776,12800,13312,12032,10240,7680,4864,2048,-256,-2304,-4096,-5120,-5888,-5888,-5376,-4352,-2816,-1024,1024,3072,5120,6400,7424,7680,6912,5632,3840,1792,-512,-3072,-5632,-7936,-9984,-11776,-12800,-13568,-13568,-12544,-11520,-9728,-6656,-2816,1536,6656,10496,13568,15104,14592,13056,9984,6656,3328,256,-1792,-3328,-4608,-5120,-5632,-5632,-4608,-3584,-1536,768,3584,640 0,8448,947 2,9472,8192,6400,3840,1280,-768,-3072,-5376,-7680,-9728,-11776,-13568,-14080,-14080,-13056,-11520,-9728,-7680,-5888,-3584,0,3584,7936,11520,13312,13824,11776,8960,5120,1536,-1024,-2560,-3072,-2816,-2816,-2816,-2816,-3072,-2560,-1792,0,2304,4608,6656,8192,8448,7680,6400,4608,2560,512,-1792,-3840,-58
> 88,-7680,-8960,-10240,-10752,-10496,-9984,my device is tms320vc5510 dsk.
> i do not have external memory.
> but wat i can see to solve this problem is to put my size table into page 1 , 2 or page 3.but i dunno how ..please help.
> Jeff Brower wrote: Ang Teik Boon-> i facing this error:
> >
> > [Linking...] "C:\CCStudio_v3.1\C5500\cgtools\bin\cl55" -@"Debug.lkf"
> > What's the value of SINE_TABLE_SIZE_light + SINE_TABLE_SIZE_battery +
> SINE_TABLE_SIZE_door + SINE_TABLE_SIZE_warning + SINE_TABLE_SIZE_low ?What 55x device is this? It's possible you've declared too much .bss section data,
> so your other sections no longer fit. Do you have external memory available? If so
> you can force the sine tables into external mem, and keep them out of .bss section-Jeff>> error: can't allocate .rtdx_data, size 00000250 (page 0) in DARAM (avail:
> 000001a8)
> >> error: can't allocate .sysstack, size 00000200 (page 0) in DARAM (avail:
> 000001a8)
> >> error: can't allocate .trace, size 00000200 (page 0) in DARAM (avail:
> 000001a8)
> >> error: can't allocate .sysdata, size 00000178 (page 0) in DARAM (avail:
> 00000028)
> >> error: can't allocate .csldata, size 00000128 (page 0) in DARAM (avail:
> 00000028)
> >> error: can't allocate .LOG_system$buf, size 00000080 (page 0) in DARAM
> (avail: 00000028)
> >> error: can't allocate .pip, size 000000c8 (page 0) in DARAM (avail:
> 00000028)
> >> error: can't allocate .const, size 000000a0 (page 0) in DARAM (avail:
> 00000028)
> >> error: can't allocate .hst0, size 00000080 (page 0) in DARAM (avail:
> 00000028)
> >> error: can't allocate .idl, size 00000020 (page 0) in DARAM (avail:
> 00000004)
> >> error: can't allocate .log, size 00000014 (page 0) in DARAM (avail:
> 00000004)
> >> error: can't allocate .sts, size 00000010 (page 0) in DARAM (avail:
> 00000004)
> >> error: can't allocate .sys, size 00000010 (page 0) in DARAM (avail:
> 00000004)
> >> error: can't allocate .args, size 00000010 (page 0) in DARAM (avail:
> 00000004)
> >> error: can't allocate .hst1, size 00000010 (page 0) in DARAM (avail:
> 00000004)
> >> error: can't allocate .clk, size 00000008 (page 0) in DARAM (avail:
> 00000004)
> >> error: errors in input - ./Debug/tone.out not build.//the coding whose cause this error is the below: