
Hex55 utility v4.3.6 -b option

Started by Vikram Ragukumar February 11, 2011

I am trying to generate a binary file with boot table information using
Hex55 v4.3.6. This file will be used for Flash boot of a C5510 on a
custom module. The memory width of the Flash being used on the module is
16 bits.

This is the command line I am using

hex55 -boot -v5510:2 -parallel16 -memwidth -romwidth -delay000
-e=_c_int00 -o=tmsc55xx.rom -b tmsc55xx.out

Upon entering the above command line, I get the following error message

"fatal error: Binary format must have a memory width of 8 bits (aborting)"

Am I missing any options that are required in order to generate a binary
file with boot table for a memory width of 16 ?

Thanks and Regards,
DSP Systems Engr, Signalogic.

It turns out that the command-line below works fine on v3.2.2 hex55, and if you drop the "-parallel16" option for
v.4.3.6, the output is the same as v3.2.2.

Just a tools version / command-line issue. No fundamental reason why 16-bit binary format is not valid.


> I am trying to generate a binary file with boot table information using
> Hex55 v4.3.6. This file will be used for Flash boot of a C5510 on a
> custom module. The memory width of the Flash being used on the module is
> 16 bits.
> This is the command line I am using
> hex55 -boot -v5510:2 -parallel16 -memwidth -romwidth -delay000
> -e=_c_int00 -o=tmsc55xx.rom -b tmsc55xx.out
> Upon entering the above command line, I get the following error message
> "fatal error: Binary format must have a memory width of 8 bits (aborting)"
> Am I missing any options that are required in order to generate a binary
> file with boot table for a memory width of 16 ?
> Thanks and Regards,
> Vikram.
> DSP Systems Engr, Signalogic.