
DSK6416 sampling frequency

Started by vlad...@gmail.com July 27, 2010
I am using Simulink to access code composer studio, and then it writes directly my code to access the DSP board. What is the default sampling rate for the board? I think it's too small for my application and I want to modify it an 96 Khz. How can I modify it using Matlab Simulink or Code Composer Studio? The problem is that all my files are generated automatically by simulink and I don't know how to access them in order to change the sampling rate register in the AIC23 Codec. I aprreciate your help.


On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 5:03 AM, wrote:

> Hello
> I am using Simulink to access code composer studio, and then it writes
> directly my code to access the DSP board. What is the default sampling rate
> for the board? I think it's too small for my application and I want to
> modify it an 96 Khz. How can I modify it using Matlab Simulink or Code
> Composer Studio? The problem is that all my files are generated
> automatically by simulink and I don't know how to access them in order to
> change the sampling rate register in the AIC23 Codec. I aprreciate your
> help.

I think that the basic info is in the 6416 DSK tech reference doc. You may
have to refer to the AIC for the bit details.

If you just need to do a few writes, you could 'cheat' and do it in the GEL


