
TI's THS1206 EVM daughtercard

Started by steven9316 December 4, 2003
I am a student.
I got some interfacing problems.

I have been generated some sample code form CCS V2,0 by using
tool ->data converter support option.

They are , dc_conf.h , t1206_fn.h, tidc_api.h, t1206_ob.c and
tidc_api.c. as attached files.

I have some questions for the sample code in dc_conf.h file as

/************** dc_conf.h ****************/
/* ADC 1 parameter data */
#define ADC1_TYPE THS1206
#define ADC1_CR0_VALUE (0x0)
#define ADC1_CR1_VALUE (0x84)
#define ADC1_TRIGGER_LEVEL (4)
#define ADC1_NR_CHANNEL (1)
#define ADC1_SAMPLE_FREQ (1000)
#define ADC1_SHIFT (20)
#define ADC1_INTNUM (6)
#define ADC1_BUS_NONE
/* EMIF Interface parameters */
#define ADC1_ADDRESS (0xA0000000)
#define ADC1_RDSETUP (1) /* read */
#define ADC1_RDSTRB (4)
#define ADC1_RDHLD (1)
#define ADC1_WRSETUP (4) /* write */
#define ADC1_WRHLD (6)
#define ADC1_WRSTRB (3)
#define ADC1_TIM_PERIOD (0x0012)
/*****************************************************/ Q1: What is the exactly ADC1_ADDRESS value?

Q2: Is ADC1_SHIFT needed? Do I need to do data shift when I doing
read/write actions for little endian?

Q3: What kind of situations I may use ADC1_RDSETUP, ADC1_RDSTRB,
ADC1_RDHLD defined in dc_conf.h? Could you give me some hints or suggestions?

Maybe you have sample code ? Sincerely ,
